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Blargh - The Random Thread


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"Yeah...as a shorty, playin in the front yard of the crib,

i fell down an' bumped my head.

somebody helped me up and asked if i bumped my head, and i said 'yeah'.

and then he said 'oh. so that mean...you gon'..you gon' switch it on em?'

i said 'yeah. flipmode. flipmode is the greatest.'


..you know, as a shorty, i was always told, that if i aint gonna be part of the greatest, gotta be the greatest myself...


cmon, cmon...yeah, cmon..." :afro: Gimme s'mo!

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On an unrelated note down here in blargh, im movin to Texas in a few weeks.

Way i hear it, some long-haired hippie's comin into town, stereotypin folks in one of the largest states in the union as all cowboys & such, and callin that "open-mindendness". Fortunately, being a wanker is, in actuallity, against state law, so me & George Bush is gonna have us a good ol' fashioned lynching, yeeee-hawww! :D

PS En route to Texas, one passes through Louisiana (a giant mudhole, not much outside of mari gras) and Alabama (beautiful state, but reminds me of parts of "Cool Hand Luke"), both of which are pretty backward states. Texas, home of Ft Worth, Dallas, Houston etc are not all necessarily El Paso or the Alamo, and is like any ohter big city; dont let fools tell ya otherwise.

PPS in texas, we cant distinguish no high-flootin' sar-casm over the interent, so we hang em high just in case. :P

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"Whooooooooa! My Eponine! Can't you hear the words I sing, can't you hear the words, I sing..... WHOOOOOOOAAAA my Eponine, can't you hear the WORDS I sing, can't you hear the WORDS, I sing!"


"Walk away me boys walk away me boys, by the mornin' you'll be free, wipe the golden tear from your mother dear and raise what's left of the flag for me."


"Um, protein spill on aisle 6"


"Oh no.... don't drop me in that fryin' pan!"


That was a helluva weekend, oh, and flogging molly is the best band to ever set foot on a stage...

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Dear Heartless - I too hate Jack's. Please be mine, so we can hate him together. :D


Love, Nick


PS Ill give someone a dollar if they can recite "Gimme some mo" by Busta Rhymes at its proper speed. Id be impressed. Chiefy, you listenin?

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Guest Yahve

There is light at the end of the tunnel, a class opened up where i can take 3 this semester. maybe life wont be so bad, maybe i can go with the charade for another semester and survive!!


The power of positive thinking ! :D

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Have you ever noticed how much things in Spanish are gettin kinda lame?

Maybe its 'cause the language is forced down your throat in miami, but its no longer exotic; its fastly joinin french in the realm of "i guess its useful, but kinda annoyin".

What Dinghy knows of Arabic is interestin, and Chi-Chan's Japanese is really cool. Those are exotic tho, ya know? They have many words for the ones we have a hard time describing (if youre not tryin, anyway). Again, the Greeks have over twenty words for love, the Germans are said to have just as many for pain. Language is an indicator of your culture, dont ruin what lil mysticism it had to us mono-lingual Americans by yammerin it all over the place, least of all with teh same words we keep hearin day in, day out.

Try this:

"Mas sabe el Diablo por viejo que por Diablo." :D

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Damn, saw a great movie on comedy central I'd never heard of before: Floundering. I have a feeling anyone on this board would like it. I bought it on DVD right after seeing it. Has my two thumbs up, not that that means anything to anybody...maybe if Junker recommended it to everybody....

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Guest Yahve

That IT. We are closing this thread down. It is just too random. No more nonesense. I will have no more of these shinnanegans. The silliness will cease here.


Let us impose some order:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.


If I see anything but order, I am Crap Shacking this thread. :mischievous:

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Guest Yahve

One of the upsides to having faith in god is that by derivation, they also believe in magic. Thus magic IS real and not just within the imagination.


That must be kinda nice :D

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