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Yep, it was Malibu's Most Wanted...it was raining last Sunday, nothing to do, nowhere to go and that was the only thing on TV...Aaaaaaaaaaah!!!


Zulu, yours is Orgazmo...


Thought you didn't smoke.


I took it up recently, for my health.

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Secret Window


My desert island, all-time, top-five most memorable breakups, in chronological order, are as follows: Alison Ashmore; Penny Hardwick; Jackie Alden; Charlie Nicholson; and Sarah Kendrew. Those were the ones that really hurt. Can you see your name on that list, Laura? Maybe you'd sneak into the top ten. But there's just no room for you in the top five, sorry. Those places are reserved for the kind of humiliation and heartbreak you're just not capable of delivering. IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO SCREW ME UP YOU SHOULD'VE GOTTEN TO ME EARLIER!!

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Too easy, High Fidelity.


I like these calm little moments before the storm. It reminds me of Beethoven. Can you hear it? It's like when you put your head to the grass and you can hear the growin' and you can hear the insects. Do you like Beethoven?


I couldn't really say...


You're a Mozart fan. I love him too. I looooove Mozart! He was Austrian you know? But for this kind of work, he's a little bit light. So I tend to go for the heavier guys. Check out Brahms. He's good too.

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The Graduate


But Kenny, the last time I saw you, you were doing coke lines off a urinal.


I know, I know, man... but it was time for me to grow up, you know? Plus, I wasn't making shit at that fish market. No one knew who I was, I couldn't get laid. Yeah, it's a much better situation for me now.

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For true enlightenment there is nothing like... well, let's just say taking a shower while this large fellow with an attitude you couldn't knock down with a hammer, that keeps whispering in your ear: Oh nancy, oh nancy. Now that was a lot of fun, thank you so very much John for putting me in there, thank you so very much for giving me an opportunity to get to know myself much better.

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Minority Report


I posted this one up a loooooooooooooong time ago and no one ever got it, so here's another shot...


I feel like a little boy who's lost his first tooth, put it under his pillow, waiting for the tooth-fairy to come. Only two evil burglars have crept in my window, and snatched it, before she could get here... Wait a second, do you understand the CONCEPT of the tooth-fairy? Explain it to them... Wait. She takes the god damned thing, and gives you a quarter. They've got my tooth. I want it back.

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Lol, The Rundown. Only Chris Walken is capable of making a speech like that work.


Excuse me. Mr. Hunt? Would you like to watch a movie?


Oh, uh, no thank you.


Would you consider the cinema of the Caribbean? Aruba, perhaps?

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Mission Impossible


Hey, wait a second, you took a hundred. You took the hundred. No, that's, no. See, one dollar. See, one dollar's for you. See the George Washington. That's Benjamin Franklin, that's not happening. You just, you got the wrong money . . . can I have my money back? And, you gave me the wrong necklace, too.


You're breaking my heart, asswipe.


Oh, you speak English just fine.

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