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Games I Just Beat

Ron Hightower

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...alright, back in the gamefly queue it goes. the way you tell it, i mean...i really dug Heavy Rain for some similar reasons, and holy shit that game was flawed as fuck in some key elements.

i can totally see the Rockstar = big open worlds thing being a problem for people going into this one too, i recall when i was readying about the idea years ago (while it was still a ps3 exclusive! haha) and thinking noir was another setting i'd be down for an open world in, if it could be pulled off. maybe another game'll try that at some point.

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It took me a little bit to warm up to. I think I had the opposite reaction. Initially, it was just frustratingly clunky and tedious, marching over to every piece of trash on the street and holding it up to check for evidence.

By the time I got to the second disc, I had solved my pacing issues and grown patient. I suspect a lot of these complaints come from cases becoming more complex. If you aren't on your game, then yeah, shit's gonna drag.

It's almost like an "easy mode" adventure game. It pretty much pushes you right along, and by and large your decisions are meaningless. You get to cheat and use "intuition" if you're stumped, which either shows you every clue in an area on your map or polls the community for a proper response (which really means, "gives you the correct answer" because you always just go with the highest percentage).

Any kind of cohesive plot or arcing characterization vaguely takes place only in cutscenes until disc 3. The plot consists of individual stories in cases, and a few linked cases, until then. Then, alluvasudden, they decided that you were playing a human being and something needed to happen to him.

Throughout the game you find newspapers that tell a story completely unrelated to you or anything you do until far into the game. It almost feels like they sprinkled them in as an afterthought in order to make the conclusion more cohesive.

The acting is superb. The facial expressions are the best I've ever seen. It's well written. It's mostly a cinematic experience. But I did get satisfaction on the occasions that I'd put the pieces together and figure out a case on my own, before the game shoved it in my face.

Car physics can be dumb, but I started making my partner drive everywhere about 8 hours in.

having Rockstar attached to it only hurt it as well. It should have been marketed and hyped as a linear detective game. Then people wouldn't have expected Grand Theft Buick Roadmaster.

It's a good game. It has too many good things about it to be anything else. It isn't great, and it isn't for everyone.

You, however, might dig it.


TL;DR, what you need to know NZA is that the Homicide desk is what separates the men from the boys. I recall Mal even referring to it as a genuine chore at the time. And that guy's gotta have a high standard for what's considered grindwork.


My opinion is that this game was lazy as shit. Knowing my luck Bioware will be the ones to submit a legitimate entry to the Detective/ police procedural genre And I'll never play it because of dialogue wheels

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After putting several hundred hours on Skyrim across 4 different profiles, I finally sat down and got my 1000/1000 on it today. On my main profile, there were a couple of little things I hadn't done (get married, escape from jail, last daedric artifact), a couple of big things (civil war, thieves guild), and one random thing that would only happen if I was after the achievement (1000g bounty simultaneously in every city).

"Beat" is probably not the right word to use. There are still god-knows-how-many quests not done, but I finished the main storylines and got all the achievements. So I've completed it to my satisfaction for the time being.

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congrats man! not enough people played it, thought that was a return to greatness for the series, guess it works as a finale too... :???:


and goddamn, you put in some time. i thought i was dicking around at like 110-120, you mustve searched every nook & cranny or had a bitch of a time recruiting some of em! i recall something like grinding forever in a prison area, looking for a rare party member? it's been years, but i recall it not being as shit as the same deal in a forest in part 3.

good luck with 4, definitely post impressions if you do - ive always been curious, against newt's warnings.

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I have to admit that I did most of the recruiting with a walkthrough, plus a LOT of dicking around, leveling up, switching out people to level them up just for the hell of it. I wanted to have my ULTIMATE party put together, and that took a lot of time. Thankfully I didn't have to do that with all 108 characters, a lot of them were just meant for your castle. Plus this has been an off and on venture over about 3 years. Put 40-50 hours in, get bored, or tired, of doing it all step by step and stop for a few months. Get back into an RPG mode and put another 40 hours into it. So a lot of the time was spent kinda re-aclimating myself to all the characters and trying to remember where I was with who, etc.


