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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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All right, Vista Verde Central, you called down the thunder, well now you got it!

I'm a-comin down there tomorrow mornin'...uh, make that around 230 in the afternoon...and hell's comin' with me, ya hear?! Hell's comin' with me!!

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A word to the wise.... when your gas light is on... GET OFF AT THE NEXT EXIT AND GET YOURSELF SOME GODDAMNED GAS!  Yes, you are expected to perform this rational act even when high.  Once is excusable, obviously.  I mean, it could happen to anyone!  More than happy to help a friend in need.... IT"S THE THIRD TIME!!!!  Oy vey, you'd think that by now the man would learn that car's run on gasoline, not willpower...


"Dude, could you do me a favor?"

"Um, sure, ... do I have to do it right now?"

"Um, yeah, kind of... see, there's a problem with my car, see like, it needs gas to run.... and it doesnt have any..."




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I been buying this new soft drink recently, Diet Coke with Lemon. Might not seem like much, but read it again. Diet Coke with Lemon. With Lemon, baby! It's so nice and they've got an offer on at Woolworth's.


On the other hand, it's probably a copy of something you Yanks have had for ages. Who knows? Not me, and since you can't reply I ain't gonna anytime soon, either. Well, you could send an IM but that would be way too much fuss over a bloody cola. I mean c'mon people, get a life.

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"You don't know how dangerous it is at this type of night."


"Night?  When's the last time you saw night?  Night is like China to you, you know it exists but you have no idea what it's like.  I'm out at night all the time, and I can tell you, it's a lot like day, just darker and less crowded..."


ha!  that blank look on her face, that pause in the conversation that is easily translated to "shit, you have a point"... victory!  logic wins another arguement!  heheh

bah!  Bet the movie had a fine ending tho...   :dissappointed:

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Ya know when ya drink for a while, not exactly binging, but dammit, more than what usually gets you drunk, and you feel nothing?  Eh, still good times.  Sad to see people leave for college though...  :scared:


"Metal up the ass!"



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Well, that was weird and scary...


I was watching some Bollywood musical numbers on TV, waiting for the Turkey-Korea game to start and I put the tv on mute and started playing some Linkin Park on the computer.


When I looked up the video and the song were in sync.


ANd then when another Video started and Led Zepellin came on, they were in sync again. ANd yet again with the Ozzy Osbourne song after that...


I gotta try this the next time I'm on acid.....

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