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Hondo's Bar

Blargh - The Random Thread


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I'm so fucking tired and bored and tired and bored I feel myself melting but i won the campaign. I'm keeping my 360 aand getting a Wii. It's gonna be great except for the faxct there's gotta be an adaptor to plug ethernet into the fucking thing.

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He said that he loved me, never would go

Now I find I'm sitting here on my own

Was it something I said or done

That made him pack his bags up and run

Could it be another he's found

It's breaking up a happy home


Mister can you tell me where my love has gone

He's a japanese boy

I woke up one morning and my love was gone

Oh my japanese boy

Ohh I miss my japanese boy


People ask about him every day

Don't know what to tell them what can I say

If only he would write me or call

A word of explaination that's all

It would stop me climbing the wall

It's breaking up a happy home


Mister can you tell me where my love has gone

He's a japanese boy

I woke up one morning and my love was gone

Oh my japanese boy

Ohh I miss my japanese boy


Was it something I said or done

That made him pack his bags up and run

Could it be another he's found

He's breaking up a happy home


Mister can you tell me where my love has gone

He's a japanese boy

I woke up one morning and my love was gone

Oh my japanese boy


Mister can you tell me where my love has gone

He's a japanese boy

I woke up one morning and my love was gone

Oh my japanese boy

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The Page You Requested Barely Even Exists


Possible causes for this error:


* Poor spelling

* Lack of basic typing skills

* General incompetence

* Bad luck

* Ancient curse

* Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle


HTTP 404 "Object does not exist" - Sartre 1945


CrimsonFire's 666th post has busted either the Parkour thread or the whole sports forum. Either that or the ghost in the machine hates me.

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So I got out of bed and went to the sink and realized that my tongue was BLUE.


I didn't feel sick, but my first thought was that it was a mistake to finish off that jar of peanut butter I knew had been recalled by the manufacturer.


Anyways, just as I was about to call a doctor, I remembered I'd gotten up during the night and drank some purple Gatorade...

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