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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Hey everyone, Dinghy made spaghetti, be here by 930 tonite if ya want some.  

Those who've rsvp'd so far include Spiffytee, Yahven, Chi-Chan, and m'self, might be one more spot open if ya make it in time. She's a good lil chef too.  :D

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Matt Holland (Republic of Ireland):

"It s a fantastic feeling to score. The draw is a good result for us, even if we did have the better chances. We didn't get the reward our efforts deserved. We performed much better in the second half because we were less nervous. Maybe we were a bit affected at the start of the match, but once the game started, we were able to forget all the problems in the build-up. Roy Keane is a great player, but he's not here now and we have to get on with the job at hand."



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Just writing my review of '40 days and 40 nights' for the uni mag. Goddamn did it blow.


Can't wait till next year when I'm film editor and can allocate who does what reviews. Lackeys had better not piss me off or I'm sending them to the next pile of crap that is a teen movie :p

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Dear overweight/overtanned/spanglish-talkin/heathen, half-assed undisciplined child rasin/obscenely rich miami latin women whom my job forces me to associate with:

1) Remembering my name doesnt impress me; i wear a namebadge, and hate the fuckin thing.  Im sure "7 habits of highly effective people" taught you to remember us lil people, but im not impressed, so no small talk.

2) I will smack your kids for you if you wont. Youve been warned.

3) Wear less perfume.  Im sure there's cheaper, less trashy ways of maskin your phermones than that.

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*Puts both hands on his belt*

...Yessir, new sheriff in town (really wasnt a great Philosopher-King anyway, least not in Plato's sense).  

Say, who wants to be my deputy? Cmon, youve heard the song, only i get shot.  Dont make this "High Noon", now. :D

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Ladies & gentlemen, I believe we can learn a valuable lesson from MyLeakyBucket.

He was so close...so close to hittin the magic post number, that he just kept on pushin.  And now what's become of him?

That's right.  He's a bagel.

Flew too close the sun, he did.  His mother warned him as a child not to look directly into it...

Anyway, Until this problem is alleviated, I ask only that no other deities/board members eat our resident Icarus.  

We now return to your regular madness.

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Been a bit too pensive lately, i think. Cant put my finger on what it is, but these lyrics hit a note.


...drama...where does it start?

(Bitch left me cause they thought I was finished...

Shoulda knew she wasn't true, she came to me when her man caught a sentence)

Diamonds are blinding...I never make the same mistakes

Movin with a change of pace, lighter load, see now the king is straight

Swelling my melon cause none of these niggaz is real

Heard he was, tellin police - how can a kingpin squeal?

This is crazy. I'm on the right track, I'm finally found...

You need some soul searching, the time is now.


All I need is one mic.. yeah, yeah yeah yeah

All I need is one mic.. that's all I ever needed in this world, fuck cash

All I need is one mic.. fuck the cars, the jewelry...

All I need is one mic.. to spread my voice to the whole world

-NAS, One Mic

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You know, when you're in the dorms you do everything to get away from Ramen, you even go down to those little "programmes" they have downstairs and torture youselves through a valuable hour listening to some sappy crap so you could moch off their food. Yet, when it seems you've finally broken free, Noostalgia slaps you in the face and suddenly ramen is so appealing.

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