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Blargh - The Random Thread


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Did you know???


In Being John Malchovich, Craig discovers that LesterCorp is on the 7 1/2 floor of the Mertin Flemmer building by seeing a "7 1/2" on a building directory in the lobby - at the 7 1/2-minute point of the film.



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Wanna have fun with the Bible, kids? Ok then, pick up the closest copy of the King James version of the Holy Bible you can find. Flip on over to Psalms 46. Check out the 46th word, now check out the 46th to last word. Now guees who was 46 years old when the King James version of the Bible was first published? Errie, ain't it?

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*Note: there were 666 replies to Blargh! at the time of this postin.  Interesting.

And now, an actual conversation between m'self & miss Dinghy over AIM.  Chat programs tell no lies!  Behold, the truth about Dinghy!




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ha!, if you thought you'd heard the last of my drunken posts....... think again!  Yes, I am very much drunk right now.... thank god for people who drive me around while I'm fucked up and all that.  


 If you have almost ten people leaning on a van that's blasting the red hot chilli peppers and sublime singing along.... you know it's still summer.  And you know the night's not over till you've played Virtua Fighter 4.  :D :ill:

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Dinghy's almost finished Preacher and genuinely seems to be enjoyin it - another convert, woo hoo! :D




PS plus, today, July 3rd, at 5:40 AM or so, she fucked up & actually said "bless you" when i sneezed...see? This book does wonders!

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