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Da Cap'n

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"Big Balls" is beating Bioshock on hard mode (which i managed) but turning the vita-chambers off, an option the new DLC brought. it strikes me as batshit insane, as the first big daddy mustve killed me like a dozen times. it can be done, but very fucking carefully and youd have to save the game in almost every room, as hard mode (granted, i wasnt buying health as much as i shouldve) saw me walking into rooms, especially in the big theatre level, and bam! tagged by 2 of those hanging splicers and im dead.


You almost gave me a heart attack Irish. I just finished fort frolic, haven't used a vita-chamber, then I read this post about "turning them off." WTF!? I had just been reloading when I die!! After a frantic search on 2k games forums, I found out that you don't have to turn them off, just load if you die and you SHOULD get it. Unfortunatly I now have a nagging down seated in the root of my brain. I fear I won't be able to focus on anything else till I finish and get the damn thing.

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heh, heh, heh

Thanks for the complement Irish! I don't know though, Panch might just beat me. Of course, I'M not padding my gamerscore with kids games like Spiderman: FOF.


Pfft. If it's score-padding you want, it's Avatar you need.


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Yeah, i got no respect for people with Avatar on their gamerscore. :love:


Space - yeah, in theory (we talked about this already, but) you should be right; the achievement's for just not using vita-chambers, so you should be fine, seriously. you're prolly just saving yourself more loading time if anything.


DoJ - again, i kinda agree but now im trying to (mostly) go for the harder-to-get ones, like, Big Balls in Bioshock is one to be proud of, cause youd have to really own that game to get it. At this point, im only getting them in games i really dig, or ones that sound cool like "Shoot First" in Lego Star Wars. Hell, the "I'm sorry, did i break your concentration?!" one for beating the game with Mace Windu was worth it alone.

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DoJ - again, i kinda agree but now im trying to (mostly) go for the harder-to-get ones, like, Big Balls in Bioshock is one to be proud of, cause youd have to really own that game to get it. At this point, im only getting them in games i really dig, or ones that sound cool like "Shoot First" in Lego Star Wars. Hell, the "I'm sorry, did i break your concentration?!" one for beating the game with Mace Windu was worth it alone.


I agree, if its a hard bastard of an achievement, fair enough, but in the darkness, i got 10 AP for just sitting down for about 2 minutes, that game gave away AP like uh, uh.... insert witty analogy here....

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You almost gave me a heart attack Irish. I just finished fort frolic, haven't used a vita-chamber, then I read this post about "turning them off." WTF!? I had just been reloading when I die!! After a frantic search on 2k games forums, I found out that you don't have to turn them off, just load if you die and you SHOULD get it. Unfortunatly I now have a nagging down seated in the root of my brain. I fear I won't be able to focus on anything else till I finish and get the damn thing.


The race is on, sir.

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Brass. Motherfuckin'. balls. At the same time as Seriously good at this, and little Sister Saviour.

Yea, I'm going for all 1100 in one run. Don't have the luxury to play games more than once these days. Too many games, too little time.


BTW, Isn't it hilarious how Irish keeps refering to the "brass balls" achievement as "big balls."


and the internet "my penis is bigger than your penis" competition continues
On that note....080313.jpg
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Look at my played games and you will see that I don't have alot of "padding". Spider-Man: FoF was a gift for my birthday from some chick that don't know no better. All she knows is that I like Spider-Man. You're just mad that you don't have girls buying you shit.

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Look at my played games and you will see that I don't have alot of "padding". Spider-Man: FoF was a gift for my birthday from some chick that don't know no better. All she knows is that I like Spider-Man. You're just mad that you don't have girls buying you shit.



Doesn't mean you had to play it.


Your lack of DMC4 pretty makes me cry. Be better at DMC4.

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What kind of person are you that you don't use/wear/play what people get you for your birthday. Granted some gifts are stupid and just sit in your closet, but it was a Xbox 360 SPIDER-MAN game! If you knew me and my obsession with Spidey then you would understand.

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yeah, i says big balls, and much love to skeeter for pullin' it off. i gotta follow suit one day when im caught up on the pile here. dammit skeet, way to make my "Seriously good at this" look like seriously shit.


god, i love VG Cats, but is it me or did they summon PA in that last panel?

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Look at my played games and you will see that I don't have alot of "padding". Spider-Man: FoF was a gift for my birthday from some chick that don't know no better. All she knows is that I like Spider-Man. You're just mad that you don't have girls buying you shit.


If some bitch bought me Spiderman: FoF for my birthday I would punch her right in the mouth. Why? For the humiliation I would suffer, and for the affront to my gamerscore that EVEN ONE achievement from that game would represent. How's else she gonna learn? What if I bought you a box of Spiderman tampons? Or a Spidey-douche? Would you use them? No, because as much as you LOVE Spidey, those products aren't intended for you.

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Damn. i hate to think what'd youd do to that Gamefly rep who sent me Avatar when i clearly checked "Gears of War." What's more embarrassing is, the achevements were so easy, i had em all before i realized it was the wrong game! i remember thinking "no way this is the game panch goes on and on about..."

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  • 7 months later...
If some bitch bought me Spiderman: FoF for my birthday I would punch her right in the mouth.


I ended up making that girl my girlfriend, by-the-way... but we're broken up now so whatever.


Damn. i hate to think what'd youd do to that Gamefly rep who sent me Avatar when i clearly checked "Gears of War." What's more embarrassing is, the achevements were so easy, i had em all before i realized it was the wrong game! i remember thinking "no way this is the game panch goes on and on about..."


Oh Nick...


So speaking of Nick. I'm comin' for that gamerscore, my friend. Up to 11,000 now. Scared? Hey, I heard Avatar 2 is coming out!

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yeah, learned my lesson from Avatar. the thrill really wore off at 10k, and if it didnt, i went and saw TheLoganPrime's score. that did it for sure.


im actually working on one day getting a @#$% platinum trophy on PSN, that's about it. from now on, im just gonna play games, and if theyre great, ill get more achievements in them. no more buying DLC or playing shit till i hate it for them...after my platinum anyway.


ps i dont see any other big bosses with brass balls 'round here.

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