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What was the last film you saw?

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Charlie Day & Aniston steal the movie.Jamie Foxx also has a decent cameo. Spacey is just chewing scenery, really makes me want to see him in Swimming w/ Sharks. I'd give the film a grade of a solid B.



A lot better than I thought it would be. Jason Segel steals it something fierce.





I'm hearing mixed things on BAD TEACHER, DoJ. I'm still debating on whether to do this as a matinee or a rental though. I figured Segel would steal the show from the trailers I saw. I'm looking fwd to seeing what he'll do w/ the upcoming Muppets movie.

Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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Super 8

It's always thrilling when a filmmaker emerges - to see the movie that truly marks his arrival as someone to watch and pay attention to because he not only has something to say but he knows how to say it.


So it is with J.J. Abrams and Super 8, a great leap forward for someone who already has proven himself as a formidable TV auteur, capable of making the leap to movies by shaking up old franchises with a new vision.


But Super 8 is something else again: the arrival of a director who's made a movie with the confidence and sensitivity to remind you of the first time you saw E.T. It's a movie that will put you on the edge of your seat, even as it puts a lump in your throat.


What distinguishes Abrams’ film – and allows it to be mentioned in the same breath with “E.T.” – is that he keeps the focus on these kids: on the complex feelings they have that frighten and confuse them, on their multi-layer relationship with parents and other adults, on their resourcefulness despite their seeming powerlessness. Adults underestimate and otherwise dismiss them, though the kids finally are the ones with the crucial details at their command.


Abrams has made a movie about that transition from kid to adult, when youngsters realize that life is not like a movie or a TV show, that bad things do happen from which their parents can’t protect them (or each other). It’s about the dawning of a sense of self-sufficiency, even as you learn to value connections you have taken for granted previously.


“Super 8” is a stunner, a movie that sucks you in from the start and spits you out the other end with a sense of wonder to go with the tears in your eyes. It’s what a great summer movie should be – indeed, what a great movie should be anytime. It’s hard to imagine a better movie.

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Aw man, who -1'd the new guy's review?


And I'm so ridiculously excited for Horrible Bosses, another movie I have to wait til next month for.


Last movie I watched in completion was Shrek 2. I can see now, revisiting 1 & 2 together where folks come from accusing 2 of being a letdown(still fun, but the drop in quality disheartened me from continuing with the quadrology as planned).

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Jay, I didn't neg the "new guy," but if I had one left I would. . .


Super 8

It's always thrilling when a filmmaker emerges - to see the movie that truly marks his arrival as someone to watch and pay attention to because he not only has something to say but he knows how to say it.


So it is with J.J. Abrams and Super 8, a great leap forward for someone who already has proven himself as a formidable TV auteur, capable of making the leap to movies by shaking up old franchises with a new vision.


But Super 8 is something else again: the arrival of a director who's made a movie with the confidence and sensitivity to remind you of the first time you saw E.T. It's a movie that will put you on the edge of your seat, even as it puts a lump in your throat.


What distinguishes Abrams' film – and allows it to be mentioned in the same breath with "E.T." – is that he keeps the focus on these kids: on the complex feelings they have that frighten and confuse them, on their multi-layer relationship with parents and other adults, on their resourcefulness despite their seeming powerlessness. Adults underestimate and otherwise dismiss them, though the kids finally are the ones with the crucial details at their command.


Abrams has made a movie about that transition from kid to adult, when youngsters realize that life is not like a movie or a TV show, that bad things do happen from which their parents can't protect them (or each other). It's about the dawning of a sense of self-sufficiency, even as you learn to value connections you have taken for granted previously.


"Super 8" is a stunner, a movie that sucks you in from the start and spits you out the other end with a sense of wonder to go with the tears in your eyes. It's what a great summer movie should be – indeed, what a great movie should be anytime. It's hard to imagine a better movie.


Yeah, um, unless your real name is Marshall Fine, it's not cool copy-n-pasting reviews and trying to pass 'em off as your own.

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