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What was the last film you saw?

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Groundhog Day


I had to watch it again to cleanse my soul after seeing this...




Baytor's thread about the Marine catching the guy who raped his gf in a non-violent way reminded me I've had this film in my Netflix queue for ages. Interesting premise, a story told backwards chronologically, but the director gets a bit too full of himself in the beginning/end and the end/beginning of the film. The first 15-20 minutes are a fucking chore to get through and the last 2-3 are equally as needlessly self- indulgent. The other 1 hour & 15 min or so is quite good. Brutal, horrifically so, but good.

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Did you see the documentary?




I just saw Paranorman and really liked it.


for the few folks that may have caught this one


The whole message that's pushed through the movie is basically don't be a dick and treat others differently because they are different. One thing I thought that could've enhance the movie maybe was at the end, not change it, but add a scene showing the town rebuilt and have the whole stereotypical witch images removed and replaced with the little girl. At least the statue in the town. I thought that would've been kind of a big thing to have like show that the town has actually grown from that experience or something. I just thought it would've made the ending a bit more whole.


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I just saw Paranorman and really liked it.


for the few folks that may have caught this one


The whole message that's pushed through the movie is basically don't be a dick and treat others differently because they are different. One thing I thought that could've enhance the movie maybe was at the end, not change it, but add a scene showing the town rebuilt and have the whole stereotypical witch images removed and replaced with the little girl. At least the statue in the town. I thought that would've been kind of a big thing to have like show that the town has actually grown from that experience or something. I just thought it would've made the ending a bit more whole.




I was thinking of taking my nephew to see either Paranorman or the new Ice Age tomorrow. I'd rather see the former, but I think a 5-yr-old might enjoy the latter more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Saw two films this weekend that really got shat on at the box office and by critics this summer, but I ended up really digging them both:


The Dictator [unrated]

I saw four new comedies this summer (the others were Ted, The Watch, and The Campaign) and this was the funniest; Ted would be a close second. I hope SBC does more scripted comedy. The torture and birth scenes were some of the funniest stuff he's ever done.



Peter Berg is a solid action director and I mainly gave this one a shot despite the horrible reviews b/c he was attached. It's not the the best sci-fi action film ever, but it's a far cry from the worst. I'd put this one slightly above Battle: L.A. It's got a few scenes some would find hokey (and a GIANT logic leap w/ the plot), but I saw what he was going for and bought in to it. Not many action directors manage to work in disabled and elderly vets in to an action film much less have them play a major part in the plot yet Berg does so in a commendable way.

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I saw 2 really good movies recently: Margaret--with Anna Paquin and an all around all star cast in a very understated film about a teenage girl who is involved in a horrible accident. I'm not sure I understood it 100% but it was extremely compelling. Definitely needs a second viewing to really grasp it. It wasn't hyper-intellectual, but it was definitely allegorical in a more complex way than most films. Its one of those movies where you realize that every shot is important. Also, Paquin is A-MA-ZING. Her acting chops in this film are simply incredible.



Midnight in Paris: I'm fairly new to Woody Allen movies, but I thought this one was great. He has finally handed over the reins of the underappreciated, neurotic artist role to some one else, and Owen Wilson was really great. Cool story too. Love the Hemingway character.

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