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Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Caped Boy: Excuse me, ladies. You may remember me as the guy who came to dinner a few weeks ago with underwear on my head. My name is Keith Stat from Millburn, New Jersey. State bird, the mosquito. And as you may have heard I am recently a crowned class B dungeon-master. So if any of you would like to play D&D today, please speak now or forever hold your peace.

[He chuckles, and there is an awkward silence at the table]

Caped Boy: Anyone? Alexa!

[Alexa gives him a withering glare]

Caped Boy: Maybe you would like to join in? We do need a druid, and you have definitely cast a level 5 charm spell on me.

Alexa: In your dreams, douche-bag!

Caped Boy: Douche-bags are hygienic products, I take that as a compliment. Thank you.

[Keith walks off]

Alexa: Ewww!

EDIT: ...Right then. Nevermind.

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Fine, it is the tour de force, Wet Hot American Summer.


Now for a movie that got a bad rep:


Captain Kangaroo, like Jesus Christ, was someone you could really believe in. With those guys it wasn't about the bells and whistles and the rickety rackety, it was all about the work. Especially Jesus.

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Man either I am seriously stumping the lot of you, or you guys are just not even trying anymore! :fuckoff:


"This is a Christian house, boy. No hippity-hop language in here."

This is from The Ladykillers, with Tom Hanks.




Here's another one:



"You will be mine, like my dog, or my horse, or my falcon, except that I shall love you more--and trust you less."

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The 25th Hour.


Just don't ask me to lend you any money.


Can I just...have some?

Knocked Up



"You know, Roger, you are way behind the times. The guys of the 80s aren't tough. They are sensitive people. Show a little emotion to a woman and shit like that. I think I'm an '80s man..."


"How do you figure?"


"Last night I cried in bed. So how is that?"


"Were you with a woman?"


"I was alone. Why do you think I cried?"


"Sounds like an '80s man to me..."

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Lethal Weapon


I'm going to include so much of this conversation it'll be insanely easy, but I couldn't resist.


Question one. Has anyone recently left any gifts outside your home? Anything. Gum, money, a large wooden horse.


I'm sorry?


Just answer the question.




Do you find yourself inclined to solve murder mysteries in large luxurious homes to which you-




Let me finish - to which you may or may not have been invited?


No, no, no.


Alright. On a scale of one to ten, what would you consider the likelihood you might be assassinated?




One being very unlikely, ten being expecting it around every corner.


I have no idea.


Ok, let me rephrase. Are you the king of anything?


Like what?


Anything. King of the lanes at the local bowling alley.


King of the lanes?


King of the lanes, king of the trolls...


King of the Trolls?


Yes, uh...a clandestine land found underneath your floor boards.






No. That's ridiculous.


Agreed. Let's start with ridiculous and move backwards. Now, was any part of you at one time part of something else?


Like do I have someone else's arms?


Well is it possible at one time that you were made of stone, wood, lye, varied corpse parts? Or, earth made holy by rabbinical elders?


No. Look, look. I'm sorry, but what do these questions have to do with anything?


Nothing. The only way to find out what story you're in is to determine what stories you're not in. Odd as it may seem, I've just ruled out half of Greek literature, seven fairy tales, ten Chinese fables, and determined conclusively that you are not King Hamlet, Scout Finch, Miss Marple, Frankenstein's Monster, or a golem. Hmm? Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?


Yes. I am relieved to know that I am not a golem.


Good. ...Do you have magical powers?

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That was a really good movie. Stranger Than Fiction.


[### and $$$$$ are getting ready to shoot at a traveling salesman]

%%%%%%: Why not see what he's sellin'?

###: What the hell for?

%%%%%%: Well what's the good of having all that money if you're never gonna spend it?

$$$$$: Could be the kid has a point.

###: Well. We'll see what the man's sellin'. THEN we'll shoot him.

$$$$$: Good plan.

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[### and $$$$$ are getting ready to shoot at a traveling salesman]

%%%%%%: Why not see what he's sellin'?

###: What the hell for?

%%%%%%: Well what's the good of having all that money if you're never gonna spend it?

$$$$$: Could be the kid has a point.

###: Well. We'll see what the man's sellin'. THEN we'll shoot him.

$$$$$: Good plan.

One of the funniest movies I ever seen, Secondhand Lions.



"The hat. That fucking hat. How many times did I tell you not to wear that fucking hat?"


"Customers wear hats."


"I'm not the boss of the customers, but I'm the boss of you, and I'm telling you to keep that shit kicker hat at home."

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No takers. Allrighty...


"The hat. That fucking hat. How many times did I tell you not to wear that fucking hat?"


"Customers wear hats."


"I'm not the boss of the customers, but I'm the boss of you, and I'm telling you to keep that shit kicker hat at home."

This is from Kill Bill, Volume 2





Another easy one to get the ball rolling:



"There's a big snake on the plane, Jock!"


"Oh, that's just my pet snake, Reggie."


"I hate snakes Jock! I hate 'em!"


"C'mon! Show a little backbone will ya?"

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Damn, I knew the Kill Bill one, dunno why I never saw it. Luckily I know the Raiders of the Lost Ark one too.


What do you want in your omelette, sir?


Nothing in the omelette, nothing at all.


Well, that's not technically an omelette.


Look, I don't want to get into a semantic argument, I just want the protein.

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Grosse Point Blank


"There’s one thing that you men will be able to say when you get back home. And you may thank God for it. Thirty years from now when you’re sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what did you do in the great World War II, you won’t have to say, "Well, I shoveled shit in Louisiana."

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"There’s one thing that you men will be able to say when you get back home. And you may thank God for it. Thirty years from now when you’re sitting around your fireside with your grandson on your knee and he asks you what did you do in the great World War II, you won’t have to say, "Well, I shoveled shit in Louisiana."




"It looks terrible."


"Good. Then it matches the rest of the town."

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Ok, Maggie, look. Lemme break it down to you, how it's gonna happen. They gonna come thru that door, they're gonna play good cop, bad cop. Don't fall for that, alright? That's why I ate their food. See, they put the plate of donuts out here to test your guilt. If ya don't touch it, you're guilty! I ate the whole plate. The WHOLE plate. Huh? So me and you. They walk thru that door, you don't say nothin'.

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Ok, Maggie, look. Lemme break it down to you, how it's gonna happen. They gonna come thru that door, they're gonna play good cop, bad cop. Don't fall for that, alright? That's why I ate their food. See, they put the plate of donuts out here to test your guilt. If ya don't touch it, you're guilty! I ate the whole plate. The WHOLE plate. Huh? So me and you. They walk thru that door, you don't say nothin'.

Transformers the Movie



You know what you get for being a hero? Nothing. You get shot at. A little pat on the back, blah blah blah, attaboy. You get divorced. Your wife can't remember your last name. Kids don't wanna talk to you. Get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me kid, nobody wants to be that guy.

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