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Blargh - The Random Thread


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"Now, if you guys really want to see somehting worth documenting, you follow these dalmation mice to what's gonna happen to em later today, which is being fed to a snake, and you just look at the double take the snake does when he realizes he's gonna eat a chocolate chip mouse!"


Heh, bill murray rocks

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I enjoy today more than most.

I cant wait for tomorrow...lotta big things happening soon.

But even so...i cant think of much i wouldnt trade to be in 9th grade right now, worryin bout football plays, beating ariel in street fighter 2, making out with silly girls, fights with fools, and other nonsense.  

The best i can do, aside from remember alla that, is keep tomorrow simple.

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I like that semi-conscious state between sleep and wake, where if you allow yourself to wake up naturally, you drift out of sleep, and begin having a slight awareness of what's going one, but at the same time still kinda asleep. What pisses me off is when my comforter is hanging of my bed too much on one side and exposes the other side to the air, allowing drafts of cold air to rush in. that pisses me off. Then I think about what life in Burma must be like. It's gotta suck like a mo-fucker. That's when I realize the comforter thing isn't that big a deal and I shouldn't sweat it. That's when I find myself at peace and a calm comes over me. A calm comes over me, like a draft. Like a stupid ass cold draft coming in the side of my bed waking me up. What the deal with that?

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::after a half an hour of fishing stories about catching sharks and king fish on commercial fishing boats::


Me:  "Well, I never went fishing much, but I do have one fishing story.  When I was like seven, I went fishing with my brother and a couple of his friends at some canal, everyone else had fishing rods, we only had a tree branch and some string, we caught one fish, and you know what my job was?  I got to beat it to death with a stick when we caught it and it fell onto the floor!"


Good times, good times.  I may not remember your birthday, but damned if I don't care about it!

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*The Penguin storms Glu Gluey's Glue factory*

"Wah wah wah! Ive got a horse to sell ya!"

*random guy stirring a pot*

"Sir, we dont use horses for glue anymore."

"..? Whaddya call that?"

*Looks at stable, a mere 5 feet away*

"..Oh, that horse."


That tied with the scene were Penguin was chased off by a librarian, but not by Batman, Robin, Commissoner Gordon & some Gotham cops.  I ask you, where can you go for writing like that these days?

Adam West Batman's comin back, i tell ya. To the extreme!



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actual quotes from tonight


friend 1:"So, why are we seeing this one (minority report) instead of reign of fire?"


friend 2:"Umm, I dunno, he really wants to see it, it looks dumb to me."


friend 1: "Haven't you seen it already though?"


me: "Twice"


friend 1:"So, why not see reign of fire?"


me: "Because we're seeing minority report"


::2 1/2 hours later::


friend 1:  "Holy shit!  I'd see that shit three times too!  That was awesome!"


friend 2:  "That was great, I wanna see that shit again."


Ha!  Chalk one up for the good guys!

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"and the girl in the car in the parkin' lot said,

'hey man you should try and take a shot,

can't you see my walls are crumblin'?'  

and she looks up at the building and says she's thinkin' of jumpin'

she said she's tired of life, she must be tired of somethin!"


Hmm, I get the feeling I've posted that lyric before, eh, well it's good enough to be read again!  Blargh, gotta come up with a speech somehow.... school sucks.  


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[puff, puff, pass]  Now, think about this.  Do you really want to go to a place where everybody knows your name?  What if your name was Periwinkle, or Saliva, or Chlamydia, or something wack like that?  Would you want all of these people to know your name?  I think not.  :D[/puff, puff, pass]

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The following is a mysoginist rant, concerning women in general.  


*admittedly inspired while listening to Eminem's "Superman"*


Most women are vampires.

They dont bother learnin who they are, what theyre about, what they want outta life.  Instead, they run around talkin about men who are their "other half", who "complete them." Think about that.

There's a hole in their soul, an emptiness from not answerin the previous questions in life, as they take a lotta time & effort.  A lot.  So, instead, they find a guy, who may or may not've bothered anwering these things himself.  They plaster the hole, if you will.

Thing is, no matter how good you fill that hole - yeah, that way too - eventually you have to give, as the weight is too much.  Hard enough carrying just yourself & your dreams through life without a hanger-on. You thought this chick wanted a man; oh no.  She needed a man. A Superman.

When you don that cape, youre her boyfriend, potential husband, therapist, possession, father, whatever else she needs you to be to fill that void. It's one of the cruelest, most twisted things one can do to another, and we often call it "love".  

She defines herself by you & your dreams until its time to change them.  She says she loves you for who you are, and wouldnt change a thing, but every other day, you fight about basically the same issues, as she feels she's compromised plenty by "giving up" dreams she never had, and you just selfishly wish to follow your path with the one life youve got.  

So while this parasite sucks the very life of you, breaking you down, becmong more cynical, she's already saddling up the next one in her mind (possibly a friend of yours), as you alone couldnt possibly have made her complete. No one can.  

But its time to run another variable through the formula, time to go through the motions and again mockingly call it "love", and youve served your term.

...so why'd you stay so fucking long? Because its good to be needed, isnt it? Without Lois Lane gettin tied up by supervillans alla time, Superman's just a guy in red tights flyin around.  So you allowed yourself to participate in this symbiotic relationship, to an extent.  You have to take responsibility for that...but she doesnt.  She cant be blamed; it was you, it was her parents, it was society's definitoin of relationships; it was everyone but her.

There are good women out there, few & far between.  Stay away from these life-sucking bitches.  Don't be anyone's superman.

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