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Been a solid week so moving right along.


Hey! What are you doing here?


Just listening.




Alright, you got me. I'm a scout for the Gophers. I've been watching your game for a month, but that story right there? Just clinched it. You got heart, kid, how soon can you be in Minneapolis?




Cold winters, but they got a great public transit system.






Oh yeah?


There's a thesaurus in the libary. "Yeah"s under "Y". Go ahead, I'll wait.


And just because I love the dialogue in this film, one more:


Throw one at me if you want, hash-head, I got all five senses and I slept last night, that puts me six up on the lot of you.

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The Big sleep...


And i wouldn't say the ending was lousy as such... more anti climactic than anything else really... denzel does a great job in it though, in my opinion


Yeah, you dead now. Turn down drugs to a dealer and the police chief is handing your wife a crisp flag. What the fuck is wrong with you?

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Speaking of Denzel, that was Training Day. As for Man on Fire

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Just for my own edification, I offered you fifty. Why'd you say no?


I'm not a greedy man. Not looking to get rich quick. Besides, fifty thousand is a lot for what you wanted me to find out. Could just as well put a bullet in my head as cough it up, see? But ten? Ten thousand is civilized. Ten is something we both can live with.


Ten might still be too much.


You'd kill me over ten thousand dollars? You wouldn't dare. You wouldn't dare.


Yes, I would.

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I'd like to replace your old rusty lock with a brand new one. The kind that only a .357 Magnum can get through.

The Principal



"I am having a bad day! The worst damn day of my whole damn life! If it is not too much to ask will you all just back the fuck off!?"

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"You're gonna listen to me? To something I said? Hasn't it become abundantly clear during the tenure of our friendship that I don't know shit? "




"Envy the country that has heroes, huh? I say pity the country that needs them."

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Reign of Fire


I mean- Kitty, what did my father used to say to me?


"You're losing your hair"?


Before that.


"Get out"?


He said, "You can print money, manufacture diamonds and people are a dime a dozen, but they'll always need land. It's the one thing they're not making any more of."

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Superman or Superman Returns, and can't really distinguish them in my mind anymore.


"Marriage is an important part of getting ahead. It lets people know you're not a homo. A married guy seems more stable. People see the ring, they think 'at least somebody can stand the son of a bitch.' Ladies see the ring, they know immediately that you must have some cash, and your cock must work."

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"Marriage is an important part of getting ahead. It lets people know you're not a homo. A married guy seems more stable. People see the ring, they think 'at least somebody can stand the son of a bitch.' Ladies see the ring, they know immediately that you must have some cash, and your cock must work."


The Departed



"You're a virgin!"


"That's private."


"230-lb virgin!"

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Taxi Driver










There wolf. There castle.


Why are you talking like that?


I thought you wanted to.


No, I don't want to.


Suit yourself. I'm easy.

Young Frankenstien


-Where is he?

-He's dead.

-Could be anywhere, then.

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