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Blargh - The Random Thread


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I remember when nick wanted to be a priest, until he woke up one day and realized i can not live without Putang from then on

he has tried so hard to get in my pants....and yet every time it is unsuccesfulll......i remember when nick and i peed in a water fountain at kendall it was as if i knew right there and then not only was he not the one for me but i was a true catholic....

all the days of my life i struggled for the truth, but the truth runneth over the fountain in kendall......

Yet i remember those days in the cutler ridge pool.....ur mace was asa black man......it was interesting and yet

stimulating.......what would have danny devito thought?

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god i'm missing morrissey when they come to SF.... :(


I think i'm the only smiths fan here on the board.. haven't heard anyone else praise them...as of yet...


so i think it's finally setting in that i'm a senior..and really..there's about 500 days till graduation..holy shit..


see i hate some of the fucks that roam over campus.. but for those who i like..who i have my inside jokes with (def knows what i mean......oh sarty's class junior year :D with those damn nazis and caucazoid bitches.. and with me, you, james, adrienne, and mike (when he actually came to class)


and i'm going to miss those moments..with the people i've met...the people i like... i'll miss it like something feirce..

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I'm back form Texas. I wasn't even charged for any capital crimes, let alone convicted. Maybe Texas ain't as bad as all that. Was a bunch of annoying Texas pride lance all through out TV commercials and Billboards. Like this one campaign commercail for this one judge that went something like this: My opponent is supports by the Clintons, and it more interested in liberal special interests than Texas values. Vote me. Anyway, visited the Alamo and everything as pretty cool. Wouldn't go back myself, but I wouldn't necesarily try to stop anyone else from going either... :D j/k, it was cool.

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