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Just finished all four Batman movies.


Batman has not aged well but it was amusing enough. Batman Returns is so retarded it forgets to breath periodically, anybody who champions this movie and makes fun of Forever/and Robin has either not seen this movie since they were 8 or is just a complete idiot. Batman Forever still remains the closest thing to a dramatic entry that the series got and following on the heels of the first two even Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carey cranked up to 11 weren't half as ridiculous as Danny DeVito, Jack Nicolson, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Christopher Walkin.


Batman and Robin may shockingly be the best of the series just because it embraces how fucking dumb it is and manages to make that fun instead of awkward by trying to pretend to be all dark and gritty.

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The Grey


If Optimus Prime were a person, I'm pretty sure he'd be Liam Neeson. That is how awesome he is in this film. The Grey is a film more about living life and how people face death than surviving "the wilderness." And of course, it also has wolves. Some people may be disappointed by the film's ending, but those people likely didn't stay until after the credits rolled. No Nick Fury, but a bonus scene nonetheless. I give this one a B+.

Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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Just finished all four Batman movies.


Batman has not aged well but it was amusing enough. Batman Returns is so retarded it forgets to breath periodically, anybody who champions this movie and makes fun of Forever/and Robin has either not seen this movie since they were 8 or is just a complete idiot. Batman Forever still remains the closest thing to a dramatic entry that the series got and following on the heels of the first two even Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carey cranked up to 11 weren't half as ridiculous as Danny DeVito, Jack Nicolson, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Christopher Walkin.


Batman and Robin may shockingly be the best of the series just because it embraces how fucking dumb it is and manages to make that fun instead of awkward by trying to pretend to be all dark and gritty.


Hah! You so silly Baytor. Stress is obviously fucking with your mind. Even when I give Schumacher the benefit of the doubt and say he was hailing back to West/Ward, he still fumbled using gritty villians as opposed to silly ones. Admittedly Carrey/Riddler & then Thurman/Ivy fit in & played their part but Twoface was too dramatic a character and Freeze' dramatic entry as you put it was about as organic to the rest of the plot as red pubes growing on a cucumber. Yes Batman Returns was impractical and possibly an early cry for help, but the performances and aesthetic are what we take from that, not the plot. All Forever & Robin gave us were increasingly cool but neon batmobiles.


PS- Goyer is only now redressing the wounds created by Schumacher in his misuse of Bane. I'll one day visit my misery for that upon that wretched little man.

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Even when I give Schumacher the benefit of the doubt and say he was hailing back to West/Ward,


They all were, ALL of them. Burton's movies were trying to take the ridiculousness of 60s Batman and pair make them all dark and broody. Don't believe me? The climax of Batman Returns involves fucking rocket penguins! Batman's jet in the first one has a pair of scissors to cut the strings of Joker's gas balloons. Catwoman's meeting scene with Penguin is dumber than all of Batman and Robin and it's trying to be serious. Batman Forever feels a little incongruous when it's trying to be serious but I'm willing to blame that on Tim Burton still being on the payroll as producer, but Batman and Robin was not serious at all, apparently Schumacher started every scene by yelling "Remember, you're in a cartoon!" and that's how it feels. You can't claim Two-Face is over the top and then champion the Penguin because he was as bad and worse.

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Did it. It was a little tradition I had for everytime a really terrible comic adaption came to screen, as a kind of yardstick to compare to. Most recently I rolled on through them all to compare much as you did. If I didn't make this clear before I apologise but, Burton shied away from logic and cohesion as much as Schumacher. I and a lot of people generally prefer the aesthetic of Burton's Gotham(which face it: for 80's Legend of the Dark Knight stuff it was a pretty good fit) to Schumacher's sleazy charmless and overly camp interpretation.

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The Descendants


A depressing situation tackled with some quirky moments of humor and a damned good performance by Clooney. The film as a whole though might be getting overhyped a bit though. And I'll bet Matthew Lillard never thought he'd be in an Oscar nominated film. This one gets a grade of a solid B.

