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Marvel: Civil War


Civil War  

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Nick- I'm with Baytor on Howard. I'm yet to read the Steve Gerber Max mini, but that choosing Sides schtick did him no favours.


Bayt- I'll give you Parker's Identity. There's no way things can go on once this is done with Parker's ID a public domain. It'll be too hard & he'll alienate his fanbase. Not to mention Stark's come out & gone back in people prolly just figure Stark in an IM suit's prolly just hitting the sauce again.


I almost hate myself for loving this so much but damned if I didn't swoon when I saw it on a T-shirt.


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Dear StillboredMM's Sock/Howard the Duck


Aside from finding your very existence as trolls offensive, I would ask you to take your non-Civil War discussions out of this forum as I feel they lower the general tone of my esteemed corner. I'll now give you 2 days to apologise & remove all offensive materials before I take this to Hondos Admin. Furthermore I'd like you to know I'm a great big sissy-man played-out bitch for doing this, but god help me it's the only way I can get hard these days.



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Dear Shit-for-brains Skeeter,


Aside from finding your unappreciation for brilliant art when it's in front of your nose offensive, I would like to remind you that you suck.


If you can't get it hard, then that sounds like a personal problem, but damned if I don't give a fuck.


You have two days to apologise for your comments about me or I'll shit on your windshield and empregnate your girl.



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Peter's a fast healer, he's fought like 90% of the marvel U, he's all kindsa fast and way stronger than he lets on most times.

Plus, even if the operation goes south, his mug on the news helps the anti-side, reinforcing Peter's little news conference in ASM...i cant see why Cap woudlnt use him.

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not sure i follow...just havin Pete out there, passing on whatever intel he coudl get, not to mention the huge thorn his turncoat ways are in the side of the pro-reg, i mean they just took their opposition's symbol...if the death of goliath wasnt sending in new recruits, this's got to.


surprised i havent seen any civil war t-shirts yet.

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Cap has a serious problem: most of his followers are chumps, with the exception of Sue and Johnny, Punisher, and now Peter. There are a few others, but that's pretty much it. They have to go against Tony, all of SHIELD, Sentry, Pym, Richards, Clones of Thor, and God know's what else.


How's Cap gonna play this? Parker is quite possibly his most valuable asset now.

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Fuck skeet, he can go read Amazing...tired of you kids spoiling/summarizing!


arch: His lineup's not all chumps; Cable's a bigger player than you guys think. There's others.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is practially neglible with what Fury has going on behind the scenes in Captain America, even the cape-killers dont seem to be stopping things much.

Tony's a player, Pym isnt really. Richards isnt even on the battlefield. Sentry has yet to make a move, and the pro-side is still reclutant to move out the new Thor coprs after what happened last time....all this and the real Thor's not even reappaered yet. Hulk's still an off-planet wildcard too, but he's gonna hate everybody.


Cap's gonna have Peter, Cage, and the other New Avengers on the frontline.

Ive been kidna wondering why the Civil War files one-shot or whatver it was had :ohface: on the pro-side...he's anything but, except he's been hunting Nitro for a while now.


PS Stark isnt even consistent with his own shit.






those might not hotlink, sadly

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Cable's still active on the anti-reg side? And Sentry came out for the pro-reg side, even if he hasn't been in any conflicts about it.


Skeeter:You surely didn't expect him to keep a suit that his now-opponent made? Or are you complaining that Parker rewrote the codes for the suit? It's not out of the realm of possibility that he'd have the skill to do at least that.

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