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Movie Quotes

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wow, you quoted like the only quote I saw in the movie, only saw like 15 minutes of it. love song for bobby long with johny T...and scarlet :D





1- Well, would you like to hear me tell a joke?

2- Yeah. Yeah, we'd love to hear a joke from you.

1- Knock knock.

2- Who's there?

1- Go fuck yourselves.



Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. Gentlemen, as of this moment, I am that second mouse.

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Hah, brilliant. Catch Me If You Can


I like the relationships. I mean, each character has his own story. The puppy is a bit too much, but you have to over look things like that in these kinds of paintings. The way he's *holding* her... it's almost... filthy. I mean, he's about to kiss her and she's pulling away. The way the leg's sort of smashed up against her... Phew... Look how he's painted the blouse sort of translucent. You can just make out her breasts underneath and it's sort of touching him about here. It's really... pretty torrid, don't you think? Then of course you have the onlookers peeking at them from behind the doorway like they're all shocked. They wish. Yeah, I must admit, when I see a painting like this, I get emotionally... erect.

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L.A. Story...Steve Martin is so damned funny


Love gives you wings. It makes you fly. I don't even call it love. I call it Geronimo. When you're in love, you'll jump right from the top of the Empire State and you won't care, screaming "Geronimo" the whole way down. I love her so bad, I just... whoa, she wrecks me. I'd die for her.

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conspiracy theory, they eyes taped open... :D

even though he looked like :D cept with a face of :D




I just realized, I've been remiss. Forgive me, I forgot to thank you for protecting me yesterday. That is your job right? Protecting me. Well done 'Bob.' You don't mind if I call you Bob, do you? I knew a Bob once; God, he was ugly as a mule. Are you a ladies man, Bob?




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Closer with Natalie Portman :D , and i have always like jude laws acting, but me no likey julia roberts, looks like a large mouthed bass.



Now, are you sure you want to have a fight? Because I'm only gonna use my thumb.




My right thumb. Left one's too powerful for you

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I believe thats ready to rumble... dave ariquttes last claim to fame and fall from it...all in one movie


scene where he made his finger smell like ass then drank the slurpee to get a free one... i thought we were supposed to learn things from movies, not shit we already do. wait, i mean... yea



heres an off the wall one... see if anyone can grab it


You're in no position disagree with me, boy. I got a loaded .45 here. You got pimples.

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Hooyah! Scent of a Woman...


I need bread.




I don't have enough bread. Run over to Greenblatt's and get me a fresh rye bread.


Again? I just came back from Grennblatt's.


So You'll go again.


I'm always going to the store. When I grow up, that's all I'll be trained to do, go to the store.


You don't want to go?... Never mind, I'll go.


Don't do that! Don't make me feel guilty. I'll go.


And get a quarter of a pound of butter.


I bought a quarter pound of butter this morning. Why don't you buy a half pound at a time?


And suppose the house burned down this afternoon? Why do I need an extra quarter pound of butter?


If my mom taught logic in high school, this would be some weird country.

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Okay, let me add another few quotes from this movie...someone is bound to get it...


What would you tell your father if he came home and I was dead on the kitchen floor?


"Don't go in the kitchen, Pa"?




She saw me on the crapper! Nora saw me on the crapper!




Liver and cabbage - the Jewish mediaeval torture! My friend Marty Gregori, an A student in Science, told me that cooked cabbage can be smelled farther than sound travelling for seven minutes.

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Brighton Beach Memiors... but I have to credit my co-worker. She knew it right off the bat.



So, can we sign you up for one of our Nightstalkers secret decoder rings?


I just have two things to say to you. One, your hairdo is RE-DICULOUS. And 2, I ate a bunch of garlic and I just farted. Silent but deadly.

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Blade: Trinity


I thought I told all of you, I want radio silence until further...


Ooooh, I'm very sorry Hans. I didn't get that message. Maybe you should've put it on the bulletin board. I figured since I've waxed Tony and Marco and his friend here, I figured you and Karl and Franco might be a little lonely, so I decided to give you a call.


Eh, that's... very kind of you, considering you are a mysterious party crasher. You are most troublesome, for a security guard.


Bzzzt. Sorry Hans, wrong guess. Would you like to go for Double Jeopardy where the scores can really change?

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nick cage in the rock




If I'm walking into a shit storm I wanna know which way the wind's blowing.



:Seventy-five casualties, an apartment block leveled, one dead terrorist? Yeah, happy.

:We have some fucked up barometer for success, don't we?

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50 first dates



Any man with a collection like this is a man who's never set foot on a battlefield. To him a miniball from Shiloh is just an artifact. But to a combat vet, it's a hunk of metal that caused some poor bastard a world of pain.

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The Last Castle. But mine wasn't from The Rock, Sig, try again.


I'm a little tired! I'm a little WIRED! And I THINK I deserve a LITTLE APPRECIATION!



GONE IN 60!!! cant believe I got it mixed up... just watched the rock the other night is why ah well... go ahead with another quote deej.

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