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What was the last film you saw?

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That's been happening alot lately. It won't help current members much, but perhaps that should be added to the FAQ? I know since day one I have only copied image location then insert it. I only just recently started imageshacking. Just a suggestion for the box :P

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Paranormal Activity 3. It was going so well up until the infamous last 15 minutes the commercials are hyping. It felt like they dropped the ball there. That, and they have the same formula from the last 2 so I was expecting the scares too much. Worth watchin, but not in theaters.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Did not like.


Part one was delightful, and about as classy as a movie about a human centipede could aspire to be.


I remember reading about the strong outcry about the "depravity" of the first film, and how Tom Six's reply to which was something along the lines of "Oh, you think my movie is depraved, I'LL SHOW YOU DEPRAVED!"


Well, he did it. He made a film that is, for all intents and purposes, deserving of all the decrying heaped upon the first film, and I really have to question the wisdom of that decision.


As a film buff, I can appreciate the sequel on several levels, there were certainly some interesting decisions made...


For instance, the decision to set the film in a world where the first film is in fact a film. Also, the main character never speaks, and there is very dialog as a whole in the film.



I just didn't find it enjoyable.


I actually called a friend of mine who is a HUGE fan of the first one and told her not to even bother with part 2. To be honest, the film made me very uncomfortable, and I'll probably not watch it again.

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Where does it compare in terms of wrongness to A Serbian Film?


I don't think its in the same ball park as A Serbian Film.


Except for maybe one scene....


Of course, I just saw that the rip I watched might have been the censored version?! I'm not sure how that's possible...

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Dunno how there's no thread for this already(I guess Panch is absent and I'm lazy), but this movie paid off my incredible anticipation levels in spades and spades of my favourite currency.


Take an authentic fantasy quest character list like I've not seen on screen since Conan, put an accurate with minimal suspension of belief required framework of Greek mythology on it and then apply 300's cinematography. This movie, I would absolutely take Panch's 300 challenge with. It's goddamned insane! Throw Mickey Rourke in as the villainous King Hyperion for good measure and you got yourself a stew, baby! you're looking at the film that's eclipsed anything I've seen in the last 10 years.

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Yes yes Jay, but did you enjoy the film. Christ, you're so vague. :2T:


That honestly comes out of left field for me. I want to say I watched half of a trailer and wrote it of as some Clash of the Titans mess. Never gave it a second thought.


And, although some of your tastes may be slightly dubious, I know you enough to know you aren't going to absolutely love something that's total shit.



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I guess we haven't discussed the theatrical cut of Daredevil, have we? :troll:


No, I'll qualify my total geekout thusly: I'm a huge mythology nerd who dug the style of 300. If these are boxes you also have and want ticked, go see it. As stated, there's so much more going on but that's the core of it. Hercules and Perseus are household names in Greek Mythology appropriation, but these guys went with Theseus. That should tell you a heap right there.

there's even an adapted version of the Labrynth and the Minotaur- and once again that was the lynchpin of marrying occasionally silly mythology and a semi-realistic setting. If I had a single point of whining the morning after it's only that the Titans really didn't come across as exiled Olympians so much as Spartan Zombies. WTF am I complaining about though? SPARTAN FUCKING ZOMBIES. Panch needs to get on this ASAP



The Clash of the Titans remake caused me great physical pain. This was a 2 hour orgasm. Seriously, not a dull moment. Infact the slowest point in the film is when you're seeing naked women.

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Saw Tower Heist (C+) and Anonymous (B+) last weekend.


Anonymous was an interesting "what if" take on Shakespeare and Elizabethan politics. And I find the whole "Was Shakespeare the man from Stratford" debate that's going on in academia (or rather the debate that some are trying to legitimize via academia) very intriguing indeed.


TH was surprisingly short on laughs for what's being marketed as a comedy. There are some laughs, but they're few and far between. It wants to be the funny lil' borther to Ocean's 11 so badly, but it just doesn't quite make it.



Look who finally showed his ugly mug again.

And I agree you best keep the replies monosyllabic for now. Ease back in, buddy.

Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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