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Army of Darkness. Having two separate quotes from different parts of the same movie threw me off for a moment...


And with that...


Amy: ... And that's just the potatoes, Smitty, here comes the gravy: The chump really likes me. A Muncy girl!

[smitty bursts out laughing]

Smitty: Better off falling for a rattlesnake.

[As she continues to type]

Amy: I'm telling' ya, this guys just the patsy and I'm gonna find out what for. There's a real story, Smitty, some kind of plot, a setup, a cabal, a -- oh and say, did I tell ya?!

Smitty: He didn't offer you money.

Amy: A sawbuck!

Smitty: Ten dollars? Let's grab a highball!

Amy: On Norville Barnes!

[she rips the page out of the typewriter, swivels in her chair to face camera as we track in close and she hollars]

Amy: ...Copy!

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Hudsucker Proxy


Time for a game of good quote/ bad quote. That was the good quote, here's the bad.



"They used to say this place was haunted."


"I think they were right."

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Silent Hill


Saw it with a group from Hondo's at Dolphin Mall. Anyway, a Direct-to-Video sequel of a great movie, and NO, IT IS NOT Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation.


"This movie is very low quality.


Don't look that bad to me.


There's no story.


It's a fuck movie. I don't watch a fuck movie for the story. I watch a fuck movie to see fuckin'.


I got to side with Jesus on this one. I personally appreciate an attempt at telling a story. When I care more about the characters, I care more about the fuckin'."

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Sorry folks, it's Dusk Til Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money starring the T1000 himself Robert Patrick. Also see the Prequal Dusk Til Dawn 3: The Hangmans Daughter set back in the 1800s.


Here's one inspired by another movie thread we have on the board.


"Watch the birdy, you bastard."

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"Watch the birdy, you bastard."

License to Kill. Loves those 007 movies!


*singing* "Home, home on the range. Where the critters are tied up in chains. I cut through their sides, and I rip off their hides. And the next day I do it again. Everybody! Home, home on the range....."

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The Rescuers Down Under


I knew guys like you in the army. You do any terrifying thing you're asked to do, but you have to do it running. You think you can outrun your fears, your doubts. The only thing that really scares you guys is stillness.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, well, that was Munich. How 'bout this?


Oh, Max. Max, she's fantastic! The most beautiful girl I've ever seen! I've never felt this way before, it's like a volcano erupting inside of me, like...like hot lava rising higher, and higher, and...what is that, Max? What is it?


It's called an erection. It's either that or malaria. But don't worry, they have shots for everything now!

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let me introduce the best quotes from one of my favorite films.....

Hotshots.... Part 1

Lloyd bridges at his finest...



Admiral Benson: I slipped on a crab. Who put that crab



Lt. Commander Block: I don't see any crab.


Admiral Benson: Don't tell me. There were two crabs

they work in pairs.



Admiral Benson: Call down to the galley and order up

some soup.


Lt. Commander Block: Yes, sir.


Admiral Benson: Ahhh... I love soup. At least I think

I love soup. Blasted shell! It's either soup or duck.

Which one do you shoot?


Lt. Commander Block: Duck, sir.

[Admiral Benson hits head on desk while ducking]


Lt. Commander Block: Are you alright, sir?


Admiral Benson: Of course I'm alright!

Why, what have you heard?



Admiral Benson: Oh, by the way I would like to

thank you for having us over for dinner the

other night. Cheryl and I thought the stroganoff

was marvelous.


Lt. Commander Block: But sir, we didn't have dinner

the other night.


Admiral Benson: Really? Then where the hell was I?

And who's this Cheryl?



Topper Harley: You have the whitest white-part-of-the-eyes

I've ever seen. Do you floss?




Admiral Benson: My eyes are ceramic. Caught a

bazooka round at Little Big Horn. Or was

it Okinawa? The one without the Indians.




Admiral Benson: Pete 'Dead Meat' Thompson is dead.

So is Mo Green, Tataglia, Barzini, the heads of all

the five families. It is at moments like these,

my dear friends, that we must ask ourselves:

"How can this not be part of some larger plan?"

Do good men like Dead Meat Thompson just blink out

one day like a bad bulb? I mean, one minute you're

in bed with a knockout gal... or guy, and the next,

you're a compost heap. Doesn't that bother any of you?

Because it scares the living piss outta me!



Topper Harley: Those are some long legs...


Ramada Thompson: I just had them lengthened.

Now they go all the way up.



[Admiral Benson enters the briefing room in riding pants]

Admiral Benson: Be seated! Ah... Many of you are

wondering what's wrong with my pants, well they

started running short on materials right before

they got to the knees so don't give me any shit.

Ah. I look out there on all you wonderful guys

and I say to myself "What I wouldn't give

to be 20 years younger... and a woman". You know,

I've personally flown over 194 missions and

I was shot down on every one. Come to think of it,

I've never landed a plane in my life.



Topper Harley: So... I guess you've been

with a man before...


Ramada Thompson: I'm a virgin.

I'm just not very good at it.



Lt. Commander Block: Admiral Benson!


