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Rules & Regulations


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For over 9 years now, this board has operated without clear guidelines, and many will agree this was an interesting anomaly & part of the board's charm. Recent years have seen an expansion in our numbers/international chapters, and sadly The F.A.Q. doesn't cover everything.


In the interest of keeping things fair & as objective as possible - given that I am a human, and friend to many of you here offline as well - I think it's time we at least put the minimum standards down. I've tried addressing each issue on a case-by-case basis; i.e., some of you who've been known to be more aggressive/chased members off in the past, i've treated as though you've got/should have thicker skin (JZA's a fine example, in past years). This has naturally led to confusion, and again, I'm not always going to be at the helm here, so it's important to have some ideas set to pass on.


That said, I know no one's eager to be told what to do, which works fine, since I loathe regulating behavior - so we're going to keep this as minimal as possible. The goal is to preserve an environment where we can have dick & fart jokes galore but still foster intelligent, mature discussion...but please remember this only works so long as everyone treats each other like mature, intelligent hondonians.


1) Content


- With the obvious exception of things like kiddie porn which conflict with common sense federal laws in the land this site is operated from, members have the right to speak on anything they like.

However, mods/admins have the right to split topics off deemed worthy of another thread, or more relevant to another discussion. As ever, appeals to both levels can be made, and your case will be heard. However, unless stated otherwise, I will defer to mod judgment.


- Trolling is also up to the mods/admin to define, but is generally understood as a deliberate attempt to sabotage/muck up a thread. After due warning, trolling posts can be moved to their appropriate forum. Those believing this to be censorship should familiarize themselves better with the term. Troll participation (joke accounts) are unable to vote, and can freely participate in forums until deemed otherwise by mods/admin (i.e., arch in politics) Rule of thumb: if you have to ask yourself "Am i trolling this thread?", you probably are.


-Posts/threads can currently only be deleted by myself, and only spam (sales/gibberish) and duplicate posts/topics are permanently lost. Members will not be censored on Hondo's by having their posts deleted


unless by drunken accident but otherwise totally serious here

. Likewise, only spammers are banned, so long as other reasonable means exist.


2) Etiquette


-If you have a problem with another Hondonian, it is highly encouraged you make peace with them & coexist, or directly message them and try to resolve it.

If you wish to make a show of it, it'll be Crap Shacked.  no one wants to see that. 


We've come a long way in recent times - members are now participating freely in the Politics board, for example, with the classic Jax/Joelian mudslinging dying down. In the wise words of TheLogan,

"Personally, if harkening back to the glory days of Hondos involves constantly drumming up some sort of drama, then fuck that noise. It's like a goddamn beauty parlor with all kvetching lately. I know that strife makes some people feel alive, but it makes me feel like doing something else."

I cannot tell you how many members who've left (and some who've come back) who echoed this.


Yes, you have the right to speak freely, but others have the right to come & go without the jerry springer drama unless they choose to visit The Shack.


-Signatures: we're working on honoring the old agreement. Hopefully, we'll have this comrpomise back up soon, please be patient in the meantime.


-Quoting: please do not quote entire books worth of text/images, specifically when you're the next person to reply. you can always reply to specific bits or do stuff like this:


and make scrolling through the boards easier on your fellow hondonians (bear in mind, some are viewing from mobile devices). Frequent violators of this will be mocked mercilessly.


-If you create a thread for an ongoing social event that is likely to have dozens of pages (Honods-Con, Werewolf games, etc), please update the first post as often as possible to keep members from having to read 30+ pages of chatting/talk to find relevant info like schedule of events, who's coming/who the wolves ate etc. If not, it is asked that mods/admin assistants do so at the end of your post.


-Please be respectul of the many Hondonains viewing/interacting from work, and tag topics "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work) accordingly; we've already been blocked from a few workplaces due to this in the past. It is asked that mods who catch NSFW posts mark the topic itself with that icon by editing the first post to contain it in the post icons secion (icon11.gif). Click at your own risk!

also, don't fuck up the Shoutbox for err'body.


