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If you start listening to rush, learning about how many fucking musicians are profoundly influenced by them, who they have had a successful career to present day with more consistancy in that success than even aerosmith, how they have never released anything that isn't good (they have never recorded a b-side, every song they record goes on an album) and how each member excells at what he does like few others in the history of time, and how their music is truely beautiful and timeless, then you can truely start to appriciate them and understand how they are on the same level as zeppelin. as far as commercial success is concern, zeppelin is far more popular and have sold 3 times as many albums (zep is second only to the beatles in total record sales), but even artists who preceeded rush worship them and often cover them (jeff beck and malsteen to name a few). Any intelligent person who gives them a fair chance and a few listens will fall in love with them.

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Christ, do you know what "subjective" means?

I can tell you how many folks covered Kenny G, dont make him worth a good goddamn.  Can sing his praises with tons o' wankers, can break the notes down one-by-one and parade him around like he's the shit, but he's still not Wynton Marsalis or a similar contemporary, much less i herald him a "classic" along the lines of Davis, Bird etc.

Enough with this "intrinsic" and "intelligent people" bullshit.  I grew up listenin to classic rock & rap only, and thought everythin else to be shit.

I grew up.  Now, there's great stuff in jazz, country, blues, techno, folk, and many others.  There's prolly excellent spanish music i dont know of, doesnt make me any less intelligent a listener.  

I think people of our generation who deny Micheal Jackson's talent are posin, lyin or both.  I think "Free Bird" should be our national anthemn.  And mostly i think folks who dont like Johnny Cash are assholes.

..but this "I think" stuff does little for the band's merit.  Its opinions, far more subjective than logical debate/empirical studies/etc.  

While i see what youre sayin - bashin things without givin em a fair chance sucks - such broad general statements are no good.  And for what its worth, citing popularity figures (who covered who, who influenced who, etc) isnt the way to go with these 2 bands; as you said, Zeppelin's way on top, presumably with some reason.

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You know what, your right IC. I think I'll judge everything I don't know anything about based on it's apparant mainstream popularity. What's Sandman? I'd say it's a poor man's Aquaman. How can I sy that, becasue I've heard of Aquaman and Sandman it's a cultural icon. That's enough justification for me. I was being subjective. You were judging something wonderful you know nothing about.

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Clever, now its some kinda boyband argument....i only picked that up from this:

artists who preceeded rush worship them and often cover them (jeff beck and malsteen to name a few).

You were citing big namer's whove covered Rush as a justification of such crap as :

there is somethign inherently wrong with people who dislike rush

...so rather than bring up things like Enocinum & all the greats that've covered Zeppelin, i figured if youre goin for popularity, id dance that dance & cite the massive edge Zeppelin has, and not with wankers who write comics off or listen to boy bands, but by both artistis and fans contemporary to these groups.  Doesnt prove all that much, but i figured you'd follow, guess not.

As for

You were judging something wonderful you know nothing about.

...while i cannot attest to spendin my childhood earnings on an Ebay-bought dixie cup of Lee's semen, i can account for havin heard way more Rush than I care too.

My EMT partner used to drive me to class over by JMH (Jackson Memorial), thats 45 minutes or so of traffic, there & back, several times a week.  Tho i managed to pull off some Stevie Ray and Doobie Brothers, it was mostly a Rush-fest.

I was haunted by this that nite you & Brigit came by Yahvne's place & blasted "Rush's greatest hits" for hours on end (by the way, the one who shut it off when ya left the room? Yeah, that was me.)

I cant name the albums, i dont know which powerpuff is Geddy's favorite, etc.  But while i go outta my way most times not to piss on everyone else's favorites, i still reserve the right to criticize stuff ive given a chance & struck me as ass incarnate, tho i have given Rush credit in the past as one of those bands I can see is alright but just aint for me.  I do, however, strongly disagree with the "Plant, Morrison, Dylan & Lennon all suck Lee's cock!"-type statements 's all.