Admiral Benson: Really? That's my name too.



Lt. Commander Block: How are ya, sir?


Admiral Benson: Hawaii? Goddamn it, Bill,

I'm supposed to be in California.


Lt. Commander Block: No, sir, this is California.


Admiral Benson: Well, gotta run. Good luck.


Lt. Commander Block: But, sir, this is your command.



Topper Harley: I could never find time for love.

It's too heavy. It's an anchor that drowns a man.

Besides, I got the sky, the smell of jet exhaust, my bike.


Pete 'Dead Meat' Thompson: A loner?


Topper Harley: No. I own it.



Lt. Commander Block: Every aerial photo and

recon report indicate a defensive arsenal in

the D, and perhaps negative C, categories.

There's also some anti-aircraft squadrons.

They can send up an ack-ack umbrella high enough

to make any attack ineffective.


Admiral Benson: I don't have a clue what you're

talkin' about, Phil. Not a fucking clue.

I have a shell the size of a fist in my head.

Pork Chop Hill. The only way I can make this

goddamn toupee to stay on is by magnetizing

the entire upper left quadrant of my skull, so

you just go ahead and do what you do.





Topper Harley: Interesting perfume.


Ramada Thompson: It's Vicks. I have a cold.



[Jets start their engines]

Admiral Benson: God, that's loud. My ear canals are

very sensitive. They're stainless steel. Took a bullet

in Corregidor. Passed straight through.

[air controller gets his earplugs out]


Air Controller: We have these to hold down the sound, sir.


Admiral Benson: Oh, good. Thanks.

[swallows the earplugs]

Let's hope they do the trick.



Topper Harley: Mrs. Thompson, I know you must hate me

right now but there's something I want you to have.

I've been putting a little away for the past

ten years. It's not much. 2500. I wish I could do more.


Mrs. Mary 'Dead Meat' Thompson: Why, Topper

That's so sweet. Why, with the three million

that I won on this Lucky Lotto ticket, I can take

this 2500 and just blow it all on hats.



Admiral Benson: Thompson wasn't that good

a pilot, anyway. He only had a small family.

The kids are a pain in the ass. The wife's

on the sauce. Hell, poor bastard's better off dead.

What size shoes do you wear?


Lt. Commander Block: A nine, sir.


Admiral Benson: Good. It's settled then.

We'll send Harley to the front.




Topper Harley: I've fallen for you like a blind roofer.



Admiral Benson: Gentlemen, we've waited a long time

to hear this. In exactly five hours and 17 minutes,

we hit the enemy toast.


Lt. Commander Block: I think that's the enemy coast, sir.


Admiral Benson: Huh? Coast? That'll take a

little more planning. But it doesn't matter.

Our assignment is to knock out the nuclear-weapons

plant at Falafel Heights. The plant goes on line

in 12 hours and is heavily defended. Now, if you

have trouble hitting your objective, your

secondary targets are here and here:

an accordion factory and a mime school.

Good luck, gentlemen. Blink, take over.

Oh, there's one more thing.

(admiral gets accidentally hit by a metal pipe with a

loud ringing sound). I'll get that. It's probably for me.



Jim 'Wash Out' Pfaffenbach: Looks like enemy

aircraft at 12 o'clock.


Admiral Benson: Really? 12 o'clock?

Well, that gives us about...

[checks his watch]

25 minutes. Think I'll step out for a burger.



Topper Harley: Can you save him?


Doctor: Can't be sure. I'm not a very good doctor.

[Pushing "Dead Meat" through the hospital to emergency]

Quick, nurse check his penis.

See if its longer than mine.



Pete 'Dead Meat' Thompson: I'm in a hospital!

What could go wrong?



Admiral Benson: God, I love a good funeral!



Admiral Benson: [after his cap blew off and

landed in the sea] Holy Cow! My cap blew off!

Swing her round. We'll pick it up.


Officer: But, sir, we're on the mission.


Admiral Benson: Good thinking. We'll pick it up

on the way back. We gotta mark the spot, though.

Put Robinowitz in a life raft. Have him row in

circles until we return.


Officer: It could be days.


Admiral Benson: Then put some food in the life raft,

for god's sake, man. Do I have to think of everything?

We'll tape his favourite shows, he won't miss anything.

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Ok, well, that was Munich. How 'bout this?


Oh, Max. Max, she's fantastic! The most beautiful girl I've ever seen! I've never felt this way before, it's like a volcano erupting inside of me, like...like hot lava rising higher, and higher, and...what is that, Max? What is it?


It's called an erection. It's either that or malaria. But don't worry, they have shots for everything now!


I can't even find that one cheating, but random google searches did bring up Rod of Might by Horseboy, possibly my new favourite author.




His orgasm was like a volcano erupting inside of me. I felt

his penis spit its semen. I felt my colon swell up around the

incoming tide, I felt it bluster from my asshole and run hotly

down my thighs. Perhaps I came, perhaps not -- the whole world

for me was my sergeant's cock and his offering.

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from hotshots part deux


President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Here's the target area.

Gerou: That's Minnesota, sir.

