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What was the last film you saw?

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Saw Immortals and it delivered what I expected --thin plot, intense stylized action--and a little extra too (Naked Frieda Pinto!). Thelatter actually has me considering seeing it again in 3D. I'd give it a solid B or B+ grade.


Naked Frieda Pinto??!!! Seen.


Yes the aformentioned awful movie (the pic loads just fine for me strangely) was "In Time".

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Saw Immortals and it delivered what I expected --thin plot, intense stylized action--and a little extra too (Naked Frieda Pinto!). Thelatter actually has me considering seeing it again in 3D. I'd give it a solid B or B+ grade.


IT WAS AN A+! *Boots in chest*


Being gay for greek mythology isn't even a qualifier: this is a man movie through and through. I really shouldn't pretend that the story is anything but a framing device for combat scenes & CGI.

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Saw Martha Marcy May Marlene last night.



Moves slowly and builds intensity. I find movies about people getting involved in a cult interesting, because I (as most people) find it hard to believe I could every be pulled into one, so I'm curious about the circumstances that could allow it to happen. In retrospect, it's one of the most interesting dimensions of Fight Club, it's a movie/book that helps you understand how a cult mentality can pull people in. While I don't think the movie was able to make me relate to how she got pulled in and stuck around and participated when shit got fucked up, I was able to empathize with the character's complete aversion afterwards to discuss her time here, and psychological damage she suffered. The performance by Elizabeth Olsen (young sister to the famous twins) has been getting some serious hype, and it's well-deserved. Lots of interesting subtleties that I feel many talented actresses would have not demonstrated. Not Natalie Portman in Black Swan good, but I would not be surprised to see an Oscar nom for this performance, even though it's a film debut. Watch it if you like this kind of film.

Edited by Reverend Jax
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You disliked it that much? I thought it had some good concepts and it started out well enough, but fell apart in the third act.


Are you kidding? It suuuuucked. There was spark of potential in the first half hour but even if it had continued in that vein it would still have been a very forgettable movie. You know what really killed it for me though?



Imagining Olivia Wilde as my mother. How fucking conflicting would that shit be?


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Crim, you could always go to therapy for an Elektra complex. Also, if you thought that possibility/aspect of the film was mind bending, then you should definitely watch Anonymous. Heh.


so i have read jax's review at least thrice and cannot find its letter grade ANYWHERE

i think hakus been spoiling us

I haven't seen this film yet, but to satiate Nick (This machine runs on sarcasm!) I will grade this film proactively. Based on the trailer, Jax's review, and (most importantly) after reading elsewhere the starring Olsen sibling shows her boobies I give Martha Marcy May Marlene a solid "B."


Boom! You just witnessed history, Hondo's!

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  • 3 weeks later...



Apatow is the master of lulling you into a false sense of security then BAM chick flick. It was enjoyable enough. Even if only to see the snarky one from Knocked Up calling someone a cunt. Nice to see me old mucker Chris O'Dowd doing well for himself too. One of the few famous Irish people I don't resent (it's kind of our thing you see). He didn't sell out and put on a terrible yank accent either which is nice.

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been watching more movies on netflix with kertins these last few weeks:




one of the better modern-day kung fu flicks ive seen in years. Donnie Yen is such hot shit.




i dont know what i went into this one expecting - The Patriot in the jungle? - but it thankfully wasn't that. I love it when a movie surprises me and turns out as good as this one did.




so, again, baytor & co were right - there's not a whole lot i think the original did better. the lighting/shooting of this one was really impressive, the effects for the girl's transition, only the ambiguous scene was dropped. Sen never saw either, so she really dug it - me, i just find a non-sexy vamp story fucking refreshing these days. that shit shouldn't be pretty.

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Y'know what Let Me In could have really used?


(book spoilers)


A half retarded undead pedophile obsessed with hunting down Eli and sticking a cold, useless wang in his butt



But honestly, I can say that about nearly any movie (it would have sold me on Paul Blart).

They did a pretty good job.

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So I finally got around to The Thing (the new one) and I was very impressed. The "horrible CGI" everyone's going on about appears to be good old traditional special effects with CG enhancements to make things seem more fluid. It managed to have just as many memorable monsters as the original (shit, I think it outdid a few of the classics in a couple instances) and yes some of the CG looks like shit but lets be honest: some of the stop-go animation from the '82 version looks kinda dodgy too.


What it failed on was story. Mary Elizabeth Winstead (hereafter referred to as Mew) is a good actress and she plays the role well, but the character just doesn't have enough to do and as a result spends most of the movie reacting to things while all the men do the heavy lifting. The story picks up and takes off, it has the feeling of happening in the matter of a few hours as opposed to how the original felt like weeks or months. There are some great twists and scares, but the atmosphere of "who can you trust" never feels as thick as it did in the American camp. It treads a lot of similar territory unneccesarily as well, though I did enjoy that the first 30 or so minutes were essentially taken from John W. Campbell's story to the point that when

the grenade makes an unnecessarily large explosion I went "Of course it did, because the ship is composed entirely of Magnesium! But then the spaceship just turned off and I learned that it was just a normal overzealous movie explosion. Boo.



Also the ending was a bit flat, they did a nice ambiguous thing and then set up for a sequel. I would however like a sequel to this one with Mew making it to the Russian camp. I don't see this being as iconic as its predecessor but it's still a damn well-made movie and it pretty much bends over backwards not to shit all over the original and I feel it succeeds in that respect. It's a definite buy for me and I recommend it to any fans of horror (especially body horror) and fans of the original who can calm down enough to realize that people other than John Carpenter can make movies. (Recall that The Thing was a remake to begin with)

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It was undoubtedly a prequel, though it had designs to be a remake (you could see it in its eyes.) Ideally I would like Mew to meet up with MacReady and Childs and do pretty much that Dark Horse comic from the 90s in movie form. However even if you hid Kurt Russel's age behind hair dye and a beard there's no getting around the fact that Keith Davids is really fat now. So I'm willing to just proceed from the end of thus one for further sequel/reboot/prequels.

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