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Movie Quotes

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Matchstick Men


Good movie.


I might be the only person on here besides Jess who saw this one, but still...


Delores, I have these presents I wanna give to Sasha. Where is she?


I'm sorry, sir. Your dog is dead. She killed herself.




The Jacuzzi. She threw herself into the Jacuzzi. I tried to find you. It was horrible.


Oh, no. Maybe she fell in.


Oh, there was a witness. Alejandro, the gardener's son. It was suicide.




She was lonely. She couldn't stand it any more.


Then why the fuck didn't you go outside and play with her? Throw the little red ball with her?


I'm sorry, Mr Devine. I know you loved that dog. On Tuesday, she dug up all the flowers and then took a dump in the kitchen. I believe that was her note.



A sleeper comedy that I was skeptical about at first, but I wound up enjoying greatly - "The Last Shot" - A story about the greatest movie never made.


Our horse is too small... Our rider is too big... our trainer's too old........and I'm too dumb to know the difference!

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Our horse is too small... Our rider is too big... our trainer's too old........and I'm too dumb to know the difference!

No bites on this one, I guess this must be from Seabiscuit but I haven't seen it.


If I'm right:

"If there’s one thing this last week has taught me, it’s better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it."

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Leather pants.




What's something like that run?




Six hundred and fifty dollars?




They're pants.




You wear them?




They don't, like, have a TV in them or something?




I am very old.

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Punch Drunk Love


Had that quote in my LJ just a couple days ago.


But, you know . . . this is the one. Yes, yes yes... I saw three of these parked outside the local Starbucks this morning, which tells me only one thing - there's too many self-indulgent wieners in this city with too much bloody money!

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Lol, Yellow Submarine. Oh that Ringo... "It's Beatle-proof!" "Nothing is Beatle-proof!"


Fuck me, hold tight. What's that?


It's me belt, Turkish.


No, Tommy, there's a gun in your trousers. What's a gun doing in your trousers?


It's for protection!


Protection from what? "Zee Germans"? What's to stop you from blowing your bollocks off everytime you sit down?

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Mean Machine, vinnie jones! saw that with my pops in chicago. The longest yard appears to be a football version ... not futbol.



this was a rather slow movie for what it was... but it was still good, and this one line cracks me up every time.



What are you guys celebrating?


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of the clitoris.

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Mean Machine, vinnie jones! saw that with my pops in chicago. The longest yard appears to be a football version ... not futbol.


The Longest Yard is a remake of an old Burt Reynolds flick, so technically Mean Machine was the rip-off.


And Star Wars...or, for you purists, Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.


The lady and I were trying to dance.


You were trying. She was succeeding.

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Dante was right... heres another (if Dante comes back in a timely fashion, he can post over my next quote)


and will make it fairly easy...



Name as many mammals as you can in 60 seconds. Ready? Go.


Hmm. 60 seconds. Well, how would you like that? How about alphabetical? Aardvark, baboon, caribou, dolphin, eohippus, fox, gorilla, hyena, ibex, jackal, kangaroo, lion, marmoset, Newfoundland, ocelot, panda, rat, sloth, tiger, unicorn, varmint, whale, yak, zebra. Now "varmint" is a stretch; so is "Newfoundland" (that's a dog breed); "unicorn" is mythical; "eohippus" is prehistoric. But you weren't being very specific, now, were you, Bob?

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The Way of the Gun


I got sumtin' to say, and I need the world to hear it. I'm a lyricologist. I can rap about anything. Shrink, shrink. Blinkity-blink. Tried to make me think. Wanna go to my sink. And vomit. Clean it up wit' Comet. Earth is my planet. See? I'm the shiznit

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