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What was the last film you saw?

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Rise Of the Planet Of the Apes- it was...entertaining, could have done without one of the actors, and it wasn't Ceaser. he was awesome. i've never seen any of the originals so my movie snobbery can't be accounted for, and my husband got the pleasure of explaining how the originals went. So it made for extra snuggle/stroke the ego time as well as the promise of education of Ms.Dr.Chkns. And probably a blojob....just sayin'.

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

I thought it was a bit disappointing. I was kinda expecting too much out of it. I loved the book, liked the Swedish film, and was expecting Fincher to blow it out of the water. However, he delivered an adequate enough adaptation--just not the mindblowing film I was expecting.


War Horse

This was the total opposite film going experience from TGwtDT. I was expecting this to be sentimental and cheezy, but it's Speilberg doing a war film so I was curious enough to see it in the theater. Yes, it had it's cheezy moments, but as someone who is not an "animal person," this film got me misty-eyed in a few spots. And the crowd was so into it, cheering, laughing, and gasping in unison. I never thought I'd use the phrases "heart warming" and "war film" in the same sentence, but I'll be damned if this wasn't one heart warming war film.


Finally watched Tucker and Dale vs Evil and it was awesome. Glad they finally got it on netflix.

I added thos one to the queue earlier today! Also, I am adding REEL INJUN to the queue based on your and Logan's comments.

Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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I watched Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and The Adventures of Tintin this week. M:I was lots of fun, and the motion capture is really close to clearing the uncanny valley, and it turns out I enjoyed Tintin. I have been a fan of the characters for some time and I'm glad they didn't sober up Captain Haddock for the American family audience, the man loves his whiskey. It was not great though, just fun.

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I hadn't read Girl with a Dragon Tattoo or seen the Swedish movie, but I was disturbed by the first half of the film. If someone can sit through that and not be affected by it, they have definite moral issues.


the cat scene was also a no-no. That probably messed me up mentally more than the rape scene.



Overall, not something I would personally watch on a date night. Nor at all, by my personal preferences.


Thank you.

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Watched Attack the Block a few days ago.




Produced, but not directed, by Edgar Wright of Spaced, Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim film fame. If you love Shaun of the Dead and want more of everything that made Shaun awesome, this movie is right up your alley. Make sure to pick up a version with subtitles, because they did not lighten up on the South London accents for the benefit of American ears. It's not quite as bad a whole movie with Brad Pitt from Snatch, but subtitles will help you out, at least upon your first viewing. It rank it higher than Hot Fuzz, but not quite higher than Shaun of the Dead. I really admire their decision to make you dislike the protagonists at the beginning by making them mug a nurse, they try to win you back on them. Watch this flick. And for Nick's benefit: A-

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