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Did you happen to see it on DVD? There's a deleted scene that shows what really happens at the end.


Ah no I never checked that out. Worth looking up? I'm sure I can scrounge it up somewhere.




it wasn't that bad Newt

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Goddamn, couldn't have been that bad.


Ah no I never checked that out. Worth looking up? I'm sure I can scrounge it up somewhere.


God yes, that scene is the best part of the movie but it had to be deleted because there's no way they could've slipped it in and not felt forced. Don't read if you want to find out on your own but:

When they run into the theater and announce they're putting a stop to things, the theater patrons get angry about the anti-climactic ending, they turn on them and beat them to death.


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This Is The End


Not quite the Hollywood badboy backslapping reacharound of a film I thought it was going to be. Was completely fucking stupid but endearingly so. A good waste of a couple of hours with many laughs and a likeable cast.


Highlights were:


The Pineapple Express 2 "trailer", Michael Cera the coke-fiend, the cum argument and on-demand Backstreet Boys nostalgia in heaven.


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Now You See Me


Did exactly what it said on the tin. An enjoyable couple of hours but nothing to get excited about. The plot had so much more potential for twisty turny goodness but sadly most of the trickery was swiftly explained by Morgan Freeman within two scenes. They could have had a lot more fun with this if they'd tried.

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The Amazing Spider-Man


I waited until I actually wanted to watch this movie, I sat down willing to just let bygones be bygones and accept change. This... was dissapointing. I started out the movie willing to call it on par with the first movie, about mid-way through it dropped down to "as good as Spider-Man 3", but by the end I was just rather disgusted with it. I liked Martin Sheen as Uncle Ben, a lot, he was probably the best Uncle Ben ever and I really liked the one from the last movie. Sally Field wasn't as good as Rosemary Harris but I still liked her. I liked Denis Leary's Captain Stacey and Emma Stone's Gwen, I even liked the guy they got to play Flash Thompson and what they did with the character.


I felt my first twinge of doubt like 2 minutes into the movie, Peter was far too normal to be Peter Parker. I don't buy this guy is a social pariah with no friends when he dresses this trendy and is this good looking, at least the glasses create the illusion that he might be misconstrued as unattractive but his hair's all styled. Almost every review I read talked up the relationship between Peter and Gwen and how "real" it felt, but other than the awkward stumbling they have early on it just kicks into high gear out of nowhere. I get that it was rushed and Spider-Man 1 cheated on theirs a little bit too, but regardless I didn't find that part worthy of praise. The other big thing people talked up was how he's so much more of a wisecracker in this one than in the last 3 but he actually only does it in one scene and it goes from refreshing to annoying pretty quick. Once again, I don't see it.


But really those I could forgive if the rest of the movie wasn't so fucking stupid.

Why didn't Peter take the lizard-rat to Captain Stacey as proof that Dr. Connors is a lizard man? Why does the Oscorp building have no security whatsoever? Why were there the ingredients of a makeshift grenade just sitting on the lab table and how was Connors able to recognize them so easily? Why did they even bother making more lizard men if they weren't going to come into play at all in the latter part of the movie? Why don't Aunt May and Uncle Ben not have a real front door? Seriously somebody's gonna break the fuck into their home.



Other problems: the fight scenes were awful, the lizard looked like shit and only made it worse when he talked (he looked exactly like a Goomba), and they straight up ripped the ending off the first Spider-Man from 2002 and tacked it onto the end. Maybe if they'd spent more time making this movie good and less time seeding sequels it might have been at least better than it was. I'm willing to give this the benefit of the doubt and say that the low budget and rushed production are to blame. Andrew Garfield is an okay Spider-Man and I really did want to like this one and enjoy it as its own seperate thing but between plagiarizing plot points from Raimi's movies and doing very few good things with the new stuff I don't feel optimistic about the future of this franchise, less so than I did when this was first announced. If anything else I figured I would just hate this because I was sore about Raimi's franchise being undercut by it but it really was just a stupid weaksauce movie, I think I liked X-Men 3 more than this. Sorry Axels, I really tried.

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a lot've that was my takeaway too...i recall liking almost everyone better except for peter & the lizard (though i dont fault the actor too much) as the main characters. i couldnt quite put my finger on why garfield wasnt working for me, just that it wasn't memorable...and yeah, the wisecracking was literally that one scene from the commercial.


it wasn't particularly bad, just...i didn't think about it much like a week later, or remember stuff. it certainly didn't add anything, where there were other angles that it totally could've. also why did spidey 1 kind of "cheat"?


the lizard looked like shit and only made it worse when he talked (he looked exactly like a Goomba)


ahaha, can't unsee this now

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Uh, SHARKNADO. The syfy original stuff is generally pretty fun and this definitely takes it to a new level of ridiculousness. It's pretty fun, and definitely delivers on its title. The last 20 minutes or so are particularly nuts. It's not as intentionally so bad it's good as something like piranha 3d, which is actually really well directed and has really funny "bad" performances, but it gets the job done.


Also saw the movie about a man with a red cape moping around like a goddamned loser. I hesitate to call it Superman, because the film also hesitates to call him Superman. It is simply misguided and downright silly to bring the Nolan-style "grounded in reality" bullshit to the most naive superhero we have. It doesn't work. The idea of superman is stupid, so in a "serious" movie, it comes off as even more stupid. Superman should not scream while he flies, he looks and sounds stupid when he does. The effort to make Superman "dark," "tortured" or whatever is laughable. This is a children's movie trying to dress up in grown up clothes. I thought the trend of successful superhero flicks proved that we're perfectly capable of suspending our disbelief. You can say interesting and thoughtful things about an "unrealistic" character. You can have him do unbelievable things without trying so hard to convince the audience that he's real. You can make adults interested in him, but still let him tell a couple of jokes. You can let him smile every once in a while. You can even call him Superman.

Edited by JunkerSeed
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Uh, SHARKNADO. The syfy original stuff is generally pretty fun and this definitely takes it to a new level of ridiculousness. It's pretty fun, and definitely delivers on its title. The last 20 minutes or so are particularly nuts. It's not as intentionally so bad it's good as something like piranha 3d, which is actually really well directed and has really funny "bad" performances, but it gets the job done.

Saw this last night, and it was the first of the SyFy films I'd ever sat through the entire way. I never developed the appreciation for bad movies the way some people have, but I found this one fun to watch MST3K style. Agreed about the last 20 minutes being completely fucknuts. The JAWS references were cringe worthy and it's too bad they couldn't have gotten Bruce Campbell though. Maybe for the sequel.

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Last we watched the Incredible Burth Wonderstone. Jim Carey pulled out some of his older overacting methods to play the Criss Angel jerk-off and Steve Carell did his best again with the clueless jerk type. I thought it was good but the ending seemed kinda...out of synch with the rest of the film. Also, not enough Steve Buscemi.


Then we watched Sinister. I know the demon thing looked like a freaking juggalo but that movie still creeped my shit.

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