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The Movie Game

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Made famous by Punisher, Preacher's Divinity, & done to death in my last trip to Texas, this simple game goes as follows:

One person (me) states a movie, and the next person must state a movie that begins with the last letter of the previous movie: i.e., if the movie's Braveheart, the next person can reply with (a) Time to Kill...follow? Couple things:

1)Try not to reuse movies if possible

2)You can cut prepisitions off of movie titles if need be; for instance, "A Clockwork Orange" can be used for the letter C, as i illustrated with "Time to Kill". Same if the title starts with "The", etc, just dont get crazy.

Most replies need only a movie title, so theyre short, quick ways to boost your post # if youre one of those people, too.

Ill get this party started.




(The) Aristocrats

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