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What was the last film you saw?

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Been thinking about it all day. Man this movie had SO much potential, and there's a lot there to like....so much of it was just SOOOOO poorly executed.






In retrospect, given that it's Ridley Scott this was no surprise.


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"So much potential" is about right. Still, the final 15, 20 minutes of the movie are worth the price of admission. Maybe. Depends how much the first hour and forty, forty-five minutes bored you. Man, the concept is brilliant. Just poor delivery. I think. I haven't decided yet :/


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I have no intentions on seeing it whatsoever, but just want to know are there 'aliens' in it? Spoil, spoil, spoil to you hearts content.



In answer to TT's question:


nested spoiler just in case. you have been warned!!

There is a 'post credits' scene with a kinda 'proto-xenomorph' reveal, the lineage of which is EXTREMELY convoluted. It's just a tease after the resolution of the film, and didn't really have anything to do with the film. Here ya go!







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This is in theater now or can I find a decent torrent? I want to say I saw a trailer of this in the trailers thread. It's an HK movie, right?


(He's talking about The Raid for those that don't know)


Indonesian. It features their native martial art which makes Thai boxing look like a tickling contest. There's a bajillion torrents. It was made in the leaky bucket that is the Asian film industry. It was made two years ago but was so good it got picked up on the festival circuit for western distribution. I'm writing you one Raid prescription for your chronic deficiency of seeing people getting smacked around. See Dr. DoJ for your medication.

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The Raid: Redemption


DOJ might be exaggerating a tad w/ the fatherfucking claims, but it was a damn good modern martial arts film. I found a Korean DVD rip, but the translation must've been done by a one-eyed drunken halfwit b/c the subtitles were shit. Thankfully though this type of flick doesn't really do much w/ plot. I do have one question for the lads though:



Why did the old cop shoot the other cop when he captured the big boss? From what I could gather the big boss was laying out the whole plan on the stairs and it had something to do w/ old cop thinking he would be promoted for capturing the big boss alive, but in reality he'd never be promoted and killed in his sleep.


Still not understanding why he shot the other cop and tried to kill himself. And why was the raid actually ordered anyway?


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The Change Up



From IMDB: Dave is a married man with two kids and a loving wife , and Mitch is a single man who is at the prime of his sexual life. One fateful night while Mitch and Dave are peeing in a fountain when lightning strikes and they switch bodies.


The Love Shack



From IMDB: A dysfunctional family of adult film stars reunites for a memorial porn shoot following the death of legendary producer Mo Saltzman.

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All you Prometheus haters meet me in the relevant thread behind the bike shed at half-three. We gon' duke


All I had to expect from it was that is was 'same universe as Aliens franchise but nothing to do with'. Spoiler relates to whether or not this is the case

The whole movie was clearly about the xenomorphs and their origins. Any gripes you have or things you evidently didn'y understand, I'll happily and smugly answer your questions

. I loved the motherfucker. Were it not for the Avengers, this would be 2012's finest movie offering for me.

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The Raid: Redemption


DOJ might be exaggerating a tad w/ the fatherfucking claims, but it was a damn good modern martial arts film. I found a Korean DVD rip, but the translation must've been done by a one-eyed drunken halfwit b/c the subtitles were shit. Thankfully though this type of flick doesn't really do much w/ plot. I do have one question for the lads though:



Why did the old cop shoot the other cop when he captured the big boss? From what I could gather the big boss was laying out the whole plan on the stairs and it had something to do w/ old cop thinking he would be promoted for capturing the big boss alive, but in reality he'd never be promoted and killed in his sleep.


Still not understanding why he shot the other cop and tried to kill himself. And why was the raid actually ordered anyway?



But... but... the kicking and the... punching and stuff. Storyline? Subtitles? You really need to learn what side your bread is buttered on, son.


The fatherfucking claims are sound, heathen!


So are myself and JZA the only ones who enjoyed Prometheus?

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But... but... the kicking and the... punching and stuff. Storyline? Subtitles? You really need to learn what side your bread is buttered on, son.


The fatherfucking claims are sound, heathen!


So are myself and JZA the only ones who enjoyed Prometheus?

And not one damn question answered. You and Ross are both useless.



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Watching gladiator for the first time in years. Hans zimmer got lazy with the music from pirates cause he just used this ones soundtrack (unless its always been this way and I'm just now noticing it) anyway looks great on bluray. Gremlins 2 next!!

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