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What was the last film you saw?

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Hadn't seen this in a long time and was reminded how much I loved it when I was younger. I swear I must've watched it over a dozen times when I got the VHS (man, I'm old)...



I see you...


Toy Story 3

Never fails...it comes on the TV and I drop everything I'm doing to watch. It's in close contention with Up on most watched movie the past 3 mths -- gotta love how the movie channels repeat movies to oblivion!

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Just got back from the new Fright Night. I can't compare it to the original having never seen it, but it is a good, entertaining vampire movie.


Ditto. I was kinda pissed that it was only offered in 3D in my area. 4 different theaters, three different companies and not one evening 2D screening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watched 21 Grams just there. A good film, but the non linear aspect of it to me added little other than a mildheadache at the rapid ageing/fountin of youth huffing of some of the characters in it. I felt it could've been a very good story told chronologically rather than giving me a headache in the first few minutes wondering why there were severeal Penn's and Del toro's in various states around the film.

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Kung Fu Panda: 2 -- Didn't see the original, but it did keep me entertained on my flight to Miami


Thor - DK raved about its brilliance, I was drooling too much to pay attention


The Help - Great movie. I want to read the book.


Arthur - Kept me entertained on my flight to Boston. Made me chuckle at parts and I liked the story. I know I've seen the original, but don't remember it at all.

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The Debt - I really enjoyed it although I kept remembering how much JZA hates Sam Worthington and I kept trying to catch his accent when he spoke. Enough suspense for me, not too much blood...didn't expect some of the storyline and thats a good thing. It sometimes irks me when I can figure a movie out in the first twenty minutes and this one didn't...

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Watched Saw: The "Final" Chapter last night. I gotta hand it to the filmmakers. You know these folks are having a good time on these movies. Plus the gore effects are pretty awesome considering 99% of it all looked practical. All in all it kept me entertained for 90 minutes.

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Contagion - Kinda meh. Slow paced yet intriguing in several ways it examines what a modern day epidemic might be like in the US. I'd give it a C+.


The Debt - Interesting espionage thriller that looks at three Israeli spies as they attempt to capture a Nazi War Criminal in Cold War Berlin. It jumps between 1965 and 1967 and the story unfolds in an interesting, if not predictable way. After this and RED, I'd say Helen Mirren is the new Angelina Jolie when it comes to female film spies. I give it a B.

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yeah, to echo myself through baytor's post: the film was crap.



if you're the kind've person that doesn't mind slasher flicks where the protagonist(s) a) don't take their chance to do away with the atrocious villain and b) return to the scene to enable the film to drag longer while they're maimed then you're gonna love this.


the villain was solid, but it drags its nuts and everyone who's not him isn't.



it's not good, ryan. you've recommended better.

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your numbers may be legion; history will vindicate me.




you gotta know i'm biased on supernatural shit, especially demons & such. i think the only time this failed me was in REC2.


God you keep digging that hole deeper. Next you're going to proclaim your love for An American Haunting or Dark Water or some such shit.

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:x: axels, fix that shit!


and dear baytor, i am only digging into the mysterious land of right opinions™ , you are as ever welcome to join.


we can talk about REC2 here as well, fellas. spoilers abound.


...come the fuck on. look i myself said going a supernatural route with zombies would practically be refreshing at this point (weve science'd them to death, when was the last good voodoo?), and yes it had cool scenes like rooms hidden in darkness, but the transition from 1 barely mentioned demon-y stuff towards the end-like to the first five minutes of saying an our father and stopping a zombie dead-in-its-tracks was off-putting, and i dont know that i ever got over it. LL backs me here (on WC too, heh), it just needed a better transition cause i loved 1 & watched it at least 3 times, 2 felt arbitrary and weird after it. i wanted to like that one though, as it was built on a good film with pacing & interesting characters, unlike say, Wolf Creek.

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See, what everyone forgets about movies like Wolf Creek when they're criticizing is that the victims in this movie aren't killers. The main character we follow for most of the movie is a British citizen who has most likely never held a gun before in her life, let alone fired one. It's all well and good to say "I would so blow his brains out right now." But it's like playing Jeopardy at home, it's a hell of a lot easier when you're at home on your couch watching this. And even if you would have the stones to step up and do this in real life, the character in question has very different personality traits from you or I. I think if it'd been the guy (the one weak link of the film as he just plain wasn't in most of it and the closure to his story kinda blew) he might've done it, he seemed a bit more mentally prepared for fucked up things judging by how his story ended but I still have my doubts that he would have done it either.



And yeah, she went back to his place because that's probably the only place within 50 miles where there was a car. The Australian outback is huge and filled with things that will kill you and still get a restful night's sleep.


I find this particular instance of stupidity a lot more believable than just about every horror movie I've seen, and just like Billy Carter with beer, I know horror movies. If you're signing off because the characters aren't deep and they do some stupid things then I question what genre you've been watching.

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