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Yeah that movie blew. You know what didn't though? The fucking Grey. This was every bit as sad as it was badass. That and the scenery was gorgeous, and made even more so when you know that none of the weather in the movie was simulated. Bring in in some awesome wolf animatronics that you can't differentiate from the real thing and you got this movie. (and if there was any CG I couldn't place it either.) Definitely Liam Neeson's best part he has gotten in awhile. I mean it doesn't top Zeus, but what can?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've seen multiple trailers for that one, some of them make me groan and wonder why it's getting all this praise, others make it look like about one of the coolest things to come out in awhile. Glad to see some actual comment on it though. Will check out!

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It's the male equivalent of a chick flick. Which is probably why it did so poorly at the box office. Guys don't usually like emotionality mixed in w/ their MMA fighting and women probably don't understand why evryone had to beat the crap out of each other for it to be a happy ending. Not as good of a story as last year's The Fighter, but some great performances and some brutal fights. This one is definitely worth watching.


The Woman In Black


Not many real frights involved, and the "mystery" of the titular woman isn't much of one. Radcliff was ok, but casting him as a widowed father seems like a bit of a stretch. Didn't this dude just graduate Hogwarts last year? Overall it was moody and had some creepy moments, but not worth theater bucks IMHO. Wait for Netflix.

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I'll definitely second The Grey. Really fantastic as a movie aout a bunch of dudes trying to survive wolf attacks and also very good at being more than that. I would go as far as to say that most people who see that poster and say "fuck that movie" would really like it.


I also saw Cowboys and Aliens recently and wondered how the fuck anyone, much less Jon Favreau could make that idea that fucking boring. Why did that thing take itself so seriously? Why does Olivia Wilde play the fifth element in every movie she's in? Why did the main character have no personality? Why are all action scenes in shitty movies lit with a fuck ton of blue? Why did they shoot it at what appears to be Frontierland at Disney World? I knew the reviews were crappy but I saw that shit yesterday and barely remember one scene. Um, kudos to Harrison Ford for being in a movie.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^^ I was sorry to not catch Tin-Tin in theaters this Christmas. There were just too many films out to see them all in theaters. Looking fwd to seeing it on bluray though.


And I don't get the Cowboys vs Aliens hate. It wasn't spectacular, but it was a decent popcorn flick and the best melding of the sci-fi and Western genres yet. Worth seeing if you're a fan of either IMHO.


Saw Safe House and The Lorax recently. Both were kinda meh for me, but my nephew and gf seemed to like Lorax a lot. It's got a good message (Save the trees!), but I'm not sure how effective it'll be for it's target audience.

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Watched Final Destination 5 the other night. This is one of those series where I've seen all the other ones so I might as well watch the sequels. It was more enjoyable than the last 2 though and at least kept me entertained.


I also watched Immortals afterward.... I was really hoping, and wanted to like this movie, especially after all the buildup it seemed to get from people I knew who've seen it (including the Jizzers). I just couldn't get into it. It looked great, in spite of those stupid hats, but I couldn't get past its boring ass story which it focused too much on and the uninspired action sequences. I also didn't like how they half-assedly tried to make it set in some kinda realistic universe (tartarus being on earth as a mountain, minotaur being a crazy buff guy in a helmet) when they have the Gods and Titans being actual Gods and... well almost Titans. And I couldn't buy the Gods either. Zeus looking like Orlando Bloom was bad enough. I don't like bitching about mythological accuracy too much, but it just seemed all over the place even for mythology. I may try again in the future, but this time around it was a no go.

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but I couldn't get past its boring ass story which it focused too much on and the uninspired action sequences
That's almost word-for-word my thoughts on The Fall. It looks violent and fun and actiony but I just don't feel it during the action sequences but it's just so goddamn pretty!
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