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Blargh - The Random Thread


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why is student council/government so incredibly stupid?


yes.. i understand that the associated student body does play a role in school..you know.. good for us.. but it's not the end all, be all of human existence


i keep shit in perspective, some people in that class though, they take it too far... the fate of the world does not rest on Vanden's leadership class.

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There are few things I hate. One of them is having to urinate through an erection. Sometimes you can't hold it in and sometimes you can't keep him down, and when these two things happen at the same time, it fucking sucks. 95% of the times that it happens in right when you wake up, as really having to piss and morning wood can easily coordinate to occur at the same time. To make the pain of actually having to do this more unpleasant, you have to bend you erection downways to a very uncomfortable position to aim down, otherwise you don't just hit the wall, you hit the wall at about eye level. The only alternative to bending it downward to aim would be to lay on top of the seat, like your trying to fuck the toilet! That's obviously no good. Damnit, I hate it!

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Today I woke up and everyone started yelling...someone called the cops and they laughed at us. What do you expect when you got 9 people living and working with eachother? I think everyone's going nuts. But the cops told me to get a court order to have my crazy mother evaluated! Even in 20 minutes they saw through her bullshit.

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Patience. I too must be patient. Tread some more water before moving on.


KOS, i know this aint your spot, but if ya see this: Cant thank ya enough for gettin me onto Lone Wolf & Cub...im on vol 11 now, the book's quicklly becomin one of my favorites. :D

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Top 5 reasons why Dinghy sucks *ahem*



1) One time, i listend to several of her shit Bon Jovi songs, and she couldnt even pay attention to one go of Kid Rock's "American Bad Ass", which despite what people like Junker'll tell ya, is a fine, fine song. Dont listen to Junker, he likes metal!


2) She doesnt bless you when ya sneeze, says its a thing of principles. Uses her lack of principles to hide her lack of consideratin in this department, very Jumbie-like. Its only really bad 'cause normally she's very considerate (which is very un-Jumbie like).


3) Says she hates rap, has never heard actual rap music. Might be 'casue she dont like black people, i dunno.


4) She's whiny, sometimes. And high pitched when she is.


5) She's made herself scarce from the board now that she's back with her cool friends.



..ok, ok, so maybe i just miss her. Maybe a lil...but not as much as Chi-Chan.

Mariam, i hope youre doin fine.

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Nothing is truly random, every post here was premeditated to a degree beyond each individual's first message. The bulk of this thread are inner ramblings of attention starved post count addicts.


There is no randomness.


Every electron is pushed by another and in turn moves another, thus is the perfect reflection of nature. When pushed to artificial efficiency we achieve the most revered of Man-made artifacts, the Computer.

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okay i have just finished cleaning out my car and i've found some things that have distubed me..(because they d0on't belong to me)


1.) a carton of chineese food.. (i didn't look inside cause that's fucking gross)


2.) a bag of poppyseed muffins


3.) an eminem vinyl


4.) a box of condoms..ribbed (not mine i swear)


6.) a white lace negligee (again not mine.,)


7.) two vanden senior shirts, size small and extra large


8.) a rockstar soda (they say it helps repair your liver)


how does all this shit accumilate goddamn it? people..i love you all..i love all of my friends.. BUT CLEAN UP YOUR SHIT, I'M NOT YOUR MOM

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I'm mere hours from getting my custom computer. Weeeeeee! Plus I got my ticket to see Incubus live today, whom I saw over a year ago, but at a festival so I didn't see a full set. Weeeeeeeee! Plus I got my Trigun DVD Box today*! Weeeeeeeeee! Plus my ankle is healing up really quickly, much quicker than the last tiem I twisted it! Weeeeeeeeee! Let the good times roll!


* The Asian release with only three DVD for $30, not the crappy American one that is EXACTLY the same except they only put 3 episodes on each so it's 8 DVDs and costs $150. Damn I mean, not even any special features, not even a freaking commentary (even though it would be in Japanese and I wouldn't understand it)!

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Ah, my first drunken post in quite a while, haven't drank in a while... It's real nice. Sittin around, drinkin a bit, bullshitting all night, this is the life. I'm not a hard man to please, just some good company and maybe a quart or two to keep things interesting... great fun for like 3 bucks....


eh, got class tomorrow so I should sleep at some point, bah, think i'll watch something first... yeah...


:ill: :pimp:

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