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Man I've been playin WoW all fuckin day. If they can't close their window in between flightpoints to post why they hate this or that then I think that they have larger priorities..... gold ain't gonna farm itself, yo.

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I think Ly warned once I may get sued for these kind of skylarkings

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i'd be concerned with Ly's thoughtless proselytizing, were it not for my greater understanding of how kertins' attention span/priorities work. preach on, sweet ly; there will always be more texans about - know that i will forever counter your highlander-esque efforts to be the only of your kind around here.

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...is the hondo's one not as exciting? that's a shame.

also, CJ might very well be a lost cause, but a quiet props to ly, axel and apparently baytor for partaking & still playing a part here with us. again, MH gets a pass from me, logans is going to have some peeved HR personnel to answer to, when i get done sorting all these volunteer applications.

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Harder to get others to start on another server, when they already have characters on their own (at least that's my take on why).


I'd be willing... seeing as my old accound got hacked and taken over by chinese gold farmers... Bastards!

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I say we need to break our friends free from this evil.


To do that, though, we must first understand the enemy. We need to to be brave and resolute and go into that infernal game and learn its secrets.


We should form a guild, as I said earlier, and raise up a few toons to the level cap. Different races and classes to get an idea of the various strengths and weaknesses. Of course, we won't really understand the game unless we're playing the full thing, so we'll need to get the expansions like Burning Crusade and Cataclysm too.


Once we've done some raiding together and formed some in-game friendships and helped and been helped by each other, we'll have enough knowledge to pull our friends out of that addictive mess and we can leave the World of Warcraft behind forever.


Of ocurse, we'll make sure we finish off our active quests first, but, yeah, For- EV -Er.


Oh yeah, and I can't speak for anyone else but that Epic Dragonscale PvP armour set thingy... I'll have to complete that too.


Plus there's that mount you get for winning the fishing tournament.


And I'd want my leatherworking skill to be maxed out too.

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