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What was the last film you saw?

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Right now I'm in the middle of an interesting documentary about serial killer Carl Panzram. John Di Maggio is doing the dramatization voiceovers of Panzram. So far I've heard one of the best lines ever.


Another lesson I learned in that time is that there are a lot of nice things in this world. Among them were whiskey and sodomy.


Alas, I'm gonna have to finish this later.





Edited by axel_napalm
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Danny Boyle(28 Days Later, Trainspotting, Slumdog etc) does a heist flick to amazing effect. I had no reservations going in because the man is brilliant, and payoff was 110%.


For those still not convinced, there's also Rosario Dawson Full Frontal.

I meant to go see this one last weekend but got waylaid. I'll definitely try and get to it this week.

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Come on now JZA, gotta give that poster some love:





Here's to hoping that's the cover they go with for the Blu-ray release!


Saw this Sunday night and have been meaning to post about it. I've yet to see a Danny Boyle film I didn't like, and being a fan of the genre I was really looking forward to this.


The movie starts extremely strong, but then I felt it started to drag a bit in the middle. I found myself thinking "Man, this movie better end strong, cause it's losing me".


Well, I'm glad to say it most definately finishes strong, and moreover, makes me look at those draggy bits in a whole new light. It's a very different beast that what I was expecting, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It didn't fall in love with it in the theater seat, and there were a few elements of the plot that I really didn't like, but after thinking about it for the following days, it sits rather well with me.


It's a twisty little film, and I definately want to see it again. There are movies where the twist is great on the initial watch, but lose a lot of impact on repeat viewings, and then there are movies that once you know what it's really about, it makes repeat viewing even more enjoyable. I have a feeling Trance is going to fall into the latter category.

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I don't know if it's a good first date movie. Not on account of the sex scenes, (the full frontal of Rosario was her just standing there, the other sex scenes aren't too graphic, and brief) but for some other stuff in the movie.


Unless you know that your date is a real moviephile, then you could definitely have a long convo afterwards.

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How graphic was that Rosario full frontal scene? I was thinking of seeing this on a date Saturday as I thought it'd be an interesting film to discuss, but graphic sex scenes would likely make for awkwardness on a first date.


Maybe you just need to date cooler blokes. If it's a girl you're just setting a certain level of expectation, saving an awkward conversation and possible rape charge

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Yeah, dinner went long and we missed the last showing of Trance. I'm hoping it'll still be in the theaters here next week. As for Oblivion's score, I figured you "Europeans" would dig the synth score. It worked for me in some places and in others it kind of took me out of the film. I didn't realize this was the same director as Tron: Legacy. I knew the combination of set design aesthetics and score seemed familiar in some way.

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