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What was the last film you saw?

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The Fighter...loved the story...and I think it's pretty cool that it is based on actual events.


But it makes me think of the phrase, "Quod me nutrit me destruit" What nourishes me destroys me.


Thought to have originated with Elizabethan playwright Christopher Marlowe. Generally interpreted to mean that that which motivates or drives a person can consume him or her from within.


Families can be that way...it's unfortunate that the people that are supposed to mean everything to us and in theory be the most loving force in our lives can at times be the most toxic presence in our lives.


Love is funny that way...in it's capacity to do as much harm as it does good.


Otherwise, I think it was a great movie...love my Mark Whalberg!

Edited by Master Star
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Ok folks, I know I said some... unsavory things in the past about this film, but I thought I'd watch it again. Give it another go-around and see if I change my little ol' mind. Well I didn't. I'm sorry, but this movie is just so damn gay. No witty puns or fun language.... this is just a gay, gay movie that I can't like. Maybe it has something to do Colonel ANGus Lee's direction. Ok there's one. Sorta right?

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sooooooo i'ma little slow but i just saw The Matrix for the first time ...Thinkin movie but pretty awesome..heard parts 2 and 3 are worth watchin ...wonderin? :uhm:


like 2 posts ago


NO WORRIES Gene,your not alone i think more woman than anyone liked this movie (me excluded), all it is is the gayest beyond gay love story ... i'm all for a good love story but thank you lord i only watched this movie once

Edited by The NZA
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2012 - Only saw it because of John Cusack. Movie was OK. Glad I didn't pay to see it in theatres...



Our Family Wedding - I heard alot of bad rap for this one and I've got to say that it actually entertained me. The scene when the abuela sees that the fiance is black and faints had me laughing so hard I almost peed. I could imagine my grandmother doing the same thing...


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Predictable, but engrossing. Never been a Jolie fan. I mean, I'm one of the few HUMANS that doesn't think she's attractive, but she was hot in this. Especially:






Ur such an @$$ .... but i told you it would be good .. I LOVE THAT SCENE :2T: I knw i knw i'm just sex crazed

Edited by eli12
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Super 8... it was ok.

I wish that there was more of the creature fucking shit up to where you can see it instead of seeing a random tentacle or car flying from a blind spot. The buildup wasn't really worth it, especially for a generic alien wanting to go home movie.

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Gnomeo and Juliet...the best part of the movie was the soundtrack...all done by Elton John...second best part two awesome quotes...


Brokeback Mountain (quoted by two gnomes stuck to the same platform)

"I wish I could quit you."...LMAO


Forrest Gump (quoted by a hot pink flamingo who had his heart broken)

"I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is."...Fucking awesome/hilarious



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I spent every minute waiting for something, anything, to happen that would pin me to my seat with intrigue. The only moment in which Catfish presents a shred of curiosity comes in the form of an unbelievably contrived scene. The three friends decide to visit the supposed farm of Nev’s Internet friend, but arrive at 2:00 a.m. Why would anybody ever visit a stranger on a secluded farm at 2:00 a.m. unless they were trying to force the audience into a corner?


This wouldn’t have been so bad if the documentary took a turn for the fictional (like the trailer suggests). It wouldn’t have been so bad if the documentary actually went somewhere from there (like the critic blurbs in the trailer suggest). To me it seems that when the big “reveal” occurs, the filmmakers realize (off-camera) their documentary is in trouble. They hit a dead end, but decide to keep the cameras rolling in a desperate attempt to find an interesting character.


Do people like that even exist? Is seems very convenient. Who goes to all the trouble of pretending to be someone else online? What's the point?

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Watched "Faster" with Dwayne Johnson in it...Billy Bob Thorton...and this hot dude as the killer...but not sure how I feel about it.


It was interesting enough and suspenseful...but I honestly feel like it leaves you hanging a bit...


Liked it, but I don't think I'd watch it again...


I thought it was the second best of the series, though it was pretty light on jokes and actually kinda dark.


I love Shrek! The first 2 are my favorite...then the 4th one, and the 3rd was my least favorite...these are movies that I actually like Cameron Diaz in.

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I love Shrek! The first 2 are my favorite...then the 4th one, and the 3rd was my least favorite...these are movies that I actually like Cameron Diaz in.


Being John Malkovich is the shiiiiiiit! Technically, I guess Fear & Loathing counts too. And uh..uh...uhm...The Box? That one coulda been worse. It was a lot more 'Twilight Zone' than I expected, and that's a good thing.

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