-Spoiler tags: use them, even if JZA is going to spoil things for himself with them. Plus, they're way better now



that's pretty much it for now, I'll freely add more if needed


since im making this shit up as i go anyway.

. Really, a few suggestions aside, there shouldn't be anything new to the lot of you here, but feel free to berate me for trying to keep this place as free as possible without fucking anarchy openly discuss & question specifics or suggest things i've left off here. If terms seem kinda general/loose....that was my intention as well.

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You and I discussed this Nick, so I'm sure you'd appreciate adding the the Etiquette section: Don't reply with nothing but lame tired internet rebuttal memes like 'TL;DR' or 'Cool Story Bro'. Hondo's is remarkably good about this, and Nick and I were really just complaining about it's prevalence on other forums, but especially when you create a topic with a long, well thought out, even well research original post, it is really annoying for someone to reply with nothing but a cliched meme. It's fine to open your post with a meme, then follow up with an actual reply, but if all you have to contribute to a serious post is an O RLY owl macro AND NOTHING ELSE, just don't reply at all.

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- Trolling is also up to the mods/admin to define, but is generally understood as a deliberate attempt to sabotage/muck up a thread. After due warning, trolling posts can be moved to their appropriate forum. Those believing this to be censorship should familiarize themselves better with the term. Troll participation (joke accounts) are unable to vote, and can freely participate in forums until deemed otherwise by mods/admin (i.e., arch in politics) Rule of thumb: if you have to ask yourself "Am i trolling this thread?", you probably are.


What if you're contributing to the thread by taking the piss, can these be moved by a mod?

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What if you're contributing to the thread by taking the piss, can these be moved by a mod?


motherfucker, do you not see the crown upon my head


given that mods answer to me, and ive the ability to supersede them - yes, they could? but it wouldn't be a great way to get anything done, shy of a possible pissing match if we're in bad moods/etc. i like to think ive selected some pretty good mods, so per the previously mentioned warning thing, hopefully they'd take the road of something simple like a PM saying "hey man, you're kinda derailing this topic" etc; i'm a fairly reasonable guy and will likely back off with a bit of said perspective.

it's a fair question; idve thought the answer kinda obvious but then again, this thread wouldn't be here if that was truly the case.

also, if im using a troll account (not that this ever happens), i cant rightly move my posts back and show my hand, now can i?


....so after years, we're finally doing what I've been saying we should have done years ago.


Welcome to 2007, Nick smile.gif


god i was dreading this moment since this thread's inception, its like this is where gunsmith rubbed off the most on you


you were wrong in '07, but let it be known: always bet on the lowest common denominator in life, and eventually, it'll look like you're right, you horribly pessimist. :loopy:


Yep, the line we said we'd never cross... has been crossed. Welcome to...


benny...educate thyself.

added to the list of things im now saying aloud that shouldn't need this: 1) making a joke or having an unpopular opinion does not = trolling. repeatedly, say, crapping up a topic with criminally unfunny LOLcats or barf pics might, though. repeatedly shitting up a topic with one's venom/personal attacks likewise.

2) things being funny is like the exception to every rule ever. i saw 2T get away with breaking multiple forum rules in a single post in other joints and never so much as get looked at sideways, cause the shit was hilarious.

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not much has changed from '07 to now, Nick. You've simply come around to the view that some structure is necessary, and that's ok.


from then to now we've seen, what? Maybe 10 new posters? And how many posters have left since then? Probably like 5?


I was ribbing you about the 'welcome to my view three years ago' bit, but c'mon now. It was funny cos it was true

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You and I discussed this Nick, so I'm sure you'd appreciate adding the the Etiquette section: Don't reply with nothing but lame tired internet rebuttal memes like 'TL;DR' or 'Cool Story Bro'. Hondo's is remarkably good about this, and Nick and I were really just complaining about it's prevalence on other forums, but especially when you create a topic with a long, well thought out, even well research original post, it is really annoying for someone to reply with nothing but a cliched meme. It's fine to open your post with a meme, then follow up with an actual reply, but if all you have to contribute to a serious post is an O RLY owl macro AND NOTHING ELSE, just don't reply at all.

