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What was the last film you saw?

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Saw Oblivion instead. Regretful mistake. It was pretty to look at for the most part, but it wasn't anything original. :???:



Especially if you saw Moon, Matrix, and 2001.



Re spoiler'd

Let's say you're dealing with someone who's sat on the first, obviously seen the second and hasn't been able to watch all of the third without getting crazy bored: Will Oblivion offer something new?


Re the OST- Fuck all y'all I'm going home.

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Re spoiler'd

Let's say you're dealing with someone who's sat on the first, obviously seen the second and hasn't been able to watch all of the third without getting crazy bored: Will Oblivion offer something new?

No fucking way I'm gonna even pretend I can predict what likely will or will not make you bored, Jay. However. . .



I'm gonna need a Panchlation for the phrase "sat on," in regards to Moon. Do you mean you've never seen it but know the premise and/or twist? If so, then no, the big reveal for the protagonist in Oblivion will be telegraphed a mile away. There are several smaller twists in the plot, but any savvy sci-fi fan will likely see them coming as well. It is very beautifully shot, and the CGI post-apocalyptic landscapes made it worth seeing on the big screen for me. But I'm a well documented sucker for anything in the post-apocalyptic or dystopian genre.


Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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  • 3 weeks later...

Shit Haku, pardon the delay as I never saw your reply. What i mean is 'have downloaded but yet to watch'. And I know no plot twists, so if I'm understanding you correclty it might be worth watching the inferior Oblivion prior to Moon?




A lot more structured & polished than his previous original content. Obviously it's countered by Mr ZOmbie routinely getting confused and thinking he's making a video for MTV and it's 1996 again, Megz felt the ending was anti-climatic but I thought it was punchy, and didn't go any further than required to tell the story.

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Shit Haku, pardon the delay as I never saw your reply. What i mean is 'have downloaded but yet to watch'. And I know no plot twists, so if I'm understanding you correclty it might be worth watching the inferior Oblivion prior to Moon?

Moon is a slow build. It's all emotion. Oblivion has a--I don't want to say "better" pace, but maybe a more ADHD friendly pace--and more action. My point was the premise of Moon (a small lil' ol' indie directed by David Bowie's kid, if I recall correctly) seemed to be borrowed upon and expanded to Hollywood scale for Oblivion. If you see one it's 99.9% likely you'll see the "twist" coming in the other a mile away, and vice versa. Best solution is a double feature in your future, J-zilla.


Also, this reminds me I still haven't fucking seen Trance.



Edited by Mr. Hakujin
How the fuck did I forget to see Trance?
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Thrizzles knows how to sell shit. I really am quite fond of J-zilla though and may insist to be called that in the sack from now on.




This was a real eye-opener. I work with a former army guy who suggested this to me as the most honest account he'd seen of the war and the effect it takes on those in deployment. For reference, Koringal Valley is regarded as one of the toughest spots on the Afghani landscape, and these guys were doing trench warfare up a fucking mountain. This doco pulls no punches but by the same token doesn't sensationalise or offer opinions or context. Even the platoon seems to forget the cameras are rolling at times.

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As I was watching Into Darkness, I kept thinking that this Bromance is about 2 Vodkatinis from blossoming into full on Romance!!

Yeah, Hollywood isn't ready to put an explicit romance between two guys in a big budget tent-pole film, so they just have the romance, but inject one-dimensional female characters for one or both of the guys to kiss a few times to that the audience isn't threatened by being engaged in a love story between to guys they identify with. See X-Men First Class for another great example of a thinly veiled gay romance in a big budget summer tent-pole flick.

Edited by Reverend Jax
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Well, when I said "Hollywood isn't ready," you could interpret that broadly to not only mean the fancy-suited producers stamping scripts with a big red "no gay stuff" stamp. I almost meant writers and I also meant they're not ready on a subconscious level.

It's a buddy movie in space. No one ever accused Mel Gibson and Danny Glover of being gay for each other. The idea that there can't be a platonic relationship between men w/out homosexual undertones (implicit, explicit, consciously put there by the writers or subconsciously) is malarkey.

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It's a buddy movie in space. No one ever accused Mel Gibson and Danny Glover of being gay for each other. The idea that there can't be a platonic relationship between men w/out homosexual undertones (implicit, explicit, consciously put there by the writers or subconsciously) is malarkey.

Of course a platonic relationship can exist without homosexual undertones. But in a lot of big Hollywood action movies, the two male protagonist have a thinly veiled romance with one another, and Star Trek and X-Men First Class are example of movie where, if we lived in a world where two dude could kiss on screen without all the bros in the audience calling it fucking faggy, and ultimately just not going to see it at all, then they would have kissed on screen.

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Once again though, I don't think that that's intentional. I think male/male platonic relationships in movies lean toward the gay end of the pool because men as a gender don't really understand this whole feelings thing when it pertains to people who aren't immediate family or romantic conquests. I see what you're saying, and I agree with it, but you're picking a really weird way to complain about it.

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Of course a platonic relationship can exist without homosexual undertones. But in a lot of big Hollywood action movies, the two male protagonist have a thinly veiled romance with one another, and Star Trek and X-Men First Class are example of movie where, if we lived in a world where two dude could kiss on screen without all the bros in the audience calling it fucking faggy, and ultimately just not going to see it at all, then they would have kissed on screen.

That's just dumb-dumb talk. You're contradicting yourself and talking about inherently changing the nature of the characters' relationships from platonic to a romantic in nature.

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Their relationships (Kirk and Spock, and Charles and Erik) were romantic in those movies. It was just never explicitly stated or physically consummated on screen, and in a heteronormative culture, we assume the characters are straight unless we see the explicit evidence (or stereotypical evidence, like if one or both of the male characters were effeminate). So have one of the characters have a flat, one-dimensional girlfriend, and show the other sleeping around and flirting with a flat, one-dimensional attractive female character, strictly for the purpose of reassuring the audience of the protagonists' hetero-manliness, and you can tell the story of a romantic relationship between two men without giving the yuckies to an audience that's not comfortable with that.

Edited by Reverend Jax
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