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What was the last film you saw?

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Not bad. This being the 50th aniv. of Bond on film, there were a lot of nods to previous Bond films. I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing that I was rooting for the villain the entire third act of the film, but I was.


I also watched the Don Rickles doc. on Netflix, Mr. Warmth. Great stuff--a lot of old stories about the mob days in Vegas and the Rat Pack era.

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My girlfriend picked up Brave and Hunger Games for 8 bucks each during black friday and we made a double feature of them Sunday.


I didn't really care for either of them. I had previously read all three books in the Hunger Games trilogy, and had enjoyed the first two books at the time (the third book really soured the whole trilogy for me). The movie however was boooooring. I really enjoyed the costume and set design, particularly when it came to capturing the decadance of the Capital, but the rest of the movie just dragged along. Having read the books however, I knew what I was getting into. Brave on the other hand really surprised me. I thought it was one of the weakest Pixar films (but I never saw Cars 2). I had assumed it was going to be this rousing female empowerment story (which I was looking forward to), but the film isn't really about that at all.


My girlfriend didn't pick up on it, but was astounded when I brought the following to her attention: Here you have a movie with a strong-minded Heroine, struggling against the mold which society is trying to fit her into, and the film is constructed to have her save the day by...

sewing a tapestry. Wow. I wonder if in earlier drafts had the main character saving the day by making someone a sandwich or cooking a delicious Thanksgiving dinner!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Saw The Hobbit in theaters the other day and really enjoyed it. I'm not sure I understand why people are disliking it so much. Like Jax said, if you like Lord of the Rings, then this is right up your ally.


Also caught Hugo on netflix last night.... Wanted to like it, but I just couldn't get into it. So boring.

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so as ever with these things, ryan was right & this was fun. sen nailed the breakfast club angle, i just loved what it did with the art scene in general. i was already rooting for the protagonist before he even got there, so they done good with him - honestly, everyone here did well but both of us kinda commented that they could've had a better actor for Alexander.


gonna try to get LL to check this out as well, thanks for the recommendation man. Pig Hunt's still in queue as well.

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One of my favorite movies, I give it a spin every Halloween. It's probably the best Indy-horror movie I've ever seen. And I think Alexander's actor was prefect for him given the twist ending with him. Chris could've been a better actor but the guy was tied to a chair for most of the movie and I don't think anybody else could have sold moments like his masterful escape attempt and "Sir Lancelot, get down."the way he did.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Saw Jack Reacher tonight and it wasn't half bad. The mystery wasn't much of one, and it's by no means a "must see" for the theater. However, some of the action sequences were really great. Reacher's hand to hand fights reminded me of the Jason Bourne fight scenes in their ferocity, pacing and brutality.

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Just watched the Expendables 2. It was pretty awful. The action scenes were fun, but after Jet Li kicking ass with frying pans, that's all I wanted to see. And as charming as they wanted the cheesy ass one liners to be, they felt so damn forced. That said, it was entertaining. Hopefully they keep Jet Li for teh entire 3rd movie that way they can have him and Jackie Chan tag teaming which I'll gladly pay ticket price to see just that. It got me into the Forbidden Kingdom.

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Caught this at a little art house cinema in downtown miami over the weekend. Not really a movie, but a collection of cracked out trailers from films that you won't believe were real, here's the synopsis:


Unleashed from the vaults of the Alamo Drafthouse, a meticulous selection of the best, strangest and most amazing coming attraction trailers in the world! Most have never been available in any home format, and all are presented for the first time in high definition. From the high flying, explosive metal mayhem of STUNT ROCK to THUNDER COPS’ disembodied flying head chaos, each 3 minute masterpiece is like a beckoning portal to another, more exciting dimension. It’s a crippling overdose of towering flames, mechanized destruction, lurking fear, poor sexual choices and spiritual devastation on an apocalyptic scale. You might want to have a cornea donor standing by just in case…because THIS IS GOING TO BURN!


It was amazing.

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