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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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!!!  Civilian's cd is online!!!  You people obviously doesn't know what that means.  Civilian is essentailly rage against the machine with chris cornell (formerly of soundgarden) on vocals...  This stuff is amazing, I command you all to DL it right now!  More info to come in the music thread.


Well I've been watchin

while youve been coughin

I've been drinking life

while you've been nauseous

so i'll drink to health

while you kill yourself

and I've got just one thing that i can offer

Go on and save yourself, and take it out on me


:D :D :D :D

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I love shuffle play, you'll be listening to random music and then all of a sudden you get a blinding track that you'd not listened to in ages!


This time it's AtThe Drive-in - Quarantined


"Slave trade the weak

No call to arms

Sanction this outbreak, a virus conspires

Push become shove

Days becomes months

And I seem to have forgotten the warmth of this sun"

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"This is a song about a superhero named tony... it's called tony's theme!  To-ny, to-ny, to-ny!"  Heheh.


"Have you finished those errands yet? Have you finished those errands yet? Have you finished those errands yet? Have you finished those errands yet? Have you finished those errands yet?"

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Damn...went to a few other board to mention this place, got editied/deleted/trashed for "advertising", guess i know what that feels like now.

Id be pissy, but eletist fucks like that wouldnt quite fit in here anyway.  


Hey everyone, you see MLB? He's expressing himself  Now, sure, you could have only the minimum amount of posts, but what would you think of someone who only does the minimum? Wear more flair!  :D

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