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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2

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They already took it down - damn, that was quick. They say the trailer officially comes out t'morrow. I did see some screenshots, though.




Ooookaaay - I can get jiggy w/ dat! Could've been worse. A lot worse...




UPDATE: I just caught the trailer on youtube. Why does Michael Bay make me hate the things I love?



Edited by Little Nemo McFly
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They're supposed to be damn ninjas - not giant 80s wrestlers.



THANK YOU!! Still my biggest pet peeve...


So I watched the trailer twice now and here's a list of things I ain't mad at: The shellraiser launching manhole covers, Laura Linney (cause she's awesome and ups the acting caliber a bit), Bebop and Rocksteady, Casey Jones (Amell seems super charming). That's pretty much it.


I love Bebop and Rocksteady's design, but does anyone else think they don't look as realistic as the turtles? Particularly Rocksteady...CGI just not looking proper. It's probably unfair to judge from screencaps. Hopefully they'll look great on the big screen because I'm sure they're the saving grace of the entire movie.




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Daaamn! That's crazy...LOL - He's gonna be walking around like Ray Charles lookin' for the Uh-Huh girls.


Points if you get the reference...



Nobody? Jeez! It's only 23 years old! In Living Color? Season 5, Episode 2? GAWL! LOL - it's @ 2:17




Krang confirmed.




During their chat with Bay, Rolling Stone witnessed a conversation between Bay and visual-effects supervisor Pablo Helmen where Bay was offering his opinion on Krang's final look. Check out the exchange below:

<big style="color: rgb(38, 38, 38); font-family: Calibri, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;"> </big>


They start with Ninja Turtles animation. Pablo Helman, a visual-effects supervisor who worked on the Star Wars prequels, appears onscreen and shows Bay the latest version of Krang, a new-to-the-movies villain who is, essentially, a disembodied brain inside a giant robot. "So we've eliminated the tentacles," Helman explains. "Is it too monster-ish?"


"He could have some tentacles," says Bay. "I just don't want them coming out of the side. He looks like a stupid octopus."




Considering how good and comic-accurate both Bebop & Rocksteady look, it sounds like Bay & company are hard at work making sure Krang looks just as good, if not better.

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Yeah, I gotta feeling they're going to take the Turtles to space in the next one. If they're gonna introduce the Utroms / TCRI in this - it's lookin' pretty good. Amazing course correction - trying to appeal to the 3 decades worth of fans is a pretty good move.


I wonder how they're gonna shoe-horn Hamato Yoshi back into their origin - I gotta feeling that's gonna be in there.

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