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Actually I kinda like the "usual suspects" idea, it could be a re-organization of the groups, so that the members that are here a LOT, hence the "usual" suspects, and the rest of it could be the bar theme.


Oh...yeah, im all for themes or games that active members play, as long as the non-active folks get a good layout too. Hell, if others wanna particpate, we could change it up a few times a year, pic-wise etc right?


I swear, if I ask for people to send shit to me, it doesn't happen. But as soon as Da Nick requests...everyone is jumping to help...


Haha...i had to keep this topic on top for a bit to get noticed, and its just ideas, theyre not linin up to help just yet man...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to see a sharper member list. I don't really know how to describe it, but something besides a white page with names... but on the same token, don't really need a graphic heavy page either to slow it all down.


Possibly a taaaad smaller font (so you can fit more on the page) with a smaller version of our avatar utilized as a bullet... if the avatar is too small to make out or takes up too much space, then let peopel choose from basic icon style ...icons.


Revamp the names... instead of regulars, title it 'cheers, where everybody knows your name' or something that has a lil more thought in it. Rising stars to get 'thanks for showing up' or 'welcome to our bar'...something more personal.


Allow users to update and change pics and wording on their own, basic profile setup. Sorta like myspace, but not as in depth.


juuuuuuust an idea...



It'd be nice to the the 'this message has been edited by blahblah at whogivesafuck time... go away. A more simple "edited" would be better, or just... do away with it.



uhm..... thasts all you gotta listen from my mouf right now.

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Allow users to update and change pics and wording on their own, basic profile setup. Sorta like myspace, but not as in depth.


I was thinking the same thing. If there is a way for the user to get into their member profile to put pics and shit up, that would be the class. :D

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Yeah, when my PC is (hopefully) better next week, ill be lookin more into this. If Dante's hands are tied, ill check to see if RA or others can point me in the right direction of a good template or two.


Some points on what Sig said:


I'd like to see a sharper member list. I don't really know how to describe it, but something besides a white page with names... but on the same token, don't really need a graphic heavy page either to slow it all down.


Agreed. I just want to sharpen it up a bit, but i do get tired of moving names back & forth, groups are a lot easier. Anyway, youre on the right track.


Possibly a taaaad smaller font (so you can fit more on the page) with a smaller version of our avatar utilized as a bullet... if the avatar is too small to make out or takes up too much space, then let peopel choose from basic icon style ...icons.


...i honestly dont know about this one; the way we change avatars, id say no way to that (how would you ever recognize 2T?). The icon bit, id look into way down the road after new temlates are all done.


Revamp the names... instead of regulars, title it 'cheers, where everybody knows your name' or something that has a lil more thought in it. Rising stars to get 'thanks for showing up' or 'welcome to our bar'...something more personal.


Again, good ideas, but we'll see on this front...there'll still be some shout-out for founding/classic members, as well as the regular barflies.


It'd be nice to the the 'this message has been edited by blahblah at whogivesafuck time... go away. A more simple "edited" would be better, or just... do away with it


wait, where is that? thats on posts, but not on the profiles, right?


Allow users to update and change pics and wording on their own, basic profile setup. Sorta like myspace, but not as in depth.


I would love to do this, the way some indecisive folk want their details changed. I really would. But unless there's some magical abilities within frongpage im unaware of, there's really no chance of it happening; youd each need a login to the site's FTP and im uneasy about the 3 that are already out there, i think its how we got hacked last time. MySpace is simply structured differently.


The best i could do for those of you who are even slightly HTML-savy or good with Frontpage, is allow you to download a blank template, do whatever you wish to it (as long as it keeps the most basic look) and mail it back to me, and id obviously go with that.


Again, when the work's all done, im lookin to name someone as "profile guy" and leave him in charge of helping write them for the creatively-challegned, as well as edit all incoming details/pics etc, so it shoudlnt be much of an issue, even in my abscense.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm starting to think: at the least, in the meantime, should we just have member profiles link to their MySpace ones if they have it? I have to admit, its way more customizable over there, it might not be a bad idea to outsource that way....and you can view most things there as a non-menber, too.


What do you guys think of that idea?

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...i thought i banned you from that site...?


Very well then: if youve got a myspace, freindster, hi5 etc page i dont know about, PM me, ill link to it.

Now, all i need is a better-looking member list...im debating that, or working with the one we got, just updating links.

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Ok, they're updated.


Those who submitted profiles, yours should be up there now - many of you will find your profiles have been outsourced to MySpace or a site like it, allowing you to customize it as you please. I hope this works....the only downsides are a) myspace gets a lotta erros, and b) sites like that usually wont let you see the person's other pics unless you join/sign in, but i cant affect that.


Its still not a pretty page, but its more up to date, anyway. If youre still missing anything (there's like 2 people in the Mysapce Hondo's group who i dont know on here), lemme know. Until we get a better List page and template, this is what we got, hope you guys dig it.

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Those who sent me stuff this week (crimson, hunter, firedown), your profiles are now updated.


I'm missing proifles from some prominent Hondonians....daytripper, Soviet, archangel, C&J, nanno, arnah, MM, Cougar, Whiterasta, etc....again, if you guys have one elsewhere (myspace, friendster etc) & dont mind, link me to it...if not, fill out this form when you get a chance!

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