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Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory


I'd like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane, with all the other rich people, and I want him brought right here with a big ribbon on his head. And, I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, floor-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holly Shit! Where's the Tylenol?

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I think thats the life and death of peter sellers... good cast, odd film.



if i am right...



I want him manning a radar tower in Alaska by the end of the day.











and the give away quote of the movie



Hasta lasagna, don't get any on ya.

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Mission: Impossible


Fuck the uptown brothers - they never pass the ball, they don't wanna play defense, they take five steps on every layup to the hoop, and then they wanna turn around and blame everything on the white man. Slavery ended 137 years ago - move - the fuck - on!

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Being John Malkovich


I'll give two from the same movie:


#1: Does this look "inanimate" to you, punk? If I can move and I can talk, who's to say I can't do anything I want?


#2: (singing) If you wanna be profound, if you really gotta justify, take a breath and look around, a lot of folks deserve to die!

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Alright, it's been a few days, come back to us with the answer on that'n Cougar.


Raji, Nick left a message for you. If you near Linda he'll see that you suffer excruciating pain and never walk again in your life. In other words...he'll break your legs.


Why's he gotta say it all poetic like that? Why can't he just say "I'm gonna break your legs", man? Nice ass won't get you through your whole life. When you turn 30, you better have a personality.

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Leon The Professional. This is a long one, but I like it:


Well, it was fun.


They make you feel cool. And hey. I met you. You are not "cool."


I know. Even when I though I was, I knew I wasn't.


That's because we are uncool! And while women will always be a problem for guys like us, most of the great art in the world is about that very problem. Good-looking people have no spine! Their art never lasts! They get the girls, but we're smarter.


I can really see that now.


Yeah, great art is about conflict and pain and guilt and longing and love disguised as sex, and sex disguised as love...and let's face it, you got a big head start.


I'm glad you were home.


I'm always home! I'm uncool!


Me too!


The only true currency in this bankrupt world if what we share with someone else when we're uncool.


I feel better.


My advice to you. I know you think those guys are your friends. You want to be a true friend to them? Be honest and unmerciful. You're doing great. Call me later is you want. I'm always up.

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Heh, Hitch. Seeing Kevin James dance makes me laugh every time.


All dames are alike: they reach down your throat and they can grab your heart, pull it out and they throw it on the floor, step on it with their high heels, spit on it, shove it in the oven and cook the shit out of it. Then they slice it into little pieces, slam it on a hunk of toast, and serve it to you and then expect you to say, "Thanks, honey, it was delicious."

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Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid- Wasn't Steve's greatest. Man with two brains or the Jerk beat it in my opinion.


SB, sounds as if you're on a anti chick kick, so here's one for ya.


"Women, I never met one that was as reliable as a horse."

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SB, sounds as if you're on a anti chick kick, so here's one for ya.


Yours is North to Alaska - not one of John Wayne's greatest. :humping:


As for being on an anti-chick kick, nah, I just think it's a really funny quote. Still, might as well keep with the theme. :humping: Here's an easy one.


How do you write women so well?


I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability.

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What a woman wants--


what does a woman want? Shit.......that would take decades :???: . Ithink that we can both agree that one wasn't one Mels better movies :2T:


try this. Good movie but not AS good as the first one.


"I know happy couples... but I think they lie to each other!"

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