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Wait...i didnt read much Spawn past the first 30 issues or so, but the man was definitely black.  There was a part where he was "cursed" with being white, but that was after he died. He was black before being killed, as was his family, so i have no idea what Mcfarlane's sayin there.  He's fulla shit anyway.

Here's that Bullseye pic:



Colin Farrel


PS Sam Neil? I know that name, where from?

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Just saw the trailer that's gonna be released with Minority Report on Friday. It's abso-fuckin-lutely awesome. Joygasm worthy. Any doubts I've had have been put to rest by that 20 seconds or so of footage. Now I just need them to put it online so I can watch it frame by loving frame.

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Cant wait to see that trailer Bob...check it out, more pictures, courtesy of some German site or another...



On the set



Possible costume revision, at least it gots the DD



This looks really cool...check out Murdock & Foggy, looks dead on.



Karen Page...another good casting call on her behalf.



..and here's a quick collage of the stars of the flick as they appear in comics.

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I have to say I'm a bigger fan of Hulk than Daredevil, but the DD movie is sounding more promising every day. Does anyone know who's getting the most attention in X2 (X1 it was wolvie, rogue and xavier)? Will it be Nigthcrawler? Will they go back and give Storm some attention now that Halle Barry is oscar-toting superstar?


By the way, when we all get together to see Daredevil (here in Miami), we can call it the QuadrupleD Dork Party (Drunken Deities Dare Devil Dork Party = DDDDDP!). Sweet!

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Wait, that'd be the QuintupleD party, wouldn't it?...


And I've a feeling that Wolverine will still be getting most of the attention, since Kelly Hu is supposed to be playing Lady Deathstrike. Interesting, but I'd wish they'd give the other characters a chance.

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Im most hyped bout Hulk, myself - good director, cool story behind him.  I dig Daredevil but ill get back to ya after the trailer.

As for X-Men 2, keep Wolvie central, dammit! Sure, I wanna see some Nightcrawler, but Jackman's got my boy to a tee...should get a solo movie!  :D alright ill stop.

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No, no they really dont.  That's why theyre a team and not individual stories.  Sure, youd think they could hold their own for 15 minutes a piece, but how long did you wanna see Cyclops solo? Face it, he's a less inetestin character.  Yeah, i wanna see guys like Gambit, Nightcrawler, Colossus etc get their time, and then i wanna see em work with the team, 'cause they can carry it for a bit.  If you noticed X-Men 1 had too much Xavier, Magneto or Wovly, that's cause theyre about the most interestin characters in the flick.

Then again, if the movie was up to me, it'd either be a Wolvy solo or one in which, when Wolvy's not the center of attention, he's in the background eatin cheerios or somethin; the few times he's off-screen, everyone's askin where he is or talkin bout what a badass he is or somethin.

"Dammit man, what's with all these non-Jackman scenes!?"


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I just hate wolvie overkill. You're right about Cyclops thoguh, he's annoying as fuck. I totally sympathize with wolvie on his feelings towards cyclops. Anyway, i just noticed this: We though Laurence Fishbourne was going to be Doc Ock, then they cast Sam Neill. Fishbourne and Neill were in Event Horizon together (spoooooky!).

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So, what can we learn from this short trailer?


First of all - costume changes. Not actually tights, thank god. Just tight clothing. And the hood over his head isn't attached. Which is good. Ever notice how in the Batman movies, he could never turn his head. Kinda dumb for a super hero, isn't it? No solid metal clubs, either. Not that anyone really cares about something that trivial. And, oh yes, the DD is there.


Elektra also apparently wears two costumes. That leather piece that we've all seen, already, and the classic red sash type thing that doesn't leave much to the imagination. Kinky. It really isn't fair that a blind man gets such hot women, anyway.


Bullseye - well, geez, it'd take all day to go into his costume changes, so I'll just mention what appears to be the same. Um.....nuthin'.


Kingpin. I take back all I said. That man IS Kingpin.


What else does this trailer tell us? Not much except that Jennifer Garner knows how to work those sais, and Aflac can twirl a bo or two (innuendos mostly intended)...oooo, we're impressed. Bullets in Daredevil's world make a helluva lot more sparks than they should, which is important because they seem to often be the main lighting source for the scene. And poor poor Foggy didn't even make the footage cut. But, then again, neither did Kevin Smith.

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Ok, few more things than its back to actual comics:

1) Colossus still rumored to be in X2, which is lookin more & more like an adaptation at Cleremont's "God loves, Man kills", which i never finished so off to Amazon.com i go.

2) It seems the Sam Neil call was just a rumor; Comic Book Resources.com says there's no association, no official casting calls yet for Spidey 2.

Fuck, now there's a Lobo short film? If they make a feature film outta that one, there's one comic film im not seein: Lobo fucking sucks.  This shit shoulda been released back when bad comic movies were all the rage: think late 80's Captain America, Punisher, Fantastic Four, Avengers etc. :ill:

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