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What was the last film you saw?

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no word on if you liked it or not haj?


On to my recent movie:




So, the trailer makes this seem like an action packed movie, written by the writer of training day. Training Day is over the top Denzel blazing at his best. But its not - it's more a fictional documentary by two LA officers. I don't want to give too much away, like the trailer, but it's more of a day to day account of what the streets are like in LA. It has a cops (TV) feel to it. They are both honest, dedicated and good at what they do. So although there is a big picture plot, it's actually more focused on the work and that's a good thing, because it was done well. Probably one of the closest movies to show what cops really do. Not as cool as training day though!


btw, this pena guy is always a cop! he's in the shield, world trade center, and now this.



I can't imagine the guilt taylor has to live with after the end.



The trailer (goes down the wrong direction):

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Source Code-- surprisingly good. Rally fast paced with a pretty cool ending.


Yes, that was a really really cool movie.. reminds me of that point of view movie with forrest w and dennis quiad, but much better writing.


So, i decided to check this out because of End of Watch:




Christian Bale and Freddy Rodriguez (six feet under), can't go wrong, right? While not a cop movie per se, it's a movie about goofing off and doing what's necessary to get where you want to go. That sounds like shooting yourself in the foot, right? Well, that's a good way to describe this. Bale plays a character similar to the brother of whalberg in that fighter movie, but without the crack. he's a ex-army ranger looking to get a job in law enforcement, but knows how and when to take it easy. Somehow, you can see how it's going to end by the middle, but don't know how they will get there. Im on the fence as to how much I liked it, but I can say it was cool and I didn't waste my time.

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reminds me of that point of view movie with forrest w and dennis quiad, but much better writing.





That's what kept me away from it for so long actually. I was afraid it was going to cop out really bad there at the end, but I'm glad I watched it. Looking forward to see what Duncan Jones can do next, Warcraft aside.

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I wonder if Hanna is on Baytor's action film list? This was a great film that flew under the radar. I was kind of hoping she would be cast as Katniss in Hunger Games until Jennifer Lawrence came along. I'm surprised she hasn't blown up more as she's a great actress. IMDB says she played a vampire in a film called Byzantium and she's gonna be another teenage assassin in an upcoming film called Violet & Daisy.

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So I just finished watching 127 Hours. Good film. It was very evident to me, at many points throughout the film, that this was a story was elevated by being in the hands of a talented and capable filmmaker with a vision (Danny Boyle). It seems to me that the true story is not really tailor-made for a feature-length narrative film, and could easily have been an admirable effort, but ultimately a failed effort, in the hands of a more mediocre filmmaker. I'm now inclined to go back though his catalog a watch the films he's made I haven't seen.

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The Beach fits the "interesting but failed" mould, and while I enjoyed Slumdog Millionaire when I saw it in theaters, repeated viewings have shown me that interesting visuals and settings were distracting away from what was a very thin premise. Sunshine is so cool and "realistic" that you usually don't notice how absolutely silly it is.

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