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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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:D I think I'm going to scream, dumb bitchy mothers need to go. No child is a curse, but a blessing. :D When I have children one day, they will always always know that I love them. And that they are perfect in their own way. Anyone can make a baby, but not everyone can be a parent. So where's that number to the psych ward?

Ugh...mom's yelling again I need a :D to block her bitching. Just go away and leave us alone...you are so ugly, why can't you see that you have a problem? I'm sick of trying to help you. Leave me alone.

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Why do throat sprays taste so good? They should sell that shit as candy for kids. It could even dethrone Kidstoned chewable Vallium !

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heh, almost got into a fight today, big violent fight it woulda been too... kinda wish it woulda happened. Was ignoreing this asshole till he talked to me, "free of the old ball and chain"... pictured myself smashing my beer bottle on him.... Since I hate fights I guess I'm glad it didn't happen, but if anybody has it coming, it's this peice of fucking shit....


Bah, I wouldn't have gotten drunk if I knew there'd be someone there to make me angry... certainly ruined my night... can barely sleep, eh fuck it, it's not worth my energy thinking about people like that, just hope I dont see him again... :D

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i need a vacation day. a day dedicated too cool weather and relaxation. odd thing is im not sure what id do on this day. all i know is that it would have to be cold outside.... i think thats part of what it is. i really miss being outdoors. i love being outside, just not here in miami where the humidity can steam veggies.


five years here in the hole, my mind is reaching its limit. i need happy weather soon... :(

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I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car I've got a car.




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Why are most of my posts in general? I know it cant be the lyceum or Xavier's, but id rather most of em be in the pubs, or Fight Club or somewhere cooler than General. Ah well, Sheriff's gotta enforce his jurisdiction all over, even the irrelevant parts.

..why am i thinkin bout this with a final tomorrow? Damn forum.

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Happy Trails to yall, I'm off to Texas for a week today. I'll take extra care not to litter in the beautiful state of Texas, as I'm told as a non-anglo, littering is a capital offense. But hey, when your skins color is anymore than 2 two shades darker than elmer's glue, what isn't a capital offense in Texas? I'll be going by the name Eddy Peterson, and I'll attribute by skin shade to having spend two weeks in Bermuda. Stick a piece of straw in my mouth and draw back on almost 4 years experience of living in West Virgina and I think I'll be alright.

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i start school in a week.. FUCK where the hell did my summer go?


well anyway i'm a senior this year..so hahahaha FUCK YOU ALL..


especially you jacks meandering thought.. FUCK YOU! (had to get in an insult to jacks in this post.. haven't insulted him lately... seemed appropriate that i throw one in before the man starts feeling neglected)

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Life is a series of moves, one place to another, accumulatin shit. Gotta give more things away i think. I grew up kinda poor, im still kinda in awe when i look at all the things i have these days, so if i got somethin you want, ya oughta ask if you can have it (within reason, none o' this "you want that gamecube?" bullshit), ya might be surprised. Anyway, movin time again.

"...How does it feel...to be on your own...with no direction home...a complete unkown...like a rollin' stone..."

- Bob Dylan


Oh, and bacchus ( :D ) comes home tomorrow, hoo hah! Dont tell the fucker but im kinda excited, missed 'im this summer.

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You know, my youth would have been a lot funner with some rock em, sock em, ho-bots... a game where two bitches be slappin' eachother then, before either of them can win the game, a man comes around and shows em what a slappin is... keep em in check... yeah, this idea is gold!

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