President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Damn it, man, that's the genius of my plan. Why go over there to fight? We can do it right here at home, and get in some good fishing while we're at it.

Gerou: Sir, the enemy is over there.

President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Then we'll fly them over here. Their families too. We'll teach them to skate... Do I have to think of everything?



[Addressing a roomful of Japanese businessmen]

President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: It seems like only yesterday I was strafing so many of your homes. Here I am today, begging you not to make such good cars.



President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Cookie?

Col. Denton Walters: No, thank you, sir.

President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Young lady?

Michelle Rodham Huddleston: No, thank you, sir.

President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: No, I was just offering him a young lady.




Saddam Hussein: Now I will kill you until you die from it!




President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: [He is about ready to battle Saddam Hussein] We'll settle this the old navy way; The first guy to die, LOSES!




Topper Harley: President Benson.

President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: No you're not. I've seen him on TV. An older man, about my height.

Michelle Huddleson: Mr. President, this is Topper Harley.

President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Topper Harley, of course, the son I never had. No wonder I didn't recognize you then.




President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Gotcha! Listening at the door, huh? Well, Walters, looks like we've got our saboteur.

Col. Denton Walters: That's your wife, sir.

President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Yeah, so it is. Lavinia. You're looking as lovely as the day we met.

[to Walters]

President Thomas 'Tug' Benson: Find out what she knows.




[Dexter is being rescued]

Dexter: You don't understand. I can't walk... they've tied my shoelaces together.

Topper Harley: A knot. Bastards!




Topper Harley: Do you know what its like to have your heart shot out of season and tied to the top of a car? How it feels to be passed like the world's largest kidney stone? Ramada... I don't THINK so.




Col. Denton Walters: It seems there were three bears. And one morning when their porridge was too hot, they went for a walk. And a little blond girl came skipping through the woods... she ate their porridge and she sat in their chairs... she slept in their beds. And when those bears returned and discovered that mess... Do you know what happened then Topper?

Topper Harley: No.

Col. Denton Walters: That little blond girl get scared. Ran away.

Topper Harley: So you're saying is that little blond girl is me. If this is about me coloring my hair...

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Thankyou Jont.


Mine was from the recent version of The Producers.


How about this?


Is the view pretty good from the cheap seats, AJ?


I beg your pardon?


Because it occurs to me that in 25 years I've never seen your name on a ballot! Now why is that? Why are you always two steps behind me?


Because if I wasn't you'd be the most popular history professor at the University of Wisconsin.



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Thankyou Jont.


Mine was from the recent version of The Producers.


How about this?


Is the view pretty good from the cheap seats, AJ?


I beg your pardon?


Because it occurs to me that in 25 years I've never seen your name on a ballot! Now why is that? Why are you always two steps behind me?


Because if I wasn't you'd be the most popular history professor at the University of Wisconsin.





Aah Aaron Sorkin. He's my hero. :2T: That little beauty would be from "The American President". Ironically, AJ actually DID go on to be president, as he was played by Martin Sheen, who just retired from two terms on The West Wing.


Take one fuckin' step and I'll jam this in my aorta. (she's pointing a pen at her throat)

Lisa, your aorta is in your chest.

Good to know. (resigns, handing over the pen)

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Anything? Well, uh I guess I, deep down, am feeling a little confused. I mean, suddenly, you get married, and you're supposed to be this entirely different guy. I don't feel different. I mean, take yesterday for example. We were out at the Olive Garden for dinner, which was lovely. And uh, I happen to look over at a certain point during the meal and see a waitress taking an order, and I found myself wondering what color her underpants might be. Her panties. Uh, odds are they are probably basic white, cotton, underpants. But I sort of think well maybe they're silk panties, maybe it's a thong. Maybe it's something really cool that I don't even know about. You know, and uh, and I started feeling... what? what I thought we were in the trust tree in the nest, were we not?

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Anything? Well, uh I guess I, deep down, am feeling a little confused. I mean, suddenly, you get married, and you're supposed to be this entirely different guy. I don't feel different. I mean, take yesterday for example. We were out at the Olive Garden for dinner, which was lovely. And uh, I happen to look over at a certain point during the meal and see a waitress taking an order, and I found myself wondering what color her underpants might be. Her panties. Uh, odds are they are probably basic white, cotton, underpants. But I sort of think well maybe they're silk panties, maybe it's a thong. Maybe it's something really cool that I don't even know about. You know, and uh, and I started feeling... what? what I thought we were in the trust tree in the nest, were we not?


Old School


"Because Caucasians are too damn tall."
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Didn't we already have a quote from Crazy People?


anyway... I like this one, it's a great movie and the main character and I have the same name


You ever kill anybody?

I hurt somebody's feelings once.


Ronin. Great flick. Great spy movie dialogue. "You worried about saving your own skin?" "Yeah I am, it covers my body."


A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but remember that even when those who move you be kings, or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus" or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice. Remember that.


And by the way, division, Lloyd Bridges wasn't Ted Striker, Robert Hays was Ted Striker. Lloyd Bridges was McCroskey.

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