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What was the last film you saw?

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I watched The Stand miniseries from the 90's. Parts 1-3 were really good, but the end of it was not satisfying at all. I remember seeing it when I was a little kid so I didn't remember much. It held up well until that final act, then it felt like one of those Kirk Cameron religious movies about revelations.

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Their relationships (Kirk and Spock, and Charles and Erik) were romantic in those movies. It was just never explicitly stated or physically consummated on screen, and in a heteronormative culture, we assume the characters are straight unless we see the explicit evidence (or stereotypical evidence, like if one or both of the male characters were effeminate). So have one of the characters have a flat, one-dimensional girlfriend, and show the other sleeping around and flirting with a flat, one-dimensional attractive female character, strictly for the purpose of reassuring the audience of the protagonists' hetero-manliness, and you can tell the story of a romantic relationship between two men without giving the yuckies to an audience that's not comfortable with that.


I'm gonna have to go ahead and sharply disagree with that, Kirk and Spock have never been anything but straight. Remember that episode where they almost killed each other over a woman? That kind of throws a wrench in the gears of your fan theory that has to be true because you believe it extra hard. Gay relationships deserve a prominence in more stories, but I resent the ideal that two men can only love each other in a sexual way because they are men and not women. Our gender is very emotionally repressed and limiting displays of affection between men to being only capable between gay men is actually really sexist and shitty.

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I just watched The Last Stand and I have no idea how it got such lukewarm reception. It's like a mashup of High Noon, Rio Bravo, Assault on Precinct 13, and a score of Walter Hill movies. Arnold didn't make an ass of himself like he usually does; Johnny Knoxville, Luis Guzman, and Peter Stormare were great; the action was suitably violent, well-shot, and not CG; AND it was just a well-directed and fun action movie. Jee-woon Kim made the transition to American movies far better than John Woo did (and this coming from somebody that actually liked Hard Target) and it feels like one of his movies. This wasn't just a good movie, it was a fucking great movie.

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Gay relationships deserve a prominence in more stories, but I resent the ideal that two men can only love each other in a sexual way because they are men and not women.

I said they loved each other in a romantic way, not a sexual way. And I was referring to just Star Trek Into Darkness. I've seen every episode and movie or Star Trek with Kirk and Spock (every episode of TOS, every episode of TAS, all the original cast movies, and the JJ Abrams movies), and I can't remember ever seeing a romantic connection between Kirk and Spock before this movie.

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You're saying they're actually properly gay, that's sexual (yes I know, being gay is about more than having sex with someone of your own gender but the words "platonic" and "erotic" are written in such black and white terms that that's really the only way to put it, and romantic is just defined as "idealistic" so that's not terribly descriptive), Spock and Kirk are heterosexual in every official capacity, but closeness between men is viewed as automatically homosexual due to men being emotionally repressed. Same thing with Xavier and Magneto.

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Their relationships (Kirk and Spock, and Charles and Erik) were romantic in those movies. It was just never explicitly stated or physically consummated on screen, and in a heteronormative culture, we assume the characters are straight unless we see the explicit evidence (or stereotypical evidence, like if one or both of the male characters were effeminate). So have one of the characters have a flat, one-dimensional girlfriend, and show the other sleeping around and flirting with a flat, one-dimensional attractive female character, strictly for the purpose of reassuring the audience of the protagonists' hetero-manliness, and you can tell the story of a romantic relationship between two men without giving the yuckies to an audience that's not comfortable with that.



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Saw Stark Trek. Pretty impressive. The Marcus charactter irritated me. He was such an unabashedly villianous character that I just found him irritating and his 'motivations' seemed irrelevant. Otherwise, I enjoyed it.


Gotta say, there is some bromance going on. It might seem a little 'gay' seeing as how this is only the second movie and so little time had elapsed between the first. There just doesn't seem to be as much time to form that kind of attachment without it seeming over the top or romantic. However, in the original incarnation after thirty plus years, that kind of deep abiding affection between Spock and Kirk is understandable, and I believe this is what they were basing the relationship from Into Darkness on.

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Very disappointing, Probably a 6/10. Before ye slaughter me though, I am aware that this is the blueprint for pretty much every action hero since. It's a revolutionary, hugely inspirational, groundbreaking film. But, it no longer stands the test of time sadly.


I feel sad.

Edited by alive she cried
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Dirty harry is not an action movie, there's action in it but it's kind of a hybrid between horror and police procedural. You're not really meant to side with Harry, just begrudgingly accept that he's the hero you deserve, not the one you need. The film's biggest misstep is the famous "do I feel lucky" scene. It's cheesy and dumb and robs the movie of a great deal of its pathos, this is a movie about the Zodiac killer after all. You're meant to latch onto Harry's devil-may-care attitude but watch in horror when that same attitude sets a dangerous man free. There's a lot more depth to Dirty Harry than a lot of people give it credit for. Hell it's does a better job of conveying many of the themes of Brian Garfield's Death Wish than the Death Wish movie did. That said, your reaction is not uncommon, give it a few months and try it again. You'll probably like it better, just remember it's not an action hero and Harry Callahan is not a hero. All the sequels suck ass, by the way

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally saw Gatsby tonight, and it was a visually rich film, but the marriage of images and music, surprisingly, wasn't as cohesive as his other films like Romeo & Juliet or Mulan Rouge. I read some reviews condemn it for straying from the source material, but other than the Nick Carraway's voice over I didn't notice any huge deviations. (Although I only read the book once, over 15 yrs ago.) Great performances all around as well. I never really liked the book, but I id like this film; I really wish I could've caught it in 3D, too. Final Grade: B

Edited by Mr. Hakujin
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Saw The Purge earlier. Really cool concept, execution definitely could have been better, but it was still a fun watch. I thought it was going to have some sort of big reveal, Purge of Purges ending where it was the biggest Purge ever (and it somewhat says that, but the story isn't that focus luckily). It was about a family, and their experience during the purge with strange circumstances being thrown around, kind of randomly, which gave it a bit more realism. If it does well, it will probably be the next Saw as it is ripe for franchise material. I would actually like to see a prequel of the first Purge or something myself.




































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Saw The Purge last night as well, and it was indeed an interesting concept, but almost a complete failure in execution. (The first act was good.) Axel explained the concept fairly well; the film tries to tackle subjects like classism, conservative politics, and human violence. It also probably has some of the worst film logic I've ever seen. The protagonist and his family continually make one idiotic choice after another. The kids in this film would get along great w/ Carl from S2 of TWD. I chalk the biggest reason for this film's failure up to poor writing. Like, axels, I could also be interested in another film in the "Purge-verse" if it had a better writer and went beyond the dumb, rich white people trapped in a mansion scenario. Grade: C-


Also, the entire film could've been changed with two simple words...



Safe Room.


I mean, fuck, Jodie Foster and Fincher made an entire movie about it. You'd think a wealthy security salesman in the FUTURE would have one. Even his idiotic, hippie kid knows enough to have a hiding spot. No need for a safe room for this guy, but he is buying a boat. Gah. So dumb. Not just him, but the whole family. The most disappointing thing was that the whole family didn't die. That and the fact the last line of the film wasn't, "And take your cookies with you on the way out, bitch."



I saw Hangover 3 earlier this week, too. Not a lot of funny stuff in this comedy that you didn't see in the trailer. Credit scene was both hilarious and horrifying. Grade: C

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