That makes me lulz in mah soul b/c Nick is king (KING!) of the .gif reply.




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  • 10 months later...

revisiting for current relevancy, before updates/events:


1) quoting large blocks of text (especially with images) is a shit idea. for the sake of my sanity & that of mobile users, only quote text relevant to what you're replying to; if you're the very next post, you prolly dont have to do much of this, either.

violations of this will be edited to reflect this, and -1'd. repeat offenses will be considered trolling. fair warning here.


2) in the tightrope-like game of balancing the desire to encourage/sustain mature discussion, along with the ever-present dick jokes (because taking the piss is also a part of our culture), TL;DR posts (or those demanding bolded sections/summaries) are also discouraged. with respect: your ego shouldn't be such that you demand your lack of anything to say be heard, and yes, i'd rather long, thought-out posts have fewer initial replies than be shat on.


if you don't think the environment affects the # of contributors, id point to the occasional mob of people we get in politics now that it's less hostile/focused on a few egos. you sure as shit don't have to care or even agree with what's being sad, but if you're not interested in discussing it, you're encouraged to walk on by and post in something that does strike you as interesting. same penalties as rule 1 here apply, as well as for the following rules.


3) if it wasn't fleshed out in my first post on this thread: no one cares about whatever personal beef you have with another member here. keep it in fight club (or better yet, crap shack) and let people go about their day; pot-shots and passive-aggressive (JZA clause: also, aggressive-aggressive) behavior will be moved to the appropriate place, if that's not clear.

roasts and shit-talking in good fun is fine, but no one deserves to be harassed unless it's hilarious.


4) likewise, active trolling - shitting up or otherwise derailing a thread - will be moved/splintered if continued. if you have to ask "am i trolling this thread?", the answer is likely yes. jokes which are actually funny are pretty much always welcome; discouraging people from sharing ideas isn't.


5) it's well known that banning is an absolute last resort here, often only used for spammers. However, those who repeatedly disrespect this site by violating rules are subject to temporarily being put in the Troll member group, which only allows posting in the Crap Shack. As i'm not interested in putting other grown-ups on time-out, efforts can be made to post or PM you asking you to respect the community here, but if no other answers are available, you can be put on a timed restriction from posting to either calm down or use any of the many sites (Livejournal, your facebook, whatever) to muck up.


I'm not looking to coddle or babysit those who don't have the chops to discuss opposing ideas with others here, and possibly take a joke while we're at it. Likewise, I'm long past the point of indulging massive egos here at the expense of both your fellow members and having a community that feels free to share even its more personal ideas.


I'm leaving this thread open to answer any specific questions here, though if we're being honest, I think i'm fairly clear here.

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I don't get the complaints about the rules Nick just posted. They seem to be a combination of simple decency and a desire for the forum to have fewer threads that go on for 100 pages because someone decided it was the place to post pictures of their trip to hawaii that's irrelevant. I don't think I'm doing any of these things anyway though so my response is one of "duh". Might have been guilty of #1 a few times while trying to reply from my phone though.

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I think these are all fair points up there... but aren't they just common sense forum rules? I was kinda taking for granted that they were being enforced. Unless I totally missed something (I tend not to pay attention much to forum beefs aside from the obvious political stuff in politics) it seems that things shouldn't really take a drastic change. There's a billion dickheaded forums all over the dickheaded internet and this is the one forum I know of that basically has prided itself on no rules and is the least dickheaded of all dickheaded forums. Although I'm sure that's due to the smaller atmosphere, but still counts for somethin right? I dunno, just ramblin' what I'm thinking.

