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One of 2T's raves, Grosse Pointe Blank




Defiant until the end, huh? You won't cry like him, will you? You're not afraid of death. You're like me.


The only thing that you and I have in common, Mr. _______, is that we're both about to die.


How do you imagine that's gonna happen?


With my hands around your neck.


Bollocks. Whatchya gonna do, huh? We've swept this place. You've got nothing. Nothing but your bloody knives and your fancy karate gimmicks. We have guns.


No, what you've have are bullets, and the hope that when your guns are empty I will no longer be standing, because if I am you will all be dead before you've reloaded.


Impossible. Kill him.

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Damn, that sounds so familiar! Especially the


The only thing that you and I have in common, Mr. _______, is that we're both about to die.


How do you imagine that's gonna happen?


With my hands around your neck.



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Okay, untill someone can work that one out I'll post this.


I think I could turn and live with animals. They are so placid and self-contained. They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins. They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God. Not one of them kneels to another or to his own kind that lived thousands of years ago. Not one of them is respectable or unhappy, all over the earth.
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You know the best part of killing someone? The look on their face. It's that look. Not when they're threatened. Not when you hurt them. Not even when they see the knife. It's when they feel the knife go in. That's it. It's surprise. They just can't believe it's really happening to them. She had that look, the girl, when she knew it wasn't just porno.

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You know the best part of killing someone? The look on their face. It's that look. Not when they're threatened. Not when you hurt them. Not even when they see the knife. It's when they feel the knife go in. That's it. It's surprise. They just can't believe it's really happening to them. She had that look, the girl, when she knew it wasn't just porno.




"Will you two shut up?!"


"Hey butt out pal, huh? You got your money, now take it and go live a the lap of luxury someplace. Try Brazil."


"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way, you two have seen my face. Which one's first?"


"What, you're gonna kill us even though we gave you the money?"


"You got it."


"Wait a minute. You're forgetting the third rule in a crisis situation."


"The third rule???"


"Third rule?"


"Yeah, third rule."


"Ohhhhhhhh, the third rule!"


"Well, what's the third rule?"



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Cadillac Man?

Nope, guess again.


"Will you two shut up?!"


"Hey butt out pal, huh? You got your money, now take it and go live a the lap of luxury someplace. Try Brazil."


"I'm afraid it doesn't work that way, you two have seen my face. Which one's first?"


"What, you're gonna kill us even though we gave you the money?"


"You got it."


"Wait a minute. You're forgetting the third rule in a crisis situation."


"The third rule???"


"Third rule?"


"Yeah, third rule."


"Ohhhhhhhh, the third rule!"


"Well, what's the third rule?"



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In a way, each of us has an El Guapo to face. For some, shyness might be their El Guapo. For others, a lack of education might be their El Guapo. For us, El Guapo is a big, dangerous man who wants to kill us. But as sure as my name is Lucky Day, the people of Santa Poco can conquer their own personal El Guapo, who also happens to be the *actual* El Guapo!

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Fuck, was that on cable tonight? I love that flick.


Three Amigos SB!


At Rex Kwan Do, we use the buddy system. No more flying solo. You need somebody watching your back at all times. Second off, you're gonna learn to discipline your image. You think I got where I am today because I dressed like Peter Pan over here?


...G'nite Ned.

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"Water? No thank you, fish make love in it."

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.


"You expect me to believe you?"


"Who gives a shit what you believe!! In 30 seconds you'll be dead, and I'll blow this place up and be home in time for Corn Flakes."

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Shit. It was from Return of the Killer Tomatoes 1988 the one with a young George Clooney. Philistines.


Okay, here's one from a new movie:


"I am a woman, damnit! I may not have large breasts but they are nice and perky and I have nipples that can cut glass!"

(Warning: I may be a little off)

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I think I got it, searching through Google, which doesn't count I know, but if no one else gets it I want to chime in with mine for half a point, because it takes skill finding a movie quote on the internet using dialogue that refers only to breasts.

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