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Blargh - The Random Thread


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you know what has to be the BEST chineese food in the whole world?


Honey Walnut Shrimp


i tried explaining the fantastic wonders of honey walnut shrimp to yahve..but he says he's never heard of it


which leads me to believe one of two things




a.) you floridians aren't blessed enough to have this delicacy which is honey walnut shrimp.


b.) yahve doesn't get out enough and doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.



if the first answer is correct i feel sorry for you poor, deprived floridians..


p.s. but hey nick, maybe they have honey walnut shrimp in texas., if they don't jump over a few states west to cali, we'd be happy to have ya for some honey walnut shrimp :D

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yea so i got a hell of a story here..


so i work at caffe baci tonight till close and me and jana are all taking out the trash in the dumpster that we share with the Chineese food resturaunt next door.. so i don't know HOW MANY times i've done this since i've been working there.. hundreds of times.. so jana went to put some shit in her car and i throw open the lid of the dumpster with reckless abandon like i've always done..and BAHM a homeless guy pops up.. yes a homeless guy was sleeping in our dumpster..needless to say..scared me shitless.. i start screaming my head of..hella loud and shit..jana comes runnin.. i'm throwing garbage at the homeless guy..it was gross and nasty..


funny nonetheless tho.. oh my life..never a dull moment i tell ya..

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The torch has moved on. My brother ( the elusive gianix15 ) now has contacts and braces. he is officially hotter than i am ???


oh well. just wanted to let peeps know he is hot on hte market. hehe. i feel proud. :D

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