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Blargh - The Random Thread


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3 weeks left here. Lotta loose ends to tie, and not much time to work with.

I should...I should be talking to preists & explaining why I'm not in church anymore, I should be scouring prisons down south to find the only real father I ever had & tell him why that means somethin. I should make ammends with old friends who've gone down different paths, make sure they know I bear em no ill will.

But there's still too many songs that remind me of you, too many women wear the same kind of perfume, use the same conditioner as you. You're not on my mind much these days, but when I"m reminded...hell, there were times you're the reason i stayed as long as i did. The days blur, but i still remember the last time we slept together more detailed than i do any ceremony, any death, any of those things you're supposed to remember all your life, but i took pictures just so i wouldnt wonder if they actually happened a few years later.

Sometimes i think youre the only person left in this town that can make me feel anythin at all. And it's high time i let you go.

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i can't stop and think how lucky i am.. in the last couple of days ... i always knew it..but its startling at how good i have it honestly.. i may bitch and moan about the occasional mishap in my life..but for the most part..damn i have it good.. i have two parents who love me unconditionally, a supportive extended family, true friends..these are friends who i mean would stay at my HOUSE till 1 AM helping me clean my room because they know i leave for seattle tommorow and that i have to work and go to a concert and a funeral today and won't have any time.. so to make my life easier they stayed and helped me sort out my shit so i didn't have to sleep in the guest room anymore.. i can actually sleep on my own bed...those are the kind of friends i have.. and i feel lucky.

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I think that the music industry needs more talent and less political contributions.

I think simply because one person knows another that the music industry is congested with individuals that are not truly artists in the business, but businesmen in the art.


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::looks down at the keyborad and can't believe what she is doing::


Damn I type better when I am HIGH!!!! So its true you can concentrate better when your HIGH HIGH HIGH...


I get high high high high...I get high high high high...I get high high high hiiiigggggghhhhh...


:werd: :D

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Soon, courtesy of m'boys Cap'n P & DJ Ariel Assault (formerly Ario X), we might see a return of the Dirty South productions, Air comics and Rio comics.

Many recall the heated rivalry of years past...Air comics dived into other areas such as jazz band, tennis, and of course, DJ'ing. Rio seemed to try his hand at wrestling, but was secretly working on Bloodbath, the ongoing series of about 6 individuals from Cutler Ridge, and why they should fight each issue. Now 22 issues strong, and having fans all over Flordia, Texas & Kuwait, Rio's goin strong.

Will Air comics make a comeback? Or will he cling to his classics, such as Street Fighter vs Mortal Kombat, Bonk vs Ninja Turtles, and his most well-known, the immortal Sonic the Hedgehog goes cosmic and kills the Marvel Universe? Stay tuned, true believers!

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You know what? Fuck Road to Perdition. How bout that? I dont really wanna see it that bad, ill catch it on Netflix on my shit TV and shit sound system in my shit texas apartment and that's that. Until you're on your own payin your own rent & livin your life an such, stop tellin me what i should & shouldnt support, or where my money should go.

If there was a fund to get you to shut the fuck up, id donate to that. Back to packing.

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My wristwatch is stupid. It's a digital watch with an LCD screen, but whenever it gets direct exposure to really bright sunlight for several seconds, the whole face of the watch turns black and I can't read it. I have to turn it away from the light and wait several minutes. If I wanted to now that time in several minutes, I'd look at the time now and add several minutes to that time. I what to know that time NOW! :D

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