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Blargh - The Random Thread


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You don't tie your shoelaces do you? Your almost certainly one of those that ties them really tight so you can shove your feet in and out without untying them. Yeah thats you, I have you pegged. Have you no shame, bending your shoes and such. *tsk tsk* :pimp:

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bad signal





It occurs to me that an awful lot

of trouble in Gotham City could

have been averted a long time ago

if Batman had just ripped the Joker's

nipples off.


I mean, treatment doesn't work,

does it? They stick the Joker in the

nuthatch, he comes out again and

does the same things.


A man with the nipples ripped off him

does not make the same mistakes



Criminals are a superstitious,

cowardly lot, and need the nipples

ripped off them.


I mean, who's going to argue?


"Batman, I've heard disturbing

reports that you ripped the Joker's

nipples off."


"Choke on my fuck, Commissioner





I mean, crime in Gotham City doesn't

exactly seem to be affected by a man

dressed as a bat flapping around the

place. But no-one disobeys a man

wearing a necklace of human nipples.


"I'm Batman" isn't cutting it in the


stakes. But "I'm Batman -- and I'm

here for your nipples" is an entirely

different proposition.


Criminals would see the error of

their ways after a man in a black

leather pervert suit had their

nipples off with the edge of a Batarang,

you mark my words. Or a



I'm off to ring Bob Schreck at DC



-- W


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"On this part of the application, you just check off your religion. Its just for statistical purposes, of course."

"I notice you dont have 'Bushido' as an option. This is discrimination!"

"..What? Just check 'Other', ok? Now, the thing is, as a full-time EMT youll have benefits & overtime, but your base pay is $7.50 an hour or so."

"?! I live with a chick who makes $8 an hour at OfficeMax. OfficeMax! She sells staplers! I work with your dying, oversdosed & diseased, what does this tell you?"

"That OfficeMax pays there employees way too much. Listen, we can give you coupon books."

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Yo bitches! After a temporary absence due to a job and the purchase of a playstation 2, I've now decided to once again grace this board with my humbly ask permission to return to the loving fold of Drunken Deities.

I'm off back to University soon, where there may well be only infrequent internet access (those times when I'm attending classes on campus ie. rarely). It'll be nice to have the board to check out when I'm supposed to be working.

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Mr. Souza: (to leah) "so.. do you really like led zeppelin (looks at my shirt) or are you some kind of poser?"


Leah: "no, i really dig them"


Mr. Souza: "okay i'm going to say some lyrics and you have to say which led zeppelin song they're from..ready set go..."


*i get them all right*


Mr. Souza: "good, you're not a poser, i like that.. you can go now"


good times def..good times.. i love that guy.. he's one of the most refreshing teachers i've had in a while.. today's little speil about how the plot of Titanic was crap and how Rose was a whore at the age of 17 was classic.. that could have been a comedy bit in my opinion..good shit..good shit..

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