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nah, you're spot-on, and i kinda said as much in the first post - guys like ASC flip their shit at the mere mention of stating the unspoken, but the truth is...we've grown a lot, and have people from all over with all kinds've perspectives about, with varying levels of familiarity & such. i cant PM every one of them everytime they do something they shouldn't, or assume they knew it, at this point. we've been ok with the NSFW rule, but a lot've the stuff i just went through...yeah, it should be self-evident, but it hasn't been in recent times.


this really sucks for me sometimes, because i post on a lot of those dickhead forums that ban for pretty much anything, and ive had to come to terms with the fact that some of them have discussions i can't have here, depending on the crowd, and more importantly, the egos present...but by trying to keep this place as open as possible, i've painted myself into a corner where most times, all i can do is slap someone on the hand, and then watch them lash out because nobody wants to lose face, and that becomes more important than the rest of the community, at that moment.


i busted logan's balls back there for his post, but truth is, he's right about one thing - if i'dve enforced some shit and say, would've put arch in time-out, we might still see mortis posting. we've lost more than a few people this way, and i've decided i'd rather be the bad guy sometimes than be paralyzed to do shit because of the chest-thumping elements of our culture that's festered here.

but yeah, appreciate your input; if anyone needs clarity - or any of this strikes you as out of field - say so, but try it constructively.


ps while i'm falling off of some christmas card lists here anyway: to panch (and anyone else interested in the awards), i'm hosting them this year, as it's gonna tie into a few events, but could definitely use some help.

however, in the years that follow, the ceremony's gonna need admin approval to prevent half-assery, regarding details like making sure the dates should line up, and if the host isnt providing award banners, they've secured someone artistic to do so. i'd honestly rather we skip a year if no one's ready than rush them out and have people not excited for the event.

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Man there's new rules, isn't it time for ASC to come passively-agressively threaten to leave again?


Some days I really wish the Knoll wasn't same as dead, but others like this thread, I really don't miss administrating things. Joel's good people, he just tends to not know when to pick his battles and fight for things he no longer cares about like Napoleon trying to take over Russia. Still, I gotta admit the big two tradgedies that cause so many knoll members to scatter like cockroaches were caused by or involving him (though I admit he was far more benign than Bunny and MusicManiac whom I do not miss in any form ever)

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ok, thread tidied up to stay on-topic & succinct for those just catching up. new thread for chatting is in town square, relevant bits reposted:


also, an addendum:


- past this post, i'm reinforcing no chatting in the suggestion box, previously stated penalties apply. we need to try to keep this corner succinct/tidy for people checking in & quickly catching up later.


ps the early reply to all the "why does NZA get to do (x) when we don't" posts: a helpful guide

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  • 1 year later...

gonna update the original post on a few things:


TL;DR & not reading the OP (original post) is a -1, with possiblities of your post being 'shacked. jokes are, as ever, fine - but if you're genuinely not interested in reading a lenghty thread & taking part, saying so and generally shitting up the thread won't be tolerated, as we're trying to foster discussion here.


Likewise, general shitposting/thread-derailing will see the same. actively derailing a topic (not the same as a splinter topic, which will simply be made its own, if viable) also doesn't encourage new threads/effort to connect with others, as stated in the first post. For clarity: these determinations are made at the admin/mod's discretion - while we can certainly discuss disagreements with these actions, it should be expected that they'll have final say.


also, several of you are ignoring the "do not quote videos/images/huge walls of text, especially on the same page" bit, i'm not going to keep giving warnings on that one - last i checked, we're seeing more mobile (phone/tablet) traffic than ever, so try to be mindful. If it's from over a page ago, i kind've understand, but at least try to filter it down so it's not massive.


that's it for now, trying to keep focus on these things as we grow.

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I'm in total agreement with the shitposting one. I know that walks a fine line with the board's views on censoring and whatnot, and it doesn't happen alot, but man when it does....


As for the quoting part, I do it alot out of absent mindedness (as I think alot of folks here do). It's just become a habit I think.

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