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It's about a bunch of very resourcefull "homeless" people that live underground and built their own houses with electricity and all down there.

 I think BBC's talking Movies had good things to say about that. Been meaning to see it if it's the same thing.

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I've only seen it in one DVD store, FYI at Dolphin Mall over here in miami has it, and I beleive it includes another documentary on the making of the documentary.  It seems interesting because the homeless people were the crew for the movie, and made steadicams and stuff out of whatever they could find.  I'll be sure to pick that one up, my collection is sorely lacking in documentaries.


Dolores Claiborne


Another one of my favorites, has some incredible acting in it too, and also written by the great stephen king.

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Ok OK OK OK so I cheated. There! I said it I CHEATED!

I'm so sorry. It's just that I had already posted and I didn't want to stunt the thread by not stating a movie. I always get the stupid 'Y' ones and everything was used so I made up 'Yearning'. It seemed legitimate enough at the time but I couldn't stand it another minute! So there, I've confessed! :D


 Just to be fair I will reply to both the 'Y' with You can't take it with you  and to 'N' with No way out. It will be up to the next person's discretion to choose which one to go with.

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