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Marvel: Civil War


Civil War  

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There has never been a story so big that Hollywood could condense it to 2 hours max.


I know that for live action feature films, the character rights of all of Marvel's characters are spread across all the studios. For direct to video animated features, the Ultimates movie had alot of characters, but not all, so I don't think one studio has all the rights either. All of DC's characters are exclusively for Time Warner, which is cool cause they can do things like Justice League Unlimited with a cast of dozens of heroes. Not sure if that was the smartest things from business perspective, but it's good for continuity in these movies. In Daredevil, Ben Urich wasn't even working at the Bugle because "The Daily Bugle" belonged to Sony for Spider-Man movies. I'm surprises that the Marvelverse's "New York City" was allowed to be shared. If Stan Lee had decided to create a fictional city resembling New York (like Metropolis or Gotham City) where multiple heroes would live, instead of actually using New York, only one hero could have used it in the movies.

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I dont' think it would work on film...but as an animated mini series? i think it would be cool.




Yea I wrote that it should be for tv, I would love to see it as a tv show, but everyone would think that it was trying to work off the success of Heroes...when really it was the other way around. But alas, Civil War might be a little too complicated.

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  • 4 months later...
I was thinking that Civil war would be an alright show if done well.




I agree, it would be very cool if done well, I just think its too big. The amount of effects alone makes me think its not realistic. I'm looking forward to the avengers movie, that'll be the true test if something like this can hold its water.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 years later...

That's retarded. You're insisting on taking the POV of the narrative instead of looking at the story as a whole. Put yourself in the shoes of the American public in a world inhabited by superheroes. Just because vigilantism is an intrinsic part of the culture up to this point and for no other reason than an alternative option was never raised doesn't mean when a better suggestion comes to the fire that it should be ignored out of hand because of 'tradition'.


Cap was acting in the exact same capacity as the Punisher(imposing his will & beliefs on the public) and deserved everything he got. He abused his influence to engage in a nation-wide midlife crisis.

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By recruiting psychotic villians, yeah. I'll give you that. Honestly the whole thing's so black and white to me, I gotta believe Millar wrote that in to lend the arguement any kind of grey area. It's the only way you can account for homicidal Thor Clones & manhunts.


I'm not engaging you in a discussion about what's vogue in the MU though, I'm here to once again rub your fucking noses in the fact that Registration is a good thing.

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again, for the slow crowd: civil rights aren't put up for a vote. if cap was "imposing his will" by standing up for the right thing? fuck, we need more of that.


ps psychotic villains, illegal cloning, unjustful/inhumane imprisonment without trial...yup, pretty black & white alright :yup:

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I'm defending the idea, not the execution. And just because Cap wears a fucking flag and refers to the forefathers/ liberty bell doesn't make him right. I'm not saying the Vox Populi's right either, but Cap's taken the high ground against enough vigilantes and untrained 'heroes'/fuckups in his time to know better than to fight federal training.


And yes, I know at that time something rotten was going on with S.H.I.E.L.D so you can argue the '... under what authority?' point all you like, Cap was spitting in the face of Civil servants like Police & Firies, saying they could train deez nutz and that if you have a mask and pluck, you can do anything you want and no pissant civvie should stand in your way.

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hurrrr cap's somehow shitting on civil servants for not agreeing with meeeee


...wait, you're (poorly) discussion 2 points now. you can't say cap's a hypocrite but the execution was shit...if this was only about standardized/federal training and not about surrendering identities to the feds at gunpoint, no, i dont think Cap would've gone against it.


if you wanna debate registration, nail down exactly what you think it oughta entail. no, not many would argue with standardization/some form of accountability...but giving up your civie ID? you do realize the cops & feds cant even protect human witnesses pre-trail sometimes, yeah?

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Registration could've been a decent idea. If it had been thought about and implemented well. But it wasn't. Instead of protecting, it destroyed. It seems to me there's more than one question about registration. The two that come immediately to mind are: Are we obligated to obey immoral laws that take away rights like this one did, and what would have made this work?

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