"But, what about the undercurrent themes of lesbianism in Basic Instinct and..."

"No, no no! Youre getting all caught up in the hype! 'Piece of shit' and walk away from it!"  - Bill Hicks, Relentless (i believe)

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Sorry, I thought you were putting down a band you'd never experienced, but clearly you've dealt with rush and have made up your own mind up based on listening to them. What else can I say. The only people I ever meet that don't like Rush are people who never really listen too them, and your statement made me think you were among them. I guess there's nothing left for me to say that I don't understand it, but I acknowledge your dislike for rush as legitimate and not based on silly prejudice.

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Fair enough...maybe this'll help tho:

Usin the comic example ya cited, id say my all-time comic, hands down, is Preacher.

Most who've read it seem to place it high on their lists. Exceptions might be artisticartoon (liked it, but claims he's read better) and kee (seemed to enjoy it, but got offended by the end).

Now, both those 2 individuals more than gave it a chance: they read all 66 issues.  

Yahven & others completed it as well, and tho not their favorite, i think it'd at least make their top 10...id say Yahven's favorite is most likely Sandman: a fine book, cant argue with that.  

But let's use artistic as an example.  If he said "Preacher was great, but Watchmen (or Batman: The Dark Knight Returns) kicks the shit outta it", intially i might disagree, but not for long: like it or not, the writin in these 2 books is superior, and not just amongst critics - those 2 books alone ushered in a new age for comics, that's gotta say somethin.

I can acknowledge theyre better, but Preacher's still my favorite; the book felt like it was written for me at times, and even those not into the western theme can enjoy it. But, at the end of the day, id still kinda havta admit those 2 are better books.

That's all i was tryin to establish with Zeppelin: no way can i deny Rush bein god of all in Jack's world, but I was curious if, overall, youd acknowledge Zeppelin to be greater, if even in the "influetnial" sense of greatness: granted, greatness might mean sometin else entierly to you & others.  

But then again, if/when Kee says Preacher's shit, i cant argue...the man read the whole damn series, and he's certainly entitled to that opinion. So either way, no hard feelings, i figure i oughta be happy if folks've a band or thing theyre "all about" rather than kiddie porn or somethin...

fuck, this rant woudla worked in the lyceum, or comics, or anywhere, and i havent been on topic for a page or so...uh...back to finals.

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As to your question about my opinions on rush vs zeppelin, I have no doubt zeppelin's more popular, and I love zeppelin. In fact, I'm listening to the album Led Zeppelin I right now. But as far as quality of music is concerned, I think the two bands are on the same musical level. Whether one is better than the other is something of opinion, but I think they are definitely in the same league, like Citizen Kane and Casablance are in the same league for movies and Frost and Keats are in the same league for poetry. I would not compare Rush to, say, Men Without Hats, the same way I wouldn't compare Citizen Kane to Tron or Robert Frost to Charlie Sheen. So when you say "zeppelin craps rush", that's where my dissapoval of your opinion began. Zeppelin's definitily more popular and probably more influencial, but rush is alot more popular among musicians than among the public. If you were to take a poll of musician's favorite bands and the public's favorite bands, zeppelin mould be higher on both lists, but rush would be much closer on the musician's poll. I think it says alot about a band's music when people who make music for a living think highly of that band.

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  • 5 years later...


Tom Waits - Blow Wind Blow

Metallica - For Whom The Bell Tolls

Rory Gallagher - Shadow Play(Live)

Metallica - Orion

Bruce Springsteen - State Trooper



Metallica - Ride The Lightning

Tom Waits - Franks Wild Years

Rory Gallagher - Stage Struck

Metallica - Master Of Puppets

Megadeth - Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?





Tom Waits (would be higher, but his best stuff was in the 90's)

Ozzy Osbourne

Rory Gallagher (would be higher, but his best stuff was in the 70's)

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