Now I have played 4 before. I got about 20 or 30 hours in (which aint shit in 4) and the realized that I wanted to played the series in timeline chronological order. Plus I figured I had done something and wouldn't get the "perfect" ending so I just quit, plus once you get out to sea there really are sea battles almost every 5-10 secs...it is brutal. I think I am going to play Suikoden 1 or 2 before I try 3 or 4 again though. But it is going to be a long time before I try to get all 108 stars in another one.


Plus I honestly think 5 is the best Suikoden there is. The story took a while to build, but once it gets going it is good. I loved all the characters and I loved recruiting them all. I can't imagine trying to do it without a walkthrough as there are some where you have to trigger a certain thing mid-dungeon, leave the dungeon, go halfway across the map to another dungeon, beat that dungeon, to get an item that will trigger this one guy to talk to you, ONLY this one specific time, or else you have lost them forever. Still every single recruit seemed unique in their own right, they took time to flesh out (for the most part) just about every last one of them. I just hope it is like that with all the rest of the series. Now off to beat Tales of the Abyss on the 3DS, never did finish it on the ps2...

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good man. and absolutely, no one can fault you using a walkthrough - how the fuck were we supposed to find some of them otherwise?! props on coming back & remembering where you were as well, im awful at that, even with guides.


3 is the only mainline one i didnt finsih (except 4 which i never played), put 100+ hours in and reached a final fight where the same "ultimate team" idea you had went to shit because i had to split them up for this long-ass dungeon, and planned poorly. i was bitter/tired enough that i never returned, whole thing kinda let me down a bit coming off of the majesty that was 2, i thought.


hoping to get abyss 3DS next week or two, if gamefly gets any back in stock!

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Nice Mort! That's a fuckin' accomplishment right there.


I bought the first one with my Playstation (I was late to the party with console generations, it was the first one I bought with my own money. Probably in early '98. Before that I relied on hand me downs and bargains from jaded rich kids at school). To date, it's the only one I actually completed.

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I probably put 10-15 hours into 1 and 2 each. But I got both of them after getting 5 so I still haven't gotten around to playing them. I can honestly see myself playing through all of 2, maybe 1 as well if I am feeling nostalgic, but something tells me 3 and 4 are just gonna be two of those games I just never get around to. Can't forget about Suikoden Teirkris (or whatever the DS one was called). I know I bought it at some point and played it for a little while, but I honestly can't remember anything about it.

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Finally polished off Civilization Revolution and got my 1000/1000. What I had left mainly consisted of different victory types on the hardest difficulty, and one for winning on hard before 1000 A.D. The last one's a lot harder than it sounds. A lot of saving and loading over about a 7 hour period.


The game takes a lot of shit, and i think it's mainly because it has the name "Civilizations". It's so deeply refined from the PC games that it's barely even recognizable, and anyone going in expecting them may well be turned off. I like it though. Fun little strategy game, even if not particularly deep.

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Finished Asura's Wrath (with the 'TRUE' ending).


I loved it, but man is this a strange "game". Interesting world and character designs, great music, fantasticly over-the-top action all in it's favor, but then you have it's length (around 7-8 hours for one playthrough) and difficulty (failed like one time on my normal playthrough) working against it. Heavy, and I mean HEAVY on QTEs, but curiously, most of the QTE events have ZERO effect on progress or cinematics. Whether you nail them, just pass, or miss them entirely, most won't have any effect on what happens on screen. The only effect for the vast majority of the QTEs is a positive or negative bump to your SYNC rating (one of three ratings that determines your overall rating for each episode).


Many of the reviews out describe Asura as an interactive anime boxset over a "game" in the traditional sense, and It's a pretty spot on description. I'm hard pressed to come up with a better example of a "LOVE it or HATE it" game. If capcom had dropped this with an MSRP of 39.99, it would have taken most of the wind from the sails of those who are going to fall into the hate it camp. Asura's Wrath just breaks from too many conventions to not recieve backlash at the $60 price point.


Despite all that, anyone who is a fan of anime is going to find a lot to love. It hits ALL of the best tropes.

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200/200 on Crazy Taxi. Fun little blast from the past, even without Offspring, Bad Religion, Pizza Hut and KFC.


It's amazing how quickly that Crazy Box shit comes back. I read all these people bitching about the bowling, but I just powerslid into the pins on instinct right off the bat.


All the high scores were a walk in the park. Rickshaw fo' life!

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