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What was the last film you saw?

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being right is worth more than a cheap -1, sir

...nah. horror movies are about the scares, no doubt, but you're supposed to make me at least minutely give a shit about the plight of the protagonist. and i get that projecting what i think i'd do on another character doesn't immediately make sense, but you know what? when you've seen a few friends die in a grisly manner to some monster, and dont take the chance to off him...i can't relate, but okay, different strokes.


when you have a change of heart, decide to return to the scene unarmed (i dont care if this is the outback or the gas station down the street), i lose all sympathy for your plight. it's poor writing and you're just there to go back and be done away with in some horrid fashion - in this case, it was cutting your spinal cord after the villain magically teleported into the car you ran into. it's fine that you can look at these 2 "weak links" passable; i watched it with sen & LL and we all kinda groaned and dismissed it, man. not a good horror flick.


it might as well've just been Frontiers and had characters running headfirst into giant ovens. and i don't blame you for walking past REC2; i honestly think ill try to watch it again sometime (especially if and when 3 drops) but i stand that the transition from b-zombie flick cause of science to b-zombie flick cause of demons could've been done a lot smoother, and idve loved it for it.

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I don't think it existed in Quarantine, that was practically the only difference in the two movies. It's almost a shot-by-shot pointless remake (just kidding, clearly everything is better with white people), except they stuck with the super-rabies thing in Quarantine, or at least they never mentioned the big possession reveal that was in Rec.

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My favorite pointless difference between Quarantine and REC is the tape player in the guy's apartment. In REC it tells you some stuff that sorta explains what's going on, in Quaratine it just goes WHUB-WHUB-WHUB and Dexter's Sister just says "It's not working!" Why did they even bring the tape player into the remake?

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okay, just so i'm clear - when you don't have an argument to counter, or simply don't like what someone's saying because it differs from your opinion, you should just -1 that shit, yeah?


see, i minus shit if its hateful towards another hondonian or ignorant to the point of trolling, such as "rap is not music" or "the poor should pull themselves up by their bootstraps". i want to clarify this, as i've infinite minuses to dole out, and constantly see some of you guys saying things i find subjectively incorrect. if that's where it's at, let me know; i'll start with the batman v captain america thread, and work my way from there back to here.

and wolf's creek will still not be a good horror flick.

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I've been on a roll since we switched from DISH Network to DirecTV...it helps that we have all the movie channels as well as them On-Demand online...


So...I have seen:


The Joy Luck Club - I've loved this movie and book for years...I can't see it without bawling


Little Fockers - Not the funniest of the franchise, but it did have me chuckling


To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar - Love it. Can watch it a thousand times.


Nanny McPhee Returns - Cute. Kept me entertained and it taught some lessons. Liked the original better.


Megamind - Will Ferrel. 'Nuff said.


The Little Rascals - Cute. Seen it over a dozen times.


Fargo - Wow. I actually liked it and can see why Frances McDormand won an Oscar for it


Tangled - Its up there on my favorite Disney movie list...will definitely buy this one!


The Princess Bride - Who doesn't like this one?


Death at a Funeral - Makes me crack up everytime I see it...


Ponyo - Not bad. Spotted the voices instantly.

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Just watched Battle Royale.




Really cool movie, but not as over the top as I was expecting (or hoping for).


then again this is pre- machine girl/tokyo gore and not in the same vein as those.


still coulda used more cowbell

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yeah axels, its a fun flick but it was prolly better when it first came out. beat takeshi made it for me, as he does with many things.


ps i will fight baytor, DoJ, or anyone who tells you you should watch the sequel. not just some -1 them shit; like hit them with a rock.

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If a god is willing to prevent evil, but not able, then he is not omnipotent. If he is able, but not willing, then he must be malevolent. If he is neither able or willing then why call him a god? Why else do bad things happen to good people?




Not for everyone, but I sure enjoyed it.

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yeah axels, its a fun flick but it was prolly better when it first came out. beat takeshi made it for me, as he does with many things.


ps i will fight baytor, DoJ, or anyone who tells you you should watch the sequel. not just some -1 them shit; like hit them with a rock.

Not even I could straight faced say to someone to watch the sequel to BR2, but I've a friend who is all about it, strangely.

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'Battle Royale II' is an uneven, but worthy follow-up. It's one of those sequels that tries something different, but is generally hated due to high expectations and the reputation of the mammoth original.


Here, the two Fukasakus take the story in the exact direction it needs to go. The survival game setting has been ditched...this time, it's about all-out war between the children and the adults. Naturally, there's less intimate moments here and only a few characters are well-defined...but seeing the world of 'Battle Royale' explode in your face (literally) is completely involving.


The few good character moments we get here are nice and match up with the poetry of the original. Shuya Nanahara is a much more interesting and complex person this time. Shiori Kitano is one of the best characters in either film. And the over-the-top Riki Takeuchi almost steals the film.


There are flaws, though... The children feel less like individuals and more like a collective, so there's less emotional involvement this time out...but that is perhaps inevitable, given the war setting. Plus, the resolution to the battle seems a tad anti-climactic.


Problems aside, this is a film well worth watching. The story is more complex, the battles are blistering, and the performances are great. It may not match the greatness of the original, but it's certainly one of the better directions a sequel has taken.


Note: Fans should avoid the theatrical version "Requiem" and seek out the newly re-edited Director's Cut - "Revenge." It restores a lot of missing character development and thematic elements and is a much better film overall.

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Goddammit, I got 3 people up there wholeheartedly telling me stay away from that movie, and now I have Rexorcist, who is worth at least 3 people on his own telling me otherwise.

(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻



I just.... wait a minute.



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Hello folks, it's been awhile. Tonight I saw the new summer horror film Shark Night 3D. Boy did this movie have a set of jaws on it. While there was no fishing around for a story line the movie did provide plenty of thrills and gills. I really didn't have high hopes for it, but it really lured me in and made me a fin of this movie. Great? Why t'was the best shark movie I've ever seen!

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