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HONDOSBAR...The Movie! Part III

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Now, this is not a casting I was expecting.



Is that a good or bad thing? I don't always go with 100% visual. I see them in a movie and say, "Heh, that reminds me of so and so..."


I've only spent a few hours with Angel, but this guy reminded me a little of him...and hell, put a pair of glasses on him...

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You've been far too generous in my casting Aarty :)


I totally see the resemblance in the second shot of Frankie.


He'll kick my ass for saying this, (hehe, pun for the win!) but I've always thought Mr Sexy Hat looked a bit like Kick Gurry from Speed Racer - but in his early years.


Edited by Arnah
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I actually can't think of a celebrity I look like. Years ago, I had a shitty telemarketing gig and there was this black guy who loudly asked me one day:


"You know that big goofy motherfucker on Night Court? You remember that show? What's that guy's name?"


"Oh, yeah...uh...Bull!"


"Yeah, Bull. You look like Bull walkin' into this shit. HAHAHAHAHA!"

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This Night court you guys speak of. Having never seen it, is it worthwhile? Seems like an arright premise.



Ehhhhhh. I watched it religiously as a kid in the late 80's, but every time I revisit shit from that era it never really works out.


I suspect it probably isn't much of a show. I may be horribly wrong.

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I could see it, though only when he's without the Jewfro and a little on the heavy side. Pretty much Seth Rogen in Observe and Report.


What, regrown hair's made you too good to be Jared Lee Loughren now?


Other than the shaved head and the fact that we both have the eyes of a rapist there's really not many similarities.

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It could actually see it.

You mean Logan as Mac from Night Court? I know!


I look like a cross between that ugly bastard from Alias/Clerks 2 and George Wendt.

Really? Did the cancer treatment do something to your face or are you just being hyper-self-effacing? I've looked for about 10 minutes online and couldn't find a dead-ringer, but what about this Clark Duke kid? Huh? Closer than the crossbred hellspawn you'd have to be for the hybrid you suggested.







By the way, this is me trying to be complimentary towards you. I've not had much practice, so please pardon me if I wasn't that good